We get to the club and manage to get in with our fake IDs. Erika and I go straight to the bar while Jake and Kade get a table. We order shots for the four of us to start off with.

"I'll pass" Jake says as I try to give him one.

"Fuck it I wanna get so drunk right now" I say taking his as well as mine.

I start dancing to the loud music with Erika as i drink a vodka and coke.

"I'm so glad you made me come this is fun" I shout over the loud music.

"Me too" she smiles.

I gulp my drink down and order another one straight away.

We dance for a while until i see someone that I know.

"Oh my god Anthony what are you doing here?" I stumble over to him.

I had now had at least 5 drinks as well as 4 shots.

"Woahh how much have you had to drink?" He asks holding me up.

"Not much" I laugh. "Is Chance here?"

"No he's back at then hotel"

"Good, c'mon let's go" I grab his hand and pull him over to the table. "Look who showed up" I say smiling at the others. I pour out two more drinks of I don't even know what and pass one of them to Anthony.

I chug the whole drink and pour another one straight away.


"Let's dance" I finish the drink and put it down before pulling him over to the dance floor.

"I shouldn't be doing this" he says.

"Is this about Chance? I really don't care about him anymore. I want you" I was letting my drunk mind say whatever it wanted.

"I don't know Tessa. I feel terrible about doing this to him but I can't help the way I feel about you"

"He kind of broke up with me back before we left for Vegas anyway"


"Stop being so boring let's go have another drink" I drag him back over to the table and get more drinks for us.

"Tessa I really think you should stop drinking now"

"No I'm fine" I drink the drink and suddenly everything hits me.

The situation with Anthony. All of the alcohol in my system. All of the guilt I felt for Chance.

Everything turns into slow motion and I feel myself stumbling backwards.

"Are you okay?" I hear Anthony's voice.

I shake my head.

"Let's go back to the room"

He puts my arm onto his shoulders and helps me walk out of the club. Once we're out he manages to hail down a taxi almost straight away and helps me into the backseat.

"Is Chance mad?" I say quietly.

"Sort of... he's mostly just upset" Anthony says looking down.

"I'm sorry" I suddenly start crying.

"Hey it's okay don't cry" He wraps his arms around me and I fall into his chest. "Don't cry Tessa I hate seeing you upset" he rubs my back and we stay in the position until the car stops and we have to get out.

Anthony thanks the driver and pays him then helps me up to the room.

"I'm tired Anthony"

"I know we need to get you to bed. Your own bed tonight."

I nod my head and follow him into my room.

"Do you want to get changed?" He asks.

"Yeah" I start taking off my shoes.

"What do you want?" He says opening my suitcase.

"Umm I don't mind" I sit down on the bed and he hands me an oversized plain white t-shirt.

"Can you help me?" I ask struggling to get the zipper on my dress down.

"Mmhmm" he pulls down the zipper in one move and I take off the dress.

"Uh I'll leave. Goodnight Tessa"

"No wait" I quickly put the t-shirt on. "Stay"

"Tessa I want to. But I can't"

"Please Tony" I grab his hand. "Stay for cuddles"

"Okay but I'm not staying all night" he gives in.

I get under the covers and so does he. He wraps his arms around me and I snuggle into his chest.
"Thanks for always being there for me Tony"

"You're welcome Tessa" he mumbles.
