Episode 2: Traveling to a new home

It had been a day ever since the monster girl attack that happened last night. Thankfully, no one was injured and no one was taken. Meaning, everyone was safe.

However, it wasn't good enough for Taiga, Kazuya and Kaito. They knew that those monster girls would be back, and they will try to get the people of this town. So, they couldn't stay here. They needed to move the entire town away so that they can get somewhere safer that the monster girls wouldn't dare go to.

So, our heroes searched through maps as they tried to find a place that can keep the people safe from the monster girls.

And soon, they have found it.

Sasha: You want to move the entire town?

Sasha was shocked to hear that the boys planned to move the whole town to another place so that they can get further away from the monster girls that had came here last night.

Taiga: I know that it seems to be too much, but we have to do so. There is no doubt that those monster girls will come back and try to take the people.

Kazuya: Yeah, after we killed a lot of them, they would sure want vengeance on us.

Kaito: Plus, we also have other problems that we'll need to deal with, so we can't keep looking after the people of this town. So we need to send them somewhere that they can easily be protected.

Sasha: I see, well, where would you want to go to?

Taiga soon showed her a map showing a town as Sasha's eyes widen.

Sasha: The Town of the Seven Prodigies 

Kazuya: You know it?

Sasha: I heard stories from travelers. They say it is a paradise where everyone is treated equally and that no Mamono have ever dared to try and head to it due to the high security it has.

Kazuya: Woah, that sounds pretty cool.

Kaito: Then it's settled, we will go there.

Sasha: But there is a problem. The trip is very far, and there can be the chance that mamono can be hiding to try and take people.

Taiga: It's worth the risk to get to that town. We'll need to get everyone there before another Monster girl attack happens, it won't be safe if we stay here. We'll have to get everyone gathered so we can get going.

Kaito: Are you sure they'll join us?

Kazuya: Well, we got to try or otherwise, those monster girls will keep coming and take more people, and we don't want that happening.

Taiga: Well then people, let's get going, we'll need to evacuate the people as soon as possible.

Sasha: Are you sure that this will be a good idea?

Kazuya: Yes, Sasha, it's either we do this or the people will be in danger.

Sasha: I know, but...the children...

Kazuya sighed before resting a hand on Sasha's shoulder.

Kazuya: Don't worry Sasha, we'll make sure that nothing happens to the children.

Sasha was taken aback but smiled.

Sasha: Thank you.

Kaito: Now let's get everyone ready to get to the town.

The others nodded in agreement, this would sure be no easy journey.


Right now we can be seen in another realm which had a purple sky and dense magical energy surrounding it.

But in the middle of this realm was a large demonic looking castle. Inside this castle. we can see a Lilim, with long beautiful white hair and red eyes with skin which had a similar pale tone to her hair with two large wings positioned near her hips and a long tail, all in white like her skin. However, unlike most Lilim, this woman had much red and darker than the usual Lilim. She is covered in dark tattoos and in similarly dark armor, equipped with red eyes fulls of Demonic Energy.

This woman was none other than Druella, the fourth daughter of the Demon Lord.

She was currently the ruler of this part of the Demon realm due to the fact she was one of the most powerful daughters of the Demon Lord, and she she is part of the "Extremist faction" of the Demon Realm, actively spreading the Demon Realm to other parts of the world.

Druella currently had a smirk on her face. She had heard that many groups of Mamono she had sent had got and corrupted many towns, meaning she doing a good job.

However, she noticed that she didn't heard back by one of her army troops. That was until a succubus came into the room.

Succubus: Mistress, we have a problem.

Druella had a raised eyebrow.

Druella: Speak, what is the problem?

The Succubus had a fearful look on her face as she managed to build up the courage to speak up.

Succubus: The Mamono that headed to the town of south-west were...were...were killed!

Druella soon gained a shocked look on her face.

Druella: What?!

Succubus: It's true! They were all slaughtered. They were killed so easily!

Druella couldn't believe what she had heard. There was no way that humans could be capable of doing such a thing. Yes, she had seen that heroes had done this, but not to the extent.

Druella: Who had done this?

Succubus: It was three males. They had used these...swords and transformed into armored warriors and easily defeated the Mamono that was sent with ease.

Druella was suprised. Were those cursed swords? No. Those swords only work on females. Meaning whatever those swords were, did not have demonic energy.

Druella soon grew angry though, she wasn't gonna let these males ruin her plans of making sure that she will achieve the peace her mother wanted. That was a promise.

Druella: Where are these males now?

Succubus: Well...that's the problem.

Druella: How so?

Succubus: The three males are evacuating the people of the town to another place.

Druella: They are? Where to?!

The Succubus bit her lip nervously.

Succubus: They are heading to the Town of the Seven Prodigies.

Druella's eyes widen. That was one of the only towns she could not conquer and corrupt due to the fact they had a lot of security and weapons which make it impossible to enter if you were a Mamono. Meaning if the males and the townspeople head there, she wouldn't have a chance to get them.

Druella: Gather a group of Mamono and head to the forest that they are crossing, they must not get to that town!

Succubus: Y-Yes mistress!

The Succubus goes on as Druella smirks before thinking to herself.

Druella: *Thinking* I don't know who you men are, but I will not let you get in the way of my plans. I will make sure to achieve the peace my mother wishes.

(Meanwhile, brought to you by this: )

Right now, we can see the main trio who were busy travelling in the forest with Sasha, the children and the townspeople. While it did take some time, they managed to convince them all to head out to the town of the Seven Prodigies since it would be far safer. After all, if that town is as safe as they say it is, it would be better to head there then to stay at a town which was more vulnerable to attacks from Mamono.

Sasha: Are you three sure that this is a good idea?

Kazuya: I know it may seem risky, but staying at where you were before would be a problem.

Kaito: That's why we need to go while we can.

Taiga: Yeah, now come on.

As they were going, Gekiryuken glowed.

Kaito: Huh? Is something wrong Gekiryuken?

Gekiryuken: Be careful partner, we are not alone.

That made everyone tense.

Kazuya: Oh boy, that ain't good.

Taiga sighed before gaining a stern look.

Taiga: Whoever is there, come out right now.

Soon two individuals came out and were blocking their path, making their intentions clear. One of the two individuals barring their path was an orange-haired succubus. The other was a male with grey hair and red eyes. Those red eyes on the young man indicated that he was an Incubus, and both of them were holding swords.

The trio knew that the succubus and the incubus wanted something from them, and they had a good idea of what that was.

Succubus: Finally! We've finally found you~!

Kazuya: Who are you two? Tell us now.

Eristia: My, such hostility. I am Eristia Vitral and this is Yuriy Karelstein, my assistant and also, my dear husband. We came here under the orders of the Fourth Born to search for three males with sacred swords and you three seem to fit the description. 

The trio saw that Eristia's partner did not speak a word but gripped his sword. They as well made sure to not let go of their swords knowing to fight if that incubus attacked.

Sasha meanwhile, was stricken with anxiety at seeing one of the fallen Heroes of Lescatie, who was supposedly missing, had come to search for them. Eristia glanced over to Sasha before licking her lips seductively.

Eristia: My~ My~, Sasha Fullmoon. What a surprise to see you! A former heroine-turned-traitor and now what I see here she's willingly escaping the country? How awful of you after what you've done to the entire Kingdom~!

The trio and the townspeople were confused.

Kaito: What does she have to do with this?

Eristia: Oh, my, still feisty are you? Do you want to know why you want to hear that little nun's secret? She sold the entire nation to us. She was sending us information about their military movements and their weaknesses. It is the reason why we have a successful invasion. That, my dear boys, is you're carrying a traitor through the borders.

The trio looked at Sasha with a bit of surprise.

Eristia: What a shame, after all, you did everything for the Fourth Born... until you stepped back... like a coward.

Soon, the trio heard the sounds of distant howls far ahead. They soon spotted a group of Hellhounds from afar that were scouring the mountainous paths.

Kazuya: Damn it...

Eristia: I've heard from Druella that your wish is the coexistence between the Mamonos and Humanity. Then look how much we've achieved and is that not what you want?

Sasha: N-No! That's not what I wanted! A-After you turn those citizens into monsters with demonic energy, that's no coexistence at all!

Sasha soon looked at the trio with a pleading look.

Sasha: Boys...please...forgive me...

The trio were silent for a bit. They couldn't believe that Sasha, a kind and welcoming woman, would betray her kingdom which lead the people to be corrupted.

Kazuya: ...We'll take care of this later. Take the people and the children far away.

The people got mad.

Man 1: Are you really gonna leave us with her?!

Man 2: After what she did-

Kazuya glared at them with a stern look.

Kazuya: That wasn't a request.

The people became afraid and nodded.

Sasha: B-But-

Kaito: We'll be with you soon, don't worry.

Sasha looked to the trio in much to her surprise of their reply, despite the secrets that have been told, and they knew that this is an obvious trap. A typical distraction to prevent them from escaping. Once the boys drew their swords, she wiped her tears away and nodded to them before leading the people and children to safety. 

Eristia: Stop them!

The Hellhounds heard Eristia's orders and focused their attention on the people who were about to escape their grasp.

However, Taiga, Kazuya and Kaito slashed down the hellhounds with ease as they were cut up.

Eristia felt a single pulse of fear shoot through her spine. The human-turned-succubus normally forgets those feelings of fear after monsterization, but yet it happened and saw how the trio took down three Hellhounds with ease and no hesitation.

Kaito: Looks like we're doing it again.

Kazuya: It was bound to happen, now let's do it.

Taiga: Right.

The trio readied themselves.

Taiga: Henshin!

Kaito: Gekiryu Henshin!

Kazuya: ...Godammnit...I don't have a transformation catchphrase.

Soon, the trio transformed as explosions happened behind them.

Eristia and Yuriy looked in suprise. The rumors of what the Succubus said were true.

Yuriy: Who the hell are you?!

Ryukendo: We're the ones who fight for freedom.

Garo: We're the ones who fight for justice.

Saber: We're the ones who fight to make sure there is peace. Were are...

The three aligned their swords before posing.

Saber, Garo & Ryukendo: The Senki Sword Trio!

Soon explosions happened behind them.

Eristia looked in fear but soon gained a prideful look to hide her fear as she took out her sword, Darkleim 

Eristia: How brave of you, saving their lives and that traitor, aren't you not angry for what she has done?

Garo: Well... not quite. But somehow we noticed that there must be a justification, and we still need an explanation from her once this is over.

Ryukendo: Now get ready.

Eristia raised her right eyebrow in curiosity. An ordinary human would normally be awed and hesitated by the sight of a succubus due to their unbearable attractiveness that even veteran heroes and the most experienced warriors would fall to their charms. But this men didn't react like the soldiers of Lescatie during the siege and still gripping their swords firmly.

Eristia: Very well then..., pound them.

The Hellhounds soon charge on to attack the Senki Sword Trio.

However, the three heroes were too fast as they slashed the Hellhounds back.

Saber dashed faster than light as he made flaming slashes which cut and burned the Hellhounds. Saber dodged the attacks from the Hellhounds and did more flaming slashes at the said Hellhounds.

Garo threw Hellhounds into the air before stabbing them and then threw them to the ground and cut off their heads. Garo soon jumped and stabbed the ground which caused an Earthquake that stunned the Hellhounds before he sliced them in half.

Ryukendo blocked attacks from the Hellhound before slashing them back and then sliced off their heads.

Ryukendo: Oh hell yeah!

Ryukendo jumped up and soon stabbed a Hellhound in the neck before cutting off her head.

Saber, Garo and Ryukendo turned around to see Eristia and Yuriy taking up fighting stances. The former heroine scowled while gripping her sword tightly as her hands shook and Yuriy swore to himself quietly.

The former squire of Lescatie couldn't get it. Ever since he was turned into an Incubus, their feelings of fears and worries were instantly gone after monsterization. But now they came back and only Yuriy had the feeling that they would have done well to heed the warnings of the trio before this mission even happened.

Yuriy: So the rumours are true. These men... has no hesitation in killing us. I will suggest that we should retreat.

But despite his warning, Eristia took a step further before leaping out and swung her sword down at Garo's head but Garo blocked the attack with his hand and threw her to the ground. Garo soon slashed at Eristia who tried to block the attack but it was too strong as she was sent flying into a tree that broke on impact. 

Garo dashed and rapidly slashed at Eristia who tried to block the attacks but the slashes were too strong and fast.

Eristia: *Thinking* Just what the hell is he?! Despite him having no Mana. He is pushing me back even further!

For her first time being a succubus, she felt frustrated and felt the dread starting to well up. Eristia swung her Darkleim once more and sending a powerful wave of force at Garo, but he was unfazed by the attack and headbutted  her face with enough force to stagger her backwards, sending her sprawling onto the ground.

The succubus cursed herself before she quickly lept up, pointing her sword towards the Golden Knight.

Eristia: Just... what are you?

Garo did not reply, but his answer instead leapt forth and swung his sword. He missed his target as she jumped aside to avoid his attack. Garo heard rushing footsteps behind him. He quickly spun his head around and saw the Incubus jumped in with his sword raised in the air.

However, Saber stopped the Incubus' attack and kicked him back.

Garo: I had him!

Saber: Sure...

Yuriy swung his blade several times in an attempt to hit him, but Saber strafed most of his swings and blocked some of his attacks with his sword.

Yuriy: Take this!

Saber soon blocked the attack and did a flaming slash knocking Yuriy's attack.

Saber: You're easy to read.

Saber soon plunged his sword through his opponent's chest, sending a vast amount of blood and spilling to the ground while Yuriy made a bloodcurdling scream of pain.

Eristia widened her eyes while she stood in horror to witness her partner, who had taken a lethal blow to the chest before his body went limp and got tossed to the ground with an ominous thud. His body lying in a pool of blood.

Eristia: Y-Yuriy?... YURIY!

She flew off and landed on the ground by his side. Checking his body's conditions, her husband is beyond help. 

Eristia: No! Please! Don't die on me!

Her hands tried to cover his gaping wounds, but a lot of blood flowed out and felt the warmth of his body becoming cold. Yuriy is already through death's door.

Yuriy: E-... *cough* Eristia... I-I'm sorry for being reckless *cough!*

Yuriy's weakened voice called out to her with his hand tried to reach for her delicate face. Which is his wife he loved the most.

Yuriy: Run... I-I beg you... these men are dan-...generous...

The succubus watched as her lover's hand fell, and his eyes went lifeless. She looked up at Saber in shock while her hands are gripped tightly on Darkleim.

Eristia: Y-... You killed him...H-How could you?!

Saber: ... We're enemies, that is the reason enough, I don't care about your plight you both made. Your choice is to come after us while we are just carrying out our promise for his death, then now it is on your head as well as his.

The succubus's face twisted in anger at the Saber's words, and the emotion completely overtook her. She raised Darkleim and unleashed the powers of Demonic Energy that engulfed the entire blade before releasing it in one swing.

Saber easily blocked the attack as slashed it away before seeing Eristia's enraged face.

Eristia: You will pay for your actions, monster!

Eristia charged on at Saber.

Ryukendo: Here I come!

Ryukendo took out a key and inserted it into Gekiryuken and summoned a knuckle.

Ryukendo then jumped and punched at Eristia as a big explosion was made.

Soon the dust cleared to see Eristia who was heavily injured as she looked at her sword which looked badly damaged.

???: Had enough?

Eristia's eyes widen to see that Saber, Garo and Ryukendo were unfazed.

She looked up to her opponents again and saw their swords was still in pristine condition. She wasted no time and lashed out once more until she swung her blade and Ryukendo countered it with his Gekiryuken

Once again Magically Enchanted Demon Silver and the former warrior blade clashed. Eristia gritted her teeth as she poured Demonic Energy into the weapon to increase its strength. But despite this, she was still slowly but surely being pushed back from Ryukendo's physical inhuman strength.

Eristia: *Thinking* From where did he gain such strength?! This doesn't make any sense at all!

And thus the impossible happened. Ryukendo saw cracks spreading on his opponent's blade and with one firm and swift kick he sent his Enemy stumbling. Then a swing of Gekiryuken shattered the succubus' blade into pieces in an instant.

The succubus couldn't believe her eyes. The legendary sword of truth, which she had been tracking down in the lost ruins for days, was destroyed by an ordinary-looking sword of her opponent.

Upon the shattering of her blade, the remains of the demonic energy from her broken sword spiralled out of control and formed a black sphere. Within seconds, the sphere exploded, and the blast sent the Eristia flying, landing a good distance from Ryukendo

Eristia grunted in pain before she staggered to her feet. She felt weak. Her body was battered and bruised. She looked about for her enemy and saw him rise to his feet completely unharmed. She needed to flee and warn Druella that this person she was interested in. Was a threat to all of the Mamono's and the Demon Realm itself. The succubus spread her wings in an attempt to fly away.


She felt a sharp pain and fell to the ground, near to the very edge of the cliff. She glanced to her left wing and saw Saber's Kaenken Rekka embedded in one of the critical joints. The fallen heroine turned around to see the Silver-Blue Knight standing with his left arm reaching out, realising that he had thrown a knife on her wing to prevent her from flying away.

Eristia: N-No! Please! I-I'll do whatever you want!

Saber didn't listen as he raised his hand as the Kaenken Rekka flew back into his hand.

Eristia: I beg you! I don't want to die! Please! Have mercy!

Saber didn't listen as he kept on going. Eristia soon looked down behind the cliff and swallowed a lump through her throat. She needed to escape fast and only two options lay before her:

Either she stayed here and died or choose to jump off of the cliff and hope the fall did not kill her.

The succubus took the latter, and with enough strength in her arms she could muster, dragged herself to the edge and flung herself off into thin air. She fell from the cliff hoping to survive death. Saber reached the spot where the succubus had been and saw her body falling through the mist, disappearing from view.

Garo: There she goes...

Saber: You think I was being too harsh?

Garo: Not really? I know Mamono well, if you don't kill them, they will try to get back at you for revenge.

Saber: I see.

Ryukendo: Nevermind that! We have to get back to the others quickly!

Saber and Garo nodded and headed off.

(Meanwhile, brought to you by this: )

Sasha, the children and the townspeople look on in shock to see the explosion.

Child 1: Oh no!

Child 2: Are Taiga, Kazuya and Kaito gonna be ok?

Sasha looked on in worry, she felt that if the trio didn't survive, it would be her fault. She had wished she had never done what she had done two years ago.

???: You ok?

She looked up to see Saber, Garo and Ryukendo.

Sasha: You're ok!

Garo: Yeah, Mamono are not enough to stop us.

Ryukendo: Now to get to the town.

Sasha: Well...

Saber, Garo and Ryukendo looked up in surprise to see the town in front of them.

Saber: Woah...

Garo: You took the word right out of my mouth.

Ryukendo: Same.

???; Oh, hello then.

Soon, they looked to see a white haired boy who had different colored eyes as he wore a businessman suit.

Saber: Eh?

Tsukasa: I am Tsukasa Mikogami. Welcome to the town of the Seven Prodigies.

AN: BOOM! Here is the new chapter! Sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoyed it. So in the meantime...

