Chapter 1: The Beginning of Everything

"Hey my fabulous and gorgeous sistah! You are imagining something again. Hmm. Look! The food you are cooking is already over cooked. " Andrea took a breath as he roll his eyes.
"You're over reacting again my dear. I mean, Mr. Andrew. Ha ha ha." I said it to him with a sarcastic laughter.
"See? I am still conscious with the texture and taste of the food I'm cooking okay? So don't worry and just relaaaax." I smirked.
"Ms. Alliyah Grace Samonte! How many times do I need to tell you that my name is Andrea, not Andrew! That name is not compatible with my ever beautiful face, so please, stop that craziness." Andrea said it while facing and looking the window and started to act like he is mad at me. Ha ha. This friend of mine is really funny, that's why I love him. I need to do something just to make him feel okay again.
"Mr. Andrrr, ahm Ms. Andrea, sorry. Please forgive me. I cannot live this way, when you are mad at me." I think I am capable to be a best actress, not just for a TV Series, but also in movies. Ha ha. I think my acting skills are effective.
"Is there anything else that I can do? You're lucky, you're my best friend, or else, hmmm, maybe I already punched you. Ha ha ha ha." Andrea said it while hardly laughing.
"Whoooa. Ha ha ha-HARD sistah!" As I said it to him, I hugged him tightly. What a loving and understanding best friend right?
Mrs. Garcia, our professor in one of my subjects, instructed us to get ready in our presentation, as we also prepare all the things we need.
"Okay class. In five minutes, we will start your presentation, so get ready. "
"Yes Ma'am." We said in unison. Suddenly, a voice caught my attention.
"Oh, Lorraine, what's up? Is anything I can do for you?" I asked her but Andrea interrupted us.
"What's your problem Lorraine? Tss." asked Andrea with a killing look.
"Oh! Mr. ANDREW Rodriguez, relax. I am just here to remind you that your food is no good than my food. So better stop dreaming, right girls? Ha ha ha." she said it with her devilish laugh.
"Super duper right Lorraine." Casey and Rea exclaimed with matching hand claps. Are they just weird? Ha ha ha.
"What did you say?!" Oh oh. Andrea is starting to be hysterical again, with the 'Andrew/Andrea thingy'.
"Andrea, don't mind them. Let us just wait and see what will happen later after the presentation. Don't get affected. We are beautiful. Let's go sistah! Ha ha ha." I said it with a smirk.
"Okay. Bye! Wait, wait, and wait, three waits, what is the connection of the food to your statement about being beautiful? Hmmm. Alli, if you are trying to give me a joke, please, stop it as soon as possible. You might get distracted. But in fairness, you're joke now is so amazing. Yes, we are really beautiful. Ha ha."
"I did it so that Lorraine and her friends will stop bothering us. Oh, never mind them, my best friend. Let's go there." And as I said it to him, Andrea and I went to evaluation area. After an hour of waiting about the result of the presentation, Mrs. Garcia gave us our grade. I got 95 as the highest grade and Andrea got 94. Ha ha. Thank God. It was very awesome!
*Kring Kring Kring*
"Ooops, Andrea, wait a minute. Daddy is calling."
"Oh sure. Just take your time."
"Hi Dad!"
*On the other line*
"Hi baby. How's your presentation?"
"God is really great Dad. I got 95 as the highest grade."
"Very good. Keep it up baby. By the way, don't forget our family date later okay? I will fetch you there. I'll just call you.."
"Sure Dad! If it is time for family, go! Bye Dad! Keep safe. I love you and God bless."
"I love you too baby. Bye."
*End of call*
I noticed that Andrea became sad. What is his problem anyway?
"Alli, are you not going with us later after our last class?" He asked.
Oh no. I forgot! Andrea and I, together with Maxene, have our group date today. By the way, Maxene is another friend of mine. Unlike Andrea and me, our course is HRM, while Maxene's course is Tourism. What should I do then? Think, think and think. Aha!
"Andrea? Can we move our group date tomorrow? Promise, I will be there. Please. I'll treat you whatever you want."
"Hmmm really? Whatever we want? Okay. I'll just call Maxene about the changed plan." Andrea started to call for Maxene and without a minute, a girl just hugs me at my back.
"Whoooa. Maxene! There you are! Andrea, Maxene's already here."
"Sistah! We miss you."
"Oh I miss you both. What are you waiting for? Let's rock and have some fun!" Maxene said it while dancing so badly. Ha ha ha.
"Oooops, Maxene. Is it okay if we'll move our group date tomorrow? My Daddy called me a while back and he said that we will have our family date later. Please." I said it while putting my hands together, like praying.
"If that's the case, then go. Family bonding is very important and precious. Just treat us tomorrow okay?" Maxene said it with a sweet smile.
"Thank you so much guys. I owe you a lot." Then I hug them both.
It's time for leaving the school, and here I am, waiting for my Daddy.
