Chapter Five: Beginning School Bells

Early elementary school was not the best time of my life. I had a really hard time learning things pass the basics. I had an extremely hard time with reading and speech. My school ended up putting me in reading class to help me improve. The problem was mostly processing the words to say them out loud. I could read in my head, but when I went to pronounce the word I lacked in the ability to say what I knew the word was. It was embarrassing. I also had a hard time in math. I have always been absolutely horrid at adding and subtracting. In those early years of education, that is all math is. I still managed to get good grades, but I knew what skills I lacked even at such a young age. I did not read my first book until I was in fifth grade. I eventually managed to get rid of my accent, but I still have a hard time reading out loud. I think it has more to do with the fact that I am insecure with my reading abilities and that is why I still feel as though I cannot read out loud.

            In early grade school, I began to realize what it was like to have friends. Not because I had friends, but I saw other kids around me with all their friends. I am not going to over exaggerate I had about three friends who always changed every year. I have never been good with friends. I did have two really good friends in third grade. Their names were Maria and Genesis. We were best friends. Sadly, Maria and I lost Genesis in a fire. I will always remember her and her brothers and sister.

 I think when I was little I was the most outgoing I have ever been. Between kindergarten and first grade I was not afraid to talk to someone I did not know. I was not afraid of being judged. I did not know there was such a thing. I think it took a first bad nickname, or someone to laugh at me for the first time to kill that outgoing little girl.
