
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were sitting at Brittany's bedside as she slowly opened her eyes. Being under the influence of a powerful sleep aid, all she could muster out was a series of tiny groans. "Rodney, what if  she's suffering from irreversible brain damage? I was already worried about her mental health before this accident, but now..." Mrs. Pierce said as she burst into tears. "It'll be alright dear; no matter what, she will always be our quirky little girl." Brittany's eyes were fully opened, and she drew in a deep breath, yawning like her week-long hibernation had been nothing more than an afternoon nap. "Josie, I thik she's about to say something!" Mr. Pierce exclaimed. Her parents looked longily at her, waiting for the words to finally come off of her lips. Then she said it: "Wow, it feels like it's been forever since I've been home. Don't I have that German test to study for? I should really start studying my past and present verb tenses, or Ms. Metternich is going to hound me. By the way, Mother, do you have my schoolwork for me to complete?" They were caught completely off-guard; never had they heard their daughter say something so profound.


Brittany Susan Pierce walked into WMHS only days later after coming home from California. Artie rolled up to her. "Hey Britt, heard you had a wild Spring Break!" Brittany looked at him, with a completely stoic face. "I would concur that my time spend in the state of California was one of utter merriment and pure lollygagging. Now excuse me Arthur, I must go study for my German exam. Auf Wiedersehen. Bis spatter!" Artie was also shocked as Brittany walked away to Ms. Metternich's room. "Homegirl, say whaaaaat?"


Henrietta remained stranded in California, since Wayne had left her and headed back east to Indiana. She had little money, hardly any means to make contact with friends and family, and no clue of what she should do. She reached a payphone, so she decided to first call Brittany to apologize. The phone rang twice before it was picked up. "Brittany Pierce speaking, how may I help you?" Henrietta thought it was a joke. "Ok Britt, stop kidding around. I really want to say I'm sorry about the surfing accident, I just got really jealous. But right now, I'm still stranded 5 miles outside of Sant-" Brittany interrupted her: "Oh dear Henrietta, you were automatically forgiven after your transgression against me. You have unlocked a secret passage of higher knowledge and understanding, and I commend you for your valiant deed. Godspeed in future endeavours, I must leave you to go interview for the American Psychology Association's newspaper, talk to you later!" She hung up, and Etta threw the phone at the machine's receiver in rage. She knew it was getting dark, and she hadn't eaten in a while. First I need to get some food, she thought. Then I need to get some shelter or transportation.


In Glee Club, Matt sat down next to Brittany and begin to hound her with questions. "So is it true that you've become the girl wonder-genius in just a week?" he asked, beaming. "If you mean have I acquired the appropriate level of knowledge I should have expressed considering the quantitative and qualititative experiences I've endeavoured... then yes." Matt was beyond impressed. "Mr. Schue, I'd like to dedicate this song to someone really special to me." Will Schuester, knew exactly who he meant. "The floor's all yours, Matt."

My girl is ready to take control, she just blows my mind. She only listens to the radio to see who's alive, yeah!

She wakes up scared of getting old, she don't feel no shame; she knows so many pretty boys but they are all the same.

They said "Oh, hey there girl, tell me what do you do?" She says "um, nothing but I'm damn sure it's more than you."

That girl is a genius! (Who o o o o ohw) I think she's serious! (Who o o o o ohw)

What you know is who you are and she's anything; you don't need an education to know the class that you're in.

They said "Hey there, girl, tell me what do ya do?" She says "nothing, but I'm damn sure it's more than you."

That girl is a genius (Who o o o o ohw)

I think she's serious (Who o o o o ohw)

That girl is a genius (Who o o o o ohw)

I think she's serious (Who o o o o o o ohw)


Hey there boy come over and sit, love is when you wanna kiss and you get bit!

That girl is a genius (Who o o o o ohw)

I think she's serious (Who o o o o ohw)

That girl is a genius (Who o o o o ohw)

I think she's serious (Who o o o o o o ohw)

That girl is a genius

That girl is a genius

That girl is a genius

Who o o o o o o ohw

["She's A Genius" - Jet]

Matt proceeded to say, "Brittany Susan Pierce, will you be my girl genius-wonder forever?" The room ot quiet; everyone gasped, anticipating Brittany's little quip and the cuteness that follows the usual proposal. Brittany kept her stoic look. "Matthew Jason Rutherford, I see relationships as an optional social convention. To earn your place in an intimate relationship with me, you must undergo a mandatory IQ test to  ensure that we are compatible on an academic level. Then you must sign a waiver to put off coitus until we are either married or inflamed with so much lust that we cannot help but 'do it like they do on the Discovery Channel', metaphorically speaking. Nor shall you ever make contact with me that trades bodily fluids that may cause extreme malaise, which means a no-kissing policy in all instances of sickness, even headaches and broken bones. If you are willing to meet every requirement, I will make the exception to 'date' you and 'be your girlfriend', Matthew. Are you willing to make the commitment to me?" The room was dead quiet. Everyone could not believe what they just heard. Matt was speechless for a good 30 seconds before he mustered out a "...maybe we should wait and discuss this relationship more thoroughly instead of jumping the gun." Brittany smiled. "I'm glad you see things my way, Matthew." She reached out her hand for a hearty shake, and she strolled out of the room. Mr. Schuester stared her down as she proceeded to leave. "Ladies, I think you need to hold an intervention for her."
