Under the Door

Under the Door

Tick, tock, tick tock… The cat clock on the wall was the only source of sound in the otherwise silent office. A wooden desk sat perfectly flush with the wall farthest away from the door. Everything was aligned at right angles. Pencils sat perfectly in a case on the desk, a ruler rigidly next to them. The boring, simple tools you would typically find in an office were organized to a T. No one would guess the blood-stained knife was sitting in the drawer.

Tick, tock, tick tock… The bookshelf next to the door also stood pressed against the wall. Books littered the floor around it, most of them torn or defiled in some way. Large textbooks were stacked neatly on each shelf, delicately wrapped in plastic and lined up alphabetically. Plastic wrap also covered a small box on the highest shelf.

Tick… Boxes were stacked in a pyramid. Many had holes poked in their lids and protruded a horrible stench.

Tock… The silent spell was broken by the clicking of high-heels outside the office door. Louder and louder until- a pause. Something slipped under the door, fluttering into the air before landing gently on the concrete floor. The high-heels clicked away.

Tick, tock, tick, tock… Nothing moving, nothing breathed besides the brave little cat clock. It continued to sweep its eyes across the room, swinging its tail to the beat of time as if nothing happened. It dared the new arrival, an envelope sealed with blood-red wax to reveal what it was doing. The wax was pressed into a single Greek letter alpha made out of a snake. The seal glowed and the cat clock stopped moving.

It has begun.

*If you enjoyed and would like to see a sequel, please comment and vote! :)*
