Chapter 5: Eggplant

Chapter 5: Eggplant

I wake up with the sun shining through my curtains. I open my eyes and turn to see Jake, still heavily sleeping and lightly snoring, with his arm around me. His grip tightens when I try to get out of bed, so I settle on turning around to reach my phone. I turn it on and scream. The sound makes Jake wake up.

"What? What happened?" He asks, sitting up. I stare at him and show him my phone.

"It's after 9:30. We're late. We're late for school." I tell him. He squints and groans, lying back down.

"Chill, June, one day of skipping isn't going to hurt anybody." He tells me. I contemplate for a second, before unlocking my phone and checking my Instagram. One day of skipping isn't going to hurt anybody, I repeated in my head.

Looking back at Jake and see him sleeping again. I scroll through Instagram, stalking Shawn Mendes and Noah Centineo. I look through J-Bears Instagram too, watching him flex his muscles.

A while later, he wakes up and after seeing what I'm looking at, he smirks. I roll my eyes at him and get out of his grip. I grab my clothes out of the closet and leave to the bathroom. After a quick shower, I get dressed and brush my teeth and hair. I get out of the bathroom to see Jake dressed too, and waiting for me to exit.

He walks past me into the bathroom, probably to brush his teeth with the spare toothbrush we keep for him. I go downstairs and into the kitchen. There's a note on the counter from my mom and I read it.

Karlie and Jake,
I didn't want to wake you up for school this morning, because I realised how tired you two are, so tired that you missed the alarm. All three of them, actually. I called Lauren, she's okay with Jake skipping a day,
Don't trash the house.

I throw it in the bin and open the fridge, taking out some sausages and making hot dogs. Jake comes downstairs and I pass him two, him kissing me on the cheek in return.

"Wanna go to the amusement park?" He asks once we're done. I nod and stand up, walking towards my shoes. "I didn't say we're going right now!"

"I don't care, hurry up!" I shout. He runs towards me and picks me up, his goofy smile on his face.

"Okay," He says in a baby voice. I scrunch my nose and squirm out of his grip.

"Don't do that." I tell him. He chuckles and starts putting his shoes on. I do the same and soon, we're in the car.

We get to the amusement park and Jake buys are tickets. I'm not a girl that wants the guy to always pay, so a few years ago Jake and I decided that we will take turns paying for things.

"Where do you want to go first?" He asks. I think and point to the bumper cars. He groans dramatically and sighs. "We always go on those!" He yells. I narrow my eyes at him and take his hand, leading him to the attraction. We get into two separate cars, and wait for it to start.

Once it does, we start bumping into others, focusing mainly on each other. I try to get away from Jake, when I see him about to bump into me. I'm too slow, and he bumps, more like crashes into me, making my car to spin slightly. My head bangs on the steering wheel, but I bring no attenton to it, knowing that it wasn't anything strong, just a small hit.

We get off the bumper cars and decide to go on the King Roller Coaster, which is the biggest and fastest roller coaster in the world.

We get into the cart, and wait for the ride to begin. Finally, the brakes let go with its telltale clank and the carts shudder. The chains strain to pull us up the rise, lifting us higher and higher until we can see the entire park. Below us, people too scared to go on the ride watch, living vicariously through the people that went on. 'They look like ants from this height', I think.

When we're all the way up, I grab Jake's hand, before the ground starts rushing towards us. Or we start rushing towards the ground. Either way, it was fun. The wind blows in my face as the cart straightens and we ride horizontally towards the next hill.

After the ride is finished, we get off and Jake starts dragging me to the water-ride. I pull him off track, towards the candy house. We buy some candy floss, and move towards the water-ride again. We stand in line, waiting to get on, when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see two guys, around our age, smirking at me. "Umm, can I help you with anything?" I ask, confused.

"You can give us your number." One of them says. Excuse me? Both of them? I open my mouth to answer, when someone lands a punch on one of their faces. The guy groans and I look over to Jake.

"Don't look at her, don't talk to her, don't touch her, leave her alone, fuck off." He growls, his eyes black, a result of his pupils being dilated. He's angry. The way he was angry when James Green slapped me in 2nd grade. The way he was angry when Josie Barrs stole my ball in kindergarden. You get the point.

"Man, sorry, didn't know she was taken," The guy Jake didn't punch says. Even though I'm not taken, I call bullshit, knowing that Jake was holding my hand the whole time. They guy had to be blind to not notice that.

Jake glares at the guys, which quickly makes them leave. I'm grateful that the glare is not aimed at me, knowing that they're scary.

He turns to me and I raise my eyebrows at him. "You know, I could've handled that on my own." I cross my arms.

He blinks a couple of times, the beautiful green color returning to his eyes. "No you couldn't have. You would say yes, and you're not allowed to have a boyfriend." He tells me. I blink a few times, taking a few seconds to realise what he said.

"You don't really have a say in this," I tell him, glaring.

He grabs my arm and pulls me closer. "A boyfriend could hurt you, and you're not allowed to get hurt." He whispers.

I get hurt everyday. I think, though deciding not to say it out loud. I roll my eyes and play it off, by slapping his chest lightly. "Let's just get on the ride." I say, noticing that we got to the beginning of the line. He nods and we scan our tickets, getting into the cart.

I lay my head on Jake's shoulder and wait for the ride to start. When the carts got full, we slowly started to move up the tracks. I've been on this ride a few times, and everytime I got out soaked, so I took out a plastic waterproof bag we bought whilst waiting in line, and put our phones in, preventing them from breaking.

When we get to the top, the water container opens, forming artificial waterfalls, before the carts start rushing down, through the water. The action is repeated five times, before the ride stops and we get out.

"So, I guess we need to buy some clothes." Jake smirks. I smile and we make our way to the small shops around the park.





"Tomato," I say. Jake takes his eyes of the road and looks at me.

"Pepper," He counters, turning back to the road. We've been in the car for not longer than five minutes, and got bored, deciding to start naming random things, the first category being fruit.

"Cucumber,"  I smirk. Jake chuckles and shakes his head.

"Eggplant," He says.

"Yum," Jake bursts out laughing.

"And how would you know that? You've never had any."

"Yes I ha-" I try to defend before I realise what he's ACTUALLY talking about it. I punch his shoulder multiple times, using all my strength.

"June, stop! I'm fucking driving!" He shouts. I punch him one last time before turning away. Jerk.

"You're an idiot, J-Bear." I mumble.

"I know, but you love me either way, right?" He asks. I shake my head and I can practically hear his smirk.

"I know you're lying. I mean, how could you not?"

I don't answer and we drive in silence back to my house. Once he parks his car, I get out, without even looking back at him. I unlock the door and run up to my room. I'm bored, again. Jake is right behind me and comes into my room, engulfing me in a hug. I hug back, and think of a cure for my boredom.

I step on his foot, causing him him to groan. I lightly slap him and pull his hair. "Kar, what the hell?" He yells. I kick his shin and go lie down on my bed, closing my eyes, waiting for him to get annoyed, knowing what he'll do.

As expected, I soon feel his fingers squeezing my sides. I burst out laughing and so does he. Whilst my mind enjoys it, my body keeps trying to fight him off. He stops tickling me, and I open my eyes.

"Someone's bored, huh?" He asks. I nod frantically. He chuckles and traces circles on my stomach, making me try to get away. "You need to stop moving," He tells me.

"Make me," I challenge. He raises his eyebrow and gets off the bed, opening my closet, looking through it. He takes out some belts and moves back towards me.

"Okay," He smirks. He takes each of my arms and binds them to the bed, in the same way as last time. He does the same to my legs and takes my socks off. I can feel my heart beating faster than normal, excitement coursing through my body. He kneels above me, each of his legs either side of me.

His hands move to my bound wrist, and down my arms, his fingertips barely tracing my skin. He gets to my underarms, then moves back up again. Soft giggles escape my lips as he teases me. After a while, he starts frantically tickling my underarms, which causes me to burst out in laughter.

He goes on for a few more minutes, before he stops and moves down to my feet, but before he can do anything my vision gets foggy and I pass out.

A.N. So, inconsistent updates lately, I know. I'm on holiday soooo.... y'all gotta deal with it. I emailed all my book notes that were on my computer to myself, and brought my book notes book to vacation, but half of the emailed notes just disappeared.
Also can I just get a round of applause, for hiking up the mountain for three hours for the first time, and got down with hardly any fuss, which is a big acievement for my lazy ass?
