Chapter 4: That Night

Allie's P.O.V.

I stood there in a daze as the water from my shower head ran over me. Cakki had kissed me, what had that meant? Was she not straight after all? Was she a secret lesbian hiding in the safety of the closet?

I sighed as I rested my head on the wall. My parents were out as usual so i'd of course be by myself till about tomorrow night. That just means no one to keep me busy ,which means hours of just thinking about that second kiss I had been longing for, for years and now that I finally got it I don't know what it means!

I step out of the shower turn off the water and put a towel round me. As I picked up my phone from the side of the sink I noticed I had three missed calls, all from my Cakki. I sighed as I walked down the hallway towards my bedroom still looking down at my phone.


I screamed and jumped back startled by Cakki standing in the middle of my hall. She was gawking at me... eyes wide, mouth lolled open.

And that's when I realised it.

My towel had fallen to the floor when I had jumped. I felt my cheeks burning red. I desperately wanted to reach for my towel but I couldn't move. I was frozen with embarrassment. Cakki started to walk towards me, eyes still scanning my body.

"You're perfect you know." I blushed even more at her cheesy comment, still feeling very exposed I finally grabbed my towel from the floor, only to have Cakki pull it away from me and throw it behind her.

What the hell was happening? Was I dreaming? This was too good to be true!

Cakki was only a couple feet away from me now as she tore her top over her head impatiently. I stared into her eyes. They looked so hungry. I bit my lip at the sight of her lusting for me. The display only made her groan and she kicked off her sandals before pulling me into her embrace.

"I just want to see something" I'm not sure if she purposely said the same thing I did before I kissed her that one day or not but before I could think about it anymore, our lips crashed together for the third time in our friendship.

She bit down on my tongue hard, causing me to yelp from pain and pleasure. My hands found their way to her bra, unclasping it and throwing it on the floor to join her top and my towel. She picked me up by my ass and I flung my legs round her waist making sure not to break the heated kiss.

Quickly, Cakki carried me to my bedroom before laying me down on my bed. I saw the same hungry glint in her eye as before as she checked out my body.

"Are you sure you want this Cakki?"

"I've been wanting this for a very long time" I blushed at her last remark. I sat up and grabbed her shoulders, dragging her down on top of me as I quickly flipped us over so that I was on top.

I kissed her again, our tongues moving together perfectly as I used one hand to fondle her breasts. I broke the kiss and started to kiss her neck, sucking on one part making sure it would leave a bright hickey. I kissed her from her neck to her waist until I was at her shorts.

I undid the button, then impatiently ripped her shorts and pink lacy thong down to her ankes in one pull. She kicked them off onto the floor. Leaving us both completely naked. I straddled her and pinned her hands down to the bed above her head. Smiling at the memory of how we first met, Cakki was obviously thinking the same thing because she said in a very sexy seducing voice

"Can you please get off me?"

"On one condition"

"Fine, what's the condition?"

"Kiss me"

Cakki licked her lips at my words and then replied "My pleasure."

Our lips met once more but this one was short as I was getting impatient. I moved down her body fast. I slid my fingers over her soft spot and looked up at Cakki to see pleasure on her face. I moved my head closer as I began to eat her out, keeping eye contact as I did so.

Cakki grabbed fist-fulls of my hair and pushed my head down into her, I moaned into her as she did so and smirked as I heard her gasp with pleasure.

I moved my fingers in and out while my other hand rubbed her until she finally came. I pulled my fingers out and sucked them clean. The show was obviously too much for her as she sat up and pulled me towards her, turning us around so she was now laying on-top of me.

She kissed me, biting my lip and sucking on my tongue, her hand soon found it's way to my soft spot and rubbed eagerly. Breaking away from our kiss she moved her mouth to my breasts. Her tongue circling my nipple then finally sucking on it and rolling the hard bead between her teeth. I gasped with sweet pleasure.

I groaned before managing to stop her and crawl over her, getting us into the 'sixty-nine' position. I started to repeat what I had done earlier.

I felt Cakki put her fingers in me and I moaned again. She came up beside me, kissed me lightly on the lips and breathed onto my neck, she bit my ear lightly and let her hand go down to pleasure me.

Cakki crawled up beside me once we were done and kissed me lightly and sighed. She was obviously exhausted from the events that have just unravelled.

I pulled back my covers and we both climbed in under them. Spooning Cakki, I finally felt happy.


"Yeah?" I mumbled in reply

"You've probably noticed that I'm not straight." I laughed softly at her statement.

"Yes, I have, my little lesbian."

"I'm bisexual not a lesbian. But I just wanted to tell you something else." I could tell she was already half asleep by the way she mumbled.

I hugged her naked body closer to mine, "And what's that my angel?"

"I just wanted you to know, that your the only girl I feel like this for, I, I think... I think I love you." her words trailed off at the end and I listened as she softly snored, smiling to myself I whispered back.

"I love you too Caroline."
