When I find him...He is so DEAD!

Ron Pov
"Hermione! Wake up, Hermione!" I have been trying to wake her up for the last ten minutes but she shows no sign of movement.

"Ronald, perhaps it would be best to leave her alone for a little while. You need to get your own head wrapped around what I just told you. Quite frankly, I still can not process it myself," Professor McGonagall calmly told me.

"I know but I am so used to Hermione helping me when we have a problem that concerns Harry. Do you know when the gods are releasing Harry's and Percy's stories?"

"No, I don't but you should plan on as soon as possible. I can ask my mother right now if you want," Professor McGonagall said.

"Yeah, you probably should ask. We need to know when so we can be prepared for the world to explode. Do I need to leave? Harry always makes me leave when he calls people from the Greek world."

"No, you can stay. If the gods are releasing the stories, then they are trying to combine the worlds so there is no need for secrecy anymore." Professor pulled out a gold coin as she was speaking and made mist with her wand, "oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering, show me Athena."

"Hello, daughter, what do you need?" an image of a woman appeared in the mist.

"Bloody hell, that is wicked."

"Hello, Ronald Weasley, I am the goddess of wisdom and it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Uh...nice to meet you too...my lady," I nervously drop into a bow.

"There is no need for that Ronald. Now, I assume you both want information on recent events, an I correct?" Athena questioned.

"Mother, do you know when the gods are publishing the stories? We want to be somewhat prepared for the blowout."

"I believe, they are planning on tomorrow but the mortals will have their hands on the stories next year. I am against all of this but you three and Ginny know about Harry, and the camps know about Percy so it is too late now."

"Tomorrow!!" Hermione woke up only to faint again.

"Why does Hermione keep fainting? That is not like her," I asked.

"Hermione is used to life threatening situations not private information on Harry being released to the public. She does not know what to do so her body shuts down and she faints. Do not worry she will be fine in a little bit," Athena explained. "I am sorry, but I must leave now."

Professor McGonagall swiped her hand through the rainbow and silence hung in the room. I silently move to Hermione, pick her up, and carry her to the hospital wing.
"Get up, you ungrateful brat! I know you did it! Tell me where you put it and I might let you live!" Uncle Vernon yelled into my cupboard.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Harry whispered; not that it would do him any good. Harry knew what was coming next and his seven year old body was shaking in fear.
Harry Pov
I can't move but I have to...come on, Harry, get up! My fingers just twitched but nothing else is responding. I am going to die if I don't hide or run away before they come back.


'Help me!!!'
Harry Pov
"Harry! Harry snap out of it, please."

What...Ginny but that's not possible. I blacked out again, didn't I?

"Harry, please I can't handle seeing you like this!"

That's strange, I don't usually black out around others. I usually suppress my attacks until I am alone or if it really bad I make an excuse to go away. "Ggg...inny? What happened?"

"I don't know! One minute you were fine, then the next you were all glass eyed and not responding to anything! Was that attack because of your PTSD?" Ginny was crying and getting hysterical.

"Yeah, I think so, usually I am by myself when I black out. I am sorry for scaring you," I managed to say without stuttering.

"You dummy," she bowled me over and would not stop hugging me for ten minutes. "You don't have to hide these things from me. I love you, all of you and I rather you tell me everything then hide behind a different persona."

"I love you. It is just going to take time for me to adjust to people knowing my past and loving me anyway," I whispered.

"Can you tell me what your attack was about?" Ginny questioned wearily.

I shake my head no, "I'm not ready to talk about it. I never wanted it brought up in the first place but that is not in my control anymore."

"That's okay, just know that I am here for you, okay?"

"I know and it is the best thing in my life, to have you by my side." Ginny then proceeded to attack me; with a kiss.
I am so sorry it took so long to update but this chapter is the transition from before the stories are released to after they are released. I want to thank all of the people who commented on my story, all those who voted for it and I everyone following this.
