
(Author: WARNING! Chapter contains suicide attempts)

Should I go home?
They're gonna send me back to the hospital.
Besides, I wanna be alone.
Just by myself.
I walk on the busy sidewalk of Seoul.
Earning weird looks and whispers from strangers.
"Did she escape from the mental asylum?" Someone whispers to the other.
I'm trying to escape from the one in my head, dear.
What's wrong with me?
Where is the confident Y/N?

Author's POV
Flashback to the day Jimin encountered the nurse.
That night, the nurse came in to give Y/N her prescribed meds.
What Y/N didn't know was that among those pills,
Was a pill that makes you suicidal.

(Author: I don't know I don't know...just read)

Completely oblivious to the fact that she took a pill,
That basically makes you want to kill yourself in the most distubing and torturous way.
She smiles at the nurse and takes a nap.

What is happening?
I unconsciously take a few steps towards the road.
And just stand there.
I see a black van speeding towards me.
The driver's face looks so familiar,
As if I've seen him just a few minutes ago..
I gasp.
It's the guy from before!
The evil smirk on his face reminds me of someone.
So many thoughts run around in my head.
The van's about to hit me,
But I get yanked.
The familiar voice of Jin hyung scolding me brings me back to my conscious state.
I look up at the man who's wearing a face mask,
Scolding the heck out of me.
He calms down.
"Do you want to go home or back to th-"
"Home" I interrupt him.
He nods and picks me up.

Taehyung's POV
Everyone gasps as Jin hyung brings in a dead looking Y/N.
"Is she okay??" "What happened?" And other questions like those filled the room.
"Shh, she fell asleep, I'll tell you guys let me take her to her bedroom" Jin hyung says.
"Give her to me, you must be tired hyung. I'll be back in the speed of light" Jungkook says.
Jin hyung carefully hands her to Jungkook.
After Jungkook's gone,
Our eyes turn to Jin hyung and he sighs.
"I was just on my way to meet her today, I went early because my flight for Qatar is at 9 pm. As I was driving to the hospital, I notice a familiar figure in the middle of the road, I instantly recognize her. Y/N was just standing there, she looked lifeless. A van was speeding towards her but luckily I got to her before she got hit. I was- I was so close to l-losing my little sister" Jin hyung says, voice breaking.
The room falls silent.
Jungkook stands on the end of the staircase.
"Ever since she's gone to that hospital, weird things started happening" Hoseok hyung suddenly says.
"Yeah I no-" Namjoon hyung says but gets cut off by a shattering noise from upstairs.
We all run to Y/N's room but her door is locked.
"Noona?" Jungkook bangs on the door.
"Open the door, noona" He continues banging on the door.
I signal Jungkook to stop.
I step forward
And softly knock.
"Angel? Open the door please~" I say in a soft voice.
I use that nickname rarely and Y/N likes it.
I hear the knob twist,
And a sobbing Y/N comes out,
Immediately hugging me.
"Why is this happening to me Taehyung-ah?" She cries into my shoulder.
I hug her too and rub her back up and down slowly in a comforting manner.
I walk her back to her room to talk about it.
I signal the guys that "ill be back" and close the door.
I make her sit on her bed.
Sitting next to her after.
"What happened, angel?" I ask.
"I-I want to kill myself, Tae" She sobs.
My eyes widen.
"What-why babygirl?"
"I don't know, just this morning after I found out about Yoongi and Jimin hyungs' car accident. I started hating myself, blaming myself. I tried to commit suicide twice today already. I was waiting for a van to hit me but Jin hyung came. And, and now I..." She stops.

Such a depressing chapter
Im sorry apples ;;
Anyway i hope this story was interesting
As always,
I love you apples
Take care and dont skip meals!♥
