Chapter-6 : We're Married


"Welcome home, My Wifey.." the moment I stepped inside the house, he took me in his arms.

🙄 I rolled my eyes on his behavior. But how did he get home before me. Let's forget it, he's good with bike.

This 'our home' is the only place , where I feel comfortable, where I don't need to keep my guard on, where I don't have to pretend and hide my relationship with Payu.

"Let him sit first, you bastard..." Saifah yelled from the kitchen.

If you haven't figured it out yet, let me clearly tell you.

I am married. Yes, with Payu, the Campus God.

Who used to be my best friend, then become my boyfriend and the love of my life.

We got married this summer, years before we were supposed to be. Without our best men by our side.

And yes no one knows except some people, that includes just our family members.

It's not like I don't want to tell Hyeong Payu's friends and every person who tries to flirt with him,

That this person here, taken by me, officially and legally and vice versa.

I would love to announce in front of everyone and introduce myself as his husband.

He's the person, I'm in love with, when I didn't even know the meaning of love.

I love him so much and I want to claim him as mine, But I am not ready, not yet.

I won't be ready for a while. I think.

we can't tell them, at least not now.

"Get freshen up Kid, then have dinner, you'll be hungry.." Hyeong Saifah again called me 'Kid'.

"Oi, Hyeong, I'm not a kid, I'm married to this person here, I'm a married man now..." I know I'm whining like a kid now.

"I'm your husband, show some respect.."

"Okay, now both of you stop now and Mr. Married man, go freshen up, change your clothes and come for dinner.. I'm pretty sure mr. married man would be hungry.." Hyeong said.

I walked upstairs to my room to freshen up and he followed me.

My room was big enough for a study table, cupboard, couche and walk-in closet. The room is really big and even two people can live together comfortably in it.

"Tonight, you're going to sleep in your room, no cuddle.." he looked at me with a surprised face.

Yes we both have our own rooms but still we both sleep together, sometimes in my and sometimes his.

Don't take your mind to wild imagination, we just sleep and cuddle.

And why we both have separate rooms even though we are married, cause the lady of the house orders.

Payu hyeong's Mom and mine too, said 'Rain is still a child, not ready for marriage 's next stage.." that's her reason. 🤣

"Don't look at me like that, it's your punishment for what you did in the morning.." I blurted.

"Thī̀rạk, are you sure, you can sleep without me.." he smirked, he knows very well I can't.

He took my hand in his hand and kissed the back of my hand, his soft lips and hot breath on my skin gave me goosebumps.

Then he took one step closer to me and I stayed still, he cupped my face and put his lips on mine, still staring into my eyes.

Oh no, I can't, this is dangerous

I can't look into his eyes anymore, my heart is gonna burst. I closed my eyes, I could feel his breath on my lips and I was waiting for him to go on but when I didn't feel any movement,

I opened my eyes in confusion and he suddenly pulled away, "Change your clothes and let's have dinner.." he chuckled and left.

Ahhhhhh, this damn husband


I sighed and unbuttoned my shirt off. The platinum chain felt cold against my skin.

I touched the ring hanging on the chain.

My wedding ring

After a quick shower, I walked to the closet and dressed in shorts and a half sleeve mustard t-shirt.

When I was ready to leave the room, something caught my eye.

I walked towards my study table and touched it. It's a, collection of our memories.

I sat on the chair and opened it. It has photos of our childhood, you won't believe, the person who people said cold, is actually super cute in his childhood.

I still remember when mom told me that Payu hyeong is really possessive for me when i was child, he never let anyone close to me. 😄
I'm 2 years younger than Payu Hyeong.

And there is a blue colour album, Mom made this after they found out about my and hyeong's relationship.

The first pic is the pic when we went to our official date after our family found.

It's really funny to think about how things started between us. But there's also things that I want to forget.

Me and Payu have known each other since childhood, As I had already said.

Our families are really close, my dad and Payu's father like brother and our mom's become best friends after meeting each other.

Our families celebrate every festival together, even every child's birthday too.

Payu, Saifah and I went to the same kindergarten, the same primary school and even the same high school.

We were happy and content.

We spend every vacation and holiday together.

But it all changed when a disastrous morning that took my parents away From me

From Sister

I still remember that day clearly, it was the day before my Sister's graduation ceremony, I was waiting for my parents to come back home, so that we can leave, our flight is in the evening.

My Sister went to Amarica for further studies and another reason is that she wants to help Dad to handle the new branch of our company in the US.

A night before she told us that she wants us to meet someone special, we are really looking forward to meeting my Sister's boyfriend.

But that morning, changed that excitement into sorrow.

I was 13 and waiting in the living room, playing games while waiting for my parents, when I heard the noise of the gate opening, I left the game and excitedly ran outside but I was surprised to see Payu, Saifah and their parents.

Payu and Saifah were still in their school uniform and their parents' faces were gloomy, their eyes were red and wet from crying. When I saw their faces, I knew something was wrong.

They asked me to sit in the car, on the way, Auntie cried all the time and they didn't even tell me where we were going until I saw, the car stopped in front of the hospital building.

When they started to walk inside, I followed them like a lost puppy. Payu and Saifah by my side.

When we reached I heard them talking to the Doctor, they were talking about Mom and Dad and an accident.
Then I realised what was going on, tears started falling down, my mind went blank and the6 lost my consciousness.

When I woke up, I was on the hospital bed and my sister beside me, her eyes were red, the glow on her face was gone, only gloominess, pain and reality hit me, everything was real.

Mom is gone
Dad is gone

The only family I have now is my Sister.

After that everything went so fast, funeral and everything. My days went , me cry in my room. I didn't step out of my room for many days.

But my Sister, she has to be strong, not just for me, but also the company because there are people who don't want her, a 21 year girl who just graduated from her business studies, who doesn't have any experience and knowledge about the real world to handle the company.

My sister is 8 years older than me.

But She just doesn't only take care of me but our company too. That took a toll on her.

A 21-year-old inheriting a company was one thing. But she had to take care of me too.

But she proved that she is capable of it, just like our father and mother.

Of course, Payu's family is always there for us, not just that, they wanted to adopt us, wanted to make us part of the family, that we are, but now wanted to make it official.

But Adopt me

I don't want it. Not because I don't like them or I don't want to be part of the family, I want it but not like this.

I liked their son, Payu, a bit more than I should. Them adopting me means, Payu will become my brother.

And I don't want that, I can't accept it, can't agree to this.

because of the obvious reason.

So I asked my sister to send me to Seoul, to our grandparents house, my sister agreed and I left.
I went to South Korea to complete my high schooling.

Away from them. Of course,
I missed my sister like crazy.

I missed my uncle and Aunty, Saifah hyeong, my home
But Mostly, I missed Payu hyeong.

I missed how we spent our evenings together. I missed how we do our homework together. I missed spending the weekends together. I missed our long talks, everything I missed so much.

I just couldn't stop myself from missing him. I thought I would forget about him after I settled down here, maybe this loneliness will disappear after I get some friends, but no matter how many people come into my life, they didn't complete his place.

They never can be him. We were in contact though.
Phone calls, messages, sometimes visits, but It wasn't enough.

After living there for many months, I started to realise that things are now, not that they used to be.

My sister is always busy, we hardly talk because of the time difference and schedule.

This is the same thing with him, we were drifting away. I knew it. He also felt it.

And this thing irritates me every moment, I love him more than anything. More than a friend should.

My feelings for him only grew and I couldn't control them anymore.

I felt like I'm betraying Uncle and Aunty, Saifah hyeong, my sister, our friendship and him.

This guilt is eating me, I need to stop, no I have to stop.

So I started avoiding him.
His phone calls, his messages and everything, started to give excuses for him not to visit or I couldn't visit.

That worked for almost a year until one day I saw Payu waiting for me at the gate of my school.

It has been a long time since I have seen him, all I wanted was to run to him and hug him so badly, but not just this I want to do more than just hug.
Having this type of feelings and thoughts at 15 was never good.

I was walking with Jade after school ended but I froze,

when my eyes fell on a familiar figure.


He was standing at my school's gate, waiting
For me? I guess 😅

He was just standing there with his one hand stuffed inside his pocket and with the other he was using his phone, leaning against the pillar of the school's gate, his shoulders were hunched down like if he was carrying the weight of the world.

But the question is, why he's here.

Is there anything wrong or happened, with his parents, Saifah hyeong or with my sister,

No it's not possible , I talked with them yesterday. Then why.

When he looked up, when he saw me, he sighed heavily. He put his phone back in his pocket and walked towards my direction.

But when he stood in front of me, his eyes were full of anger that I never expected.

I guess I did something wrong, NO... I DID WRONG and now I'm in trouble.

But before he said anything in front everyone
I took his hand and dragged him out of the school. Ignoring the voice of Jade. He didn't say anything, but I can feel his heated stare on my back of head. He followed me, Like always.

We were sitting on the bench of a park nearby the school for the past 10 minutes.
We haven't spoken a word to each other.

I can tell Payu is really furious, even the furious word can't explain how much.

Anyone would.

I avoided him for a year, my best friend, I avoided him on his birthday. It was the first birthday when we were not together and more than that, I didn't even accept his call and didn't send him any wishes.

While trying to control my feelings, I hurt him.

"Why, why, Eul" he whispered a few words. I'm not sure what he's asking.

Is he asking why I didn't wish him on his birthday or why I didn't talk to him the whole year.

Is this the reason, he's here.

How can I face him after what I did.


Happy Reading 😺

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