Guess who's back

(HAPPY NEW YEAR, What is good, it feels like a while since I've worked on this story, I just read the latest chapter of yeah........ Ahem Anyway.....I DO NOT own My Hero Academia, only the plot for this fanfic. My Hero Academia belongs to Kohei Horikoshi).

(8 Years Later).

In woods of Musutafu in an open plain hidden from most people lies a decent sized cottage inside we zoom in to see a green haired male in a couch fast asleep.  Two women come downstairs and notice him, one  is a tall well-endowed 5'9 female with hair that fell down to her waist.  The other was a near carbon copy, only 5'8 falling an inch shorter with her hair tied in a spiky ponytail, these two are Amber and Momo Yaoyorozu.

Amber: "Momo, be a dear and wake up Izuku" she says

Momo: "Ok" she responds. She makes her way over to the couch where the male is asleep, she gets to him and pokes his cheek.

Momo: "Izu....Izu wake up" she says softly. 

???: "Your not not going to wake him up like that" a deep baritone voice says. Momo stifles a yelp and spins around to see a similarly green haired male with fox ears and 4 tails swaying slightly behind him. He was around 5'11 and lean with a tight shirt showing off a solid 4-pack, he had a pair of headphone in his hands that he was putting over the fox ears as he stared at her with tired eyes.

Momo: "Beni!" she says happily, giving him a hug which he accepts, " I didn't know you were here" she glances up the stairs, "Is Katsumi here to"

Beni: "We got here last night, this places was a pain in the ass to find, and yeah Kat is upstairs sleeping" he says. His eyes shift to the male on the couch then back to Momo.

Momo: " What about your parents" she then says seriously. Beni clicks his teeth together his eyes flashing azure for a split second.

Beni: "My parents think I'm at a friends house for a not technically a lie, and Kat's parents were naturally fine with us coming" he says as he begins walking to the kitchen.

Momo: "That's good" she says relieved.

Beni: "Mhm...Mornin Mrs. Amber" he says

Amber: "Good Morning Benimaru" she responds.

Amber: "Momo, you need to wake Izuku up so he can start the day" she says

Beni: "......"

Momo: "Oh I almost forgot"

While Momo goes back to try and wake up Izuku, Beni gets some water and takes out some pills. Amber sees this and frowns slightly, which he notices.

Benimaru: "Just a small headache from the noise that's all" he says taking the pills and putting on the headphone, he cranks a dial on the side for while.

Beni: "Tsk, Kat messed with my settings" he mutters, taking his hand off. He looks up to see Momo trying and failing to wake his brother up, he sighs and walks over with his remaining water. Momo sees him walking over with the water.

Momo: "What are you doing" she asks when he stand directly in front of the sleeping male. He doesn't answer, he raises the glass of water slowly in the air then drink then rest of it which surprises Momo, he finishes drinking it  then in one fell swoop  raises his other hand and give the male a good smack across the face.

Izuku: "HIHUIUIIUSNS" was what was heard as he fell off the couch. Once getting his bearing he looked around to see a concerned Momo,  and giggling Amber until his eyes landed on another figure making it's way back to the kitchen, he was still slightly disoriented so it was blurry. Once the figure cleared up he saw his brother getting out the fridge with a box of donuts in hand and one in his mouth already, they made eye contact.

Izuku: "........."

Beni: " *munch munch* Hey bro"

They both stared at each other for a few more moments as Izuku process what he was seeing, once he did, he shot to his feet. As he stood up his frame became more apparent, he was around 6'0 with a sleeveless shirt that hugged his chest showing off his 6-pack, he as had a long black sleeve that went down his right arm then wrapping like a glove over the hand, it was thin enough where one could see something glowing slightly underneath.

Izuku: "BENI!" he exclaimed making his way over to him.

Beni: "*munch munch* Hey bro" he said again simply as he set the box down. The two brothers hug.

Izuku: "It's been so long" he said

Beni: "*Gulp* Too long." he replied with smile, Izuku quickly looked around.

Izuku: "Is Katchan here too" he said.

Beni: "Yeah, upstairs sleep" he says. He grabs another donut from the box and looks at Izuku.

Beni: "Damn man, you really grew in these past 8 years"

Izuku chuckles, "You too, is that a 4th tail I see swaying back there, how'd that happen" he says making Beni laugh.

Beni: "It's a long story for another time, how's the arm" he says motioning to his right arm.

Izuku rolls up the  sleeve he had over it revealing  his mechanical arm that whirs to life and glows. "In perfect condition"

Beni: "Good Good" he says, they smile at each other once more. They both go take a seat next to Amber and Momo at the table where they were watching the boys reunion.

Izuku: "So... what about them" he says dropping his voice, both women look at him for his response.

Benimaru's lip curls into a snarl briefly as he clicks his tongue like how he did with Momo, he take a bite out of his donut then speaks.

Beni: "They are...." he says, his eyes turn azure

Beni: "The exact goddamn same, Katsuki is still a prick who doesn't take no for an answer who's ego is bigger than the explosions he can produce, Shoto is went through some shit with his father which made him more of a condescending asshole with a scar on his face, did I mention that he refuses to use his fire know, Shoko...." he pauses for a second his eyes going back green.

Beni: " Shoko has gotten better I think? Not a huge improvement,  mean she's still a bitch to others but out of all of them she seem the most genuinely sorry about what she did to you" he says. Izuku seem to understand this while Momo has a skeptical look on her face.

Amber: "Beni dear, I know your touchy on this topic but please cut down the swearing" she asks sternly.

Beni almost chokes on his donut, "Oh sorry ma'am was I swearing, they just slipped out"

Izuku: "Back on topic, what about...... our family" he said carefully.  the moment the words left his mouth they watch as Benimaru's tails bristled and shot to attention as his his eyes shifted from green to azure to crimson. His nail got sharper piercing the donut he had and his fangs got larger as a deep primal growl escaped his mouth. All three realized they stepped on a major landmine and they straitened there posture. Izuku noticed an ominous shadow in the shape of a fifth tail behind him.

Benimaru: "Those bastards-" 

Before he could start foot-steps were heard coming down the stairs, They all turn to see a sleepy looking girl around 5'6 with sand-blond hair in a short pony-tail and red eyes wearing lime green and black hoodie which was too big dropping to her knees that curved near the chest and some black legging. Beni's attitude dropped instantly as his body went to normal and the shadow of the tail gone just leaving his 4, he got up and walked to her.

Beni: "Kat, I thought you would sleep more" he said picking her up, she wrapped her arms and legs around him locking them and buried her head in the crook of his neck.

Kat: "you weren't in bed, I got lonely" she said quietly.

Beni: "I had a headache, just came down for some water and to say hi to Izuku. Look say hi" he says soothingly. She lifts up her head slightly and waves at them with her hand covered by a hoodie sleeve.

Izuku: "Hi Katchan"

Momo: "Nice to see you Katsumi"

Amber: "Hello dear"

Kat: "hi izu...hi momo...hi amber...z..zz..zzzz" she fell back asleep.

Beni chuckles lightly then turn to them, "We can talk later ok, I might catch up on some Z's to"

Izuku smile, "Yeah, you do that, I need to get ready anyway to go downtown to apply for U.A"

Beni nods then starts walking with Katsumi clinging to him like a koala, he stops for a moment, " Oh, donut are for you guys, but don't eat the red and orange ones, there spicy for Kat" he inform then continues walking up the stairs with Katsumi mumbling noncoherent things against his neck . All three look at the open box of donuts and spot three bright red and orange ones in a corner. 

Izuku: "Hm, welp time to start the day" he says, " Mrs. Amber what time do we need to leave.

Amber: "As soon as your ready dear, but remember the place closes at 6:00" 

Izuku: "We can leave after my morning workout, Momo care to join" 

Momo: "I would love to" she says. They put go upstairs to put on some shoes, on the way back down Izuku peeks into the guest room seeing his brother and friend asleep in each others arms, with Benimaru's tails wrapping around Katsumi like a burrito and Katsumi pressing his head against her breast. Momo walk up behind him and sees this as well.

Momo: 'So cute'  she thinks as she takes out her phone and take a picture, the camera made a noise which both flinch at, they quickly look at Beni. He still had the head phones on but they slipped down a bit in his sleep, his ears twitch at the sudden sound but made no other movement. They both exhale.

Izuku/Momo: "That was close"

Izuku: "Come on Momo" he says, closing the door carefully. They both head outside and start stretching.

Momo: "Since were pressed on time do you want to skip the jog" she asked, stretching her arm.

Izuku who was in a handstand, "Yeah, we can, wood or metal" he said flipping up right.

Momo: " Wood" she says as her skin glows pink a wooden staff appears.

Izuku: "Alright," he walks over to a tree, he claps his hand together then presses it on the tree. A wooden staff come out the tree leaving a dent in it. He spins it around then gets into a fighting stance. Momo gets into hers, they both look at each other waiting for the other to move, Izuku does. He bends slightly his face getting serious then take off towards Momo like a rocket, he spin the staff upward then slams it down.

Momo sees the staff coming down and doesn't have enough time to step back, so she parries with her own staff, she struggles under the pressure of the attack then spins her staff clock-wise making it slam to the floor before going for a back kick, Izuku caught it and threw the leg down then jumped back preparing for another strike. Momo tried rushing him a barrage of attacks which he parried. Izuku went for a thrust which she avoided flawlessly giving him a kick to the jaw. His lip starts bleeding, and he chuckles.

Izuku: "That hurt" he says spitting out a bit of blood.

Momo: "It's a kick, it's supposed to hurt" she says, watching him closely.

Izuku: "Yeah I suppose your right" he says, he groans slightly then takes off towards her at blinding speeds. he gets in front of her and throws up his bo staff, he grabs her and pins her to the ground knocking away her weapon as he does. Momo was taken by surprise as she struggles to get out the hold.

Izuku: "Give up Momo" he says from below her. He tighten his grip around her waist and arms unknown to him that he is touching her breast. Momo's face turns scarlet.

Momo: "L-l-let go" she says struggling some more, a high pitch whistle catches her attention as something lands an inch from her face

Momo: "KYA" 

Izuku: 'Cute' "Give up Momo and I'll let you go" he says becoming increasingly aware  that her butt in pressed against him, his face start turning red both from embarrassment and the mental strain trying not to let something rise. Momo stop struggling and for a moment he thinks she's given up before she rocks both of there bodies backwards with such force they both end up on there heads causing Izuku's grip to loosen enough to where she could break free, Izuku lands on his stomach with a small thud while Momo spins on her hands and sits on his back, grabbing the staff that was next to them.

Momo: "I win Izu~" she says pointing the staff at him, her face still dusted red. She gets a groan in response. She chuckles and gets up, Izuku flips over and looks at her know smug face. 

Izuku: "...Yeah you won that fight" he sighs, causing her to jump up in joy until he grab her foot making her fall on top of him. He blushes slightly as her giant breast and equally giant ass press on him. Momo's face turns back scarlet.

Momo: "W-w-what are you doing" she stutters. He doesn't answer as he move his hand onto her ass making her moan., "I-zu" he leans up and kisses her neck making her gasp then nibbles her ear making her moan is pleasure.

Izuku: "You may have won the fight" his whispers huskily. He gropes her ass, massaging it roughly, Momo's eyes have turns to hearts with some drool on the side of her mouth as she moans softly.  He looks her in the eyes, his lips almost touching hers.

Izuku: "But you have far from won the war Princess~" he says kissing her passionately, dominating her with his tongue, they kiss for a good 5 minutes then he pulls away leaving a line of saliva, he hears a small whimper of displeasure from Momo. He chuckles.

Izuku: "You know it's not fair that I can only do that when your here, But now I'm going to go to the same school as you" he says getting up, Momo looks up at him with hearts still in her eyes.

Izuku: "We've been dating for nearly 4 years, and no one aside from a few people know" he says help her up, she presses her breast against him and move his hands down to her ass again.

Momo: "Know you can show them I'm taken. This body is for your use only Darling~" She says.  She gets on her tip-toes for another kiss with he gives, he pins her against the tree and lift her to eye level. After an hour of making out Momo puts her fingers on his lips stopping him from anymore.

Momo: "As much as I want to continue, we still need to go to town" she says breathing heavily, she pushes off him softly and give him one last peck before walking to the cottage with a sway in her hips picking up her staff as she went. Izuku looked after her until she got inside.

Beni: "*Whistle" Damn" he says, Izuku nods unconsciously before pausing and looking to the right. He sees His brother in shirtless and wet drinking a soda wearing sweat pants, Izuku's eyes bulge.

Izuku: "BENI!?HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE!?" he yelled. Beni took a long sip of his soda

Beni: "Bout 3 minute, me and Kat woke up about..mmm... 30-35ish minutes ago. Amber said y'all where outside so I came and saw you guys suckin faces so I thought to check out the woods, fell into a river came back grabbed a soda then sat down over there to see y'all talking" He explained.  Izuku stood there his mouth open.

Beni: "Anyway, Come on we need to go." he said walking back to the house then stops, "Oh and Izuku" he says as Izuku looks at him, "Next time you make out with your girlfriend, don't do it so in plain view of everyone." he says, he take the final sip of the soda then crushing the can, he leaves Izuku outside processing what he heard.





(Later in the city)

They all left  to go into the city, Izuku in the passenger seat had on a long dark green trench coat with a hood, combat boots and black pants, his right hand covered with a glove. Momo sat behind him in a skirt and top, her hair tied in a her signature pony-tail. Katsumi sat beside Momo in the middle talking to Izuku in a hoodie she "borrowed" from his brother with some jeans and shoes. Said brother sat next to her with only one tail which Katsumi stroked as she talked, he wore some black pant and green shirt, he had headphone on and was vibing to some music they couldn't hear. Amber drove threw the city where Izuku applied for the U.A exam . She left them to run some errand while they grab some food then did some sightseeing , seeing as how Izuku had not been down in the city for a while Katsumi talking the whole way, currently about the condition of Beni's weird cooking skill.

Katsumi: "I'm telling you, when Foxy cook it looks like absolute shit but taste heavenly" she says putting jalapeno popper in her mouth. Izuku quirks an eyebrow at his brothers nickname and looks at him, Beni was still vibing to some music as he pops a donut hole in his mouth.

Izuku: 'What's with him and donuts' was the only thing he thought.

Momo: "So Katsumi how long have you two been together" she asks.

Katsumi thinks a moment, "6 years three months ago" she says happily.

Izuku/Momo: "Woooow" they say amazed.

Izuku: "How did you two confess" he says. This somehow catches Benimaru's attention and quickly intervenes while Katsumi just blushes.

Beni: "How about you two huh, you finally tied the knot if that make-out session was something to go by." he says. Izuku and Momo turn scarlet while neither answer. Katsumi and Beni laugh with the other two joining. 

A gust of wind catches there attention, they and see a thief running there direction Izuku gets ready to act until Benimaru hold onto him.

Izuku spins on him, "what are you-" he stops noticing he was not looking at him but at an alley way, headphones are off and around his neck, one ear is facing the approaching thief, but the other was facing the alley way entrance and twitching.

Beni: "What is- oh shit" he says grabbing all three and jumping back as a tan figure rockets out the alley hopping to the opposite building and turning midair to see the thief.

Random Civilian: "Look it's Number 5 hero Mirko" they says.

Mirko: "There you are, gotta say though you were either stupid or ballsy to try and rob a store with me nearby, maybe both, either way your going down" she yells from the air. She jumps off the building and kick the thief into the ground knocking him out.

The four kid watch the action closely and cheer with the crowd, although Beni winces from the noise. Mirko waves when an explosion goes off a few block away, everyone turns to see Mt. Lady rushing over to the sight, Mirko squat down and take off in the direction. The civilians go back to there business while the four teen just watch.

Momo: "Well that was exciting" she says

Katsumi: "Yeah it was, and Mirko was so badass right Foxy...Foxy" 

The two girls look at there boyfriends who continued to stare in the explosions direction, Both muttering rapidly in conversation. After a few moment both brother look at each other then grin, they grab there respective girls and take them to the dark alley, both girls are confused as they stop. Izuku picks Momo up bridal style while Beni puts Katsumi on his back.

Beni: "Ready?"

Izuku taps his shoes on the floor and they start glowing, "Ready" he confirms. And with that both brothers rocket into the air with there screaming girlfriends holding onto them for dear life. A few minute later they land on a roof, they set the girls down and look over the edge at the fight in another alley, Izuku couldn't see it that well from a distance, but he noticed Beni have a angry yet conflicted look. Before he could question him they both felt a shiver go down there back, they turn around to see two demons behind two very pissed off girlfriends. 

Momo: "I-zu-ku~" said dangerously sweet with a staff in her hands

Katsumi: "Be-ni-ma-ru~" she said in an equally dangerous making tiny explosions in her palm.

Izuku/Benimaru: 'Ah shit'

The girl take a step forward while the boy take a step back, this continues until they reach the edge.

Katsumi/Momo: "No where to run now boys, anything to say for yourselves~"

Izuku look at Benimaru, "What are we going to do" he whispers.

Benimaru: "In times like these, you have one goal...don't die, sacrifice some pride if you have to, just find a way to lower the anger" he says.

Izuku: "How"

Benimaru: "Each girl is different...but....I know what I must do" he says, taking a deep breath he boldly walks up to Katsumi. Once there he looks down at her.

Katsumi: "Well, spit it out" she snaps. Benimaru take another deep breathe, then in one swift movement he grabs her waist  and kisses her, she instantly blushes from this and so does Benimaru. He break the kiss and looks away shyly.

Benimaru: "I'm sorry, I was so excited to watch a hero fight with my brother, I neglected your feelings making you scared. But I promise you it won't happen again and you won't get hurt as long as I'm around." he says.

Katsumi's blush dies down a bit but was still prominent, ".......promise" she whispers.

Beni: "I promise" he gets close to her ear, "My little Firecracker" he says huskily.

Katsumi's blush flares again as she pushes him away "Baka....Well I guess I'll let you off this time, but next time I explode you into next year" she says, the threat sounded playful more then anything but Beni still responded with a "yes Ma'am"

Now it was Izuku's turn.......or so he thought as another explosion went off behind him. All rush to the ground and push there way threw the crowd. Midway Beni fell to the floor holding his ears. All three turn around as he puts his headphones back on and slowly gets up.

Izuku: "You ok"

Beni: "Yeah mostly, something is making an incredibly high pitch sound" he says.

They nod and make there way to the front Beni being the fastest followed by Katsumi then Izuku. Benimaru could not believe what he was seeing.

Beni: "You. Have. GOT. to be shitting me"

In the alley was a slime holding two hostages, the first a petite girl with purple hair and earjacks for earlobes one jack was connected to her phone which on half melted making the high pitch sound. The second was a complete replica of Katsumi only a boy, he was setting off explosion. This boy was none other the Katsuki Bakugo.

Momo: "That's"

Katsumi: "Katsuki" she gasps.

Izuku: "If he's here that means" he looks around rapidly before setting eyes on three no FOUR distinct figures, a girl and boy with candy-can hair, one girl with blonde hair, and one more in the very back, a man with blonde hair. Izuku clenches his fist.

Katsumi: "What are the hero's doing" she shouts. Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady, and Death Arm are complaining about how there quirk aren't helpful in this situation, and need to wait for back up. Mirko however was no where in sight.

Izuku: "Where Mirko" he asks.

Beni: "......."

Momo: "Hey wait, she have hearing similar to Beni's so what if....." she trails off.

Katsumi: "Beni can you- Beni?" All three look to see a he had disappeared. 

Izuku: " Where'd he go, nevermind we can't wait anymore I'm going" he states walking off before they could protest.

(Izuku POV)

I walk up with my hood on and pass Death Arms and Kamui Woods.



I shoot them a glare, "Then I'll let them handle it when they arrive" I say the continue walking. I clap my hands together and press one against the wall, A spear comes out leaving a dent. The slime sees me, before it could speak I rush forward towards it  and drive the blunt end of the staff into its eyes, it screams in pain and I take the opportunity to grab the girl and Bakugo  and pull.  Once both were halfway out, Bakugo pulls a dick move and uses his explosion to propel himself out the slime pushing the girl back in. The slime recovers and uses a tentacle to attack, I watch the attack come and since I'm still holding on to the girl I can't dodge, I close my eyes.



???:"-king tide" I feel something pass me than followed by the sound of something exploding then water. I open my eyes to see a wide gap in the slime, through the gap I see a man sheathing a sword retreating into the shadows, then I hear a shout from above.

???: "WATCH YOUR HEAD" I look up to see Mirko coming down rapidly.

Mirko: "LUNA FALL" her foot went threw the slime, but the air pressure when her foot hit the floor split him in two freeing the girl, it also unfortunately causes my hood to fall down. I catch the girl as she falls, turn around as Mirko walks up to me, I notice she is sporting some very familiar headphones which clashed with her outfit.  she get's to me, and she was a lot shorter than me. That's to be expected though since I am 6'0.

Mirko looks up at a me and hops  to eye level tapping me on the shoulder while smirking.

Mirko: "Thanks, kid I owe you one" she says motioning for the girl, I pat the girl who looks at me and says thank you before walking away. Mirko nods at me again then walks the girl to the paramedics. Death Arm and Kamui Wood stomp up to me.

DA: "What the hell were you thinking kid"

KW: "We had it under control"

???: "What you had were two death on your hands" we look and see an annoyed Beni walking up followed by Katsumi and Momo.

DA stalks over to him getting in his face, "The hell did you say punk" he spits.

Beni: "You heard me, and back up your breath smells like shit" he says not flinching.

Katsumi: "Beni" she says sternly, but he doesn't back off as a crowd starts to form around them.

KW: "He broke the law" 

Beni: "He did what was necessary after you made it so"


Benimaru: "What he did was heroic which is more than I could say for either of you, as you sat there with your thumbs shove up your asses" he states. Death Arms blows a fuse and punches him directly into Mirko who catches him. I feel rage overwhelm me as I start walking toward Death Arm, I stop when I hear low chuckling.

(Third POV)

Benimaru: "hahahahahaHaHaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHA" he stands up giving Mirko a thank you.

Benimaru: "HAHAHahaha*sigh* your dead" He stated as he march towards Death Arms his eyes glowing azure starting to turn crimson. Mirko, Mt. Lady, Kamui Wood, Momo, Katsumi, and Izuku held onto him to restrain the boy, but all of a sudden the shadow of a fifth tail appears  and take form. Izuku goes wide eyed at the tail not knowing he actually had a fifth one. His strength increase tenfold as  he started walking to Death Arms before.

???: "Outoto" Beni paused and closed his eyes taking a deep breath, All of his tails disappeared except one. Everyone let go of him, they turn to she a blond girl looking confused followed by Bakugo and the two Candy-cane heads, it was them. Izuku sees Beni eyes sharpen for a moment before relaxing.

Beni: "WELP," he says catching everyone attention

Beni: "This has been fun, come on Kat lets go to that spicy food place you wanted to visit" he says putting an arm around her, she nod confused, "Great" he smile and walk to Izuku, he take out a piece of paper and scribbles something down handing it to him then walks off.

Mirko: "Hey kid" she yells after him.

Beni: "Your 19, only 4 years older than me, but what" he says slightly annoyed, she tosses something at him which he catches, they were his headphones.

Mirko: "Thanks for those" she says. He waves her off.

Beni: "Get me donuts if you want to thank me, but your welcome " 

Mirko: "Maybe I will" she says, he nods and with that  both him and Katsumi vanish.

Izuku looks at the piece of paper and is confused, he shakes in off and smiles, "Come on Momo let's go" he says. They both walk away from the scene and here rapid approaching footsteps. They turn around to see a pissed Bakugo and Shoto, and crying Shoko and Izumi.

Izumi: "Onii-chan, is that you" her voice cracking.

Izuku: ".......I'm sorry you have the wrong person, my sister died a very long time ago" he says coldly. Katsuki walks up to him and grabs his collar.


Izuku scoffed, 'Same old Bakugo'

Izumi: "What do you mean your sister died, I'm right here, Izumi Yagi and your my brother Izuku Yagi. Please come home, we miss you"

Izuku: "Sorry, but like I said you have the wrong person" he says and turns him and Momo around, they continue walking.

???: "NO I DON'T THINK SHE DOES" a voice bellows. Izuku turns to see AllMight.

AllMight: "Young Yagi, I believe it is time for you to go home" he says.

Izuku stares down the #1 Hero, something seemed off but pushes that to the side and let's out an angry huff, "My name is not Yagi, it's Midoriya. YOU.HAVE.THE.WRONG GUY" he shouts turning around and stomping away with Momo only to be stop be a  large hand on his shoulder.

AllMight: "You are not-" he gets cut off by a right hook in his face knocking  him down. Izuku was about to go in for another when Momo holds him back.

Momo: "That's enough Izu, they get it" she soothes

Izuku: "Do they" he growls slightly.

Momo: "I hope so, or else I'll have to resort to other methods..... but I don't they want to make enemies of the Yaoyorozu's" she says glaring at them. They flinch but nod, AllMight nods reluctantly as well. They walk off leaving they tormenter there.

AllMight: "Son" he whispers

Izumi:  'Onii-chan'

Shoko: "Icchan"

Izuku is walking with Momo cooling off, unknown two people were watching the whole thing from a roof.

(On roof)

Beni: "I wish he punched him more" said munching on a donut.

Katsumi: "Well in his defense, we still haven't told him" she says eating spicy curry.

Beni: "........"

Katsumi: "But was it really okay for us to just watch" she says worriedly.

Beni looks at her and gives her a peck, "Yeah it's fine....come on let's meet up with them" he says getting up. Katsumi nods and gets up as well, "Besides, if I was there I would've been tempted to fight them, so it worked out" he says stuffing the bag of donut somewhere, Katsumi hold onto him and they both disappear.
