Lie To Me

I grab my computer and go onto my Twitter, seeing that Calum just posted something. 
It said 'Flashing back to New York City, changing flights so you stay with me.'
Obviously a lyric from 'Lie To Me'
Everybody on Twitter was fangirling over their new album, and I didn't blame them, they did a great job. I get up to get a drink when I get a Skype call. I turn back around to check who it is. It's my best friend, Calum Hood. I answer the call and stick my tongue out at him. He does the same.
"What's up Hood?" I say, smiling.
"Just hanging out with the boys."
Ashton goes over to Calum's computer and waves his hand violently, I wave violently back.
"Hey Y/N! How are you?" He says, not looking directly at me, instead he's laughing at whatever Michael and Luke were doing.
"I'm good, how are all of you?" I replied.
"We're doing great, a bit tired, but that's because of the tour." He says, now looking at the screen.
Calum moves the computer into a different room.
"What if I flew you out here and you went on tour with us?"
I just sat with my mouth open for a while. I didn't know what to think. I guess we've brought up meeting a few times but going on tour with them was something new. I immediately wanted to ask my mom but I knew her answer would be no. She wanted me to go to college, but I didn't. I already went a year of law school and I hated it. I told her that I wasn't going back.
"What if I didn't tell my mom and I just went on a plane and left?" I ask, considering it.
Calum thought about it "I mean, you are turning 20 soon so I think its your decision."
"When would you fly me out?" I ask.
"We're going New York soon so probably then."
"How many days until then?"
He mumbles something that I can't hear.
"What?" I ask.
"Two days.." He says a bit louder so I can hear this time.
I open my mouth in shock, I get to see my best friend in two days, and my mom won't know.
After what seems like forever in silence, I smile. We burst out into laughter at my sudden smile. We laughed and talked for what seemed like twenty minutes but ending up being five hours. I had the best idea, I am gonna surprise Calum. I told him I had to go and pack but in reality I needed to tell Ashton my plan. I called Ashton and told him everything. He went outside so that nobody could hear the plan.  Ashton thought it was a great idea and we got everything ready. Ashton ended the call and I started to pack for New York when my mom bursts through the door.
"What are you doing?" She yells at me.
I keep packing my bag, ignoring her, though it was hard because she was yelling at me. She kicks me a few times and keeps yelling. I turn around and punch her in the face. At first she just looked stunned, once she snapped out of it she grabbed my laptop off of my bed and went to the stairs. I ran after her to stop her from doing anything to it when i see her throw it down, my blood starts to boil as I run down to my computer. While walking up the stairs I look for any major damage, nothing but a crack in the left hand corner.
"Next time I'll throw you down the stairs Y/N."
I snarl at her and go back to my room.
I put my computer on my bed, staring at the crack. I sigh, shutting the computer as carefully as I can. I decide to text Calum that I can't go to New York.
Y/N: 'Hey Cal Pal!'
Cal: 'Whats up love?'
Y/N: 'I promised my friend that I would do something for her the day you're in New York. She would be so disappointed in me if I didn't help her.'
Calum takes a while to text back, I wasn't exactly sure why.
Calum: 'I had everything planned out. We were gonna have matching hats and be so cute together on tour. Everybody was gonna find out who you are and everybody would love you. The next time we're in New York is like six months.'
Y/N: 'I'm so so so sorry.'
Only his really old fans knew about me, we kept our friendship a secret and he decided that if we met in New York we would go public, he wants his fans to know about me. I'm totally fine with that but I'm nervous that they'll hate me. Everybody will assume me and Calum are dating and then all of the Calum girls will be so mad, I don't wanna cause drama, even though I know I will. I try to take my mind off of it and watch a YouTube video, I dont know how but I got to a Sims 4 video. I ended up watching a few hours of it, maybe getting a little addicted to it. I look at the clock on my computer screen and it reads 11:35PM. I look at my phone and see a text from Calum. 
Calum: 'Goodnight princess..' 
Y/N: 'Goodnight Cal Pal, don't get too upset. I love you.'
Calum: 'I love you more.'
I put my phone on my nightstand and close my computer, getting lost in my own thoughts. I think of how Calum and me are gonna meet in less than two days, and how I'll actually be able to hug him and see him. I get tears in my eyes, I wasn't sure if they were happy tears because me and Calum were gonna meet, or scared tears for what my mom will say. I shake all my thoughts and tears away, looking at a picture I have on my wall of Calum. I smile and close my eyes, falling into the void of sleep.

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