Chapter 3: ''Kiss?''

You're still at Ryan's house. You two are playing MineCraft (skywars) cuz y not


''Come on, where are you hiding?'' You ask him.

Ryan is silent but eventually in game jumps up on you and throws you into the void. ''Right here. And I won again, as predicted. Come on, you should know by now that I win in every fight.''

You sigh and think. ''I learned self-defense, what about fighting me right here right now? First one on the floor loses.''

Ryan gets up ''I'll take you down easily. You're just skin and bones.''

As you get up Ryan immediately tries to take you down, but you stay up and push him away. ''You can try to, hulk.'' You jokingly say as you poke his belly.

''You've asked for it, Y/n.'' He puts his leg behind yours and pushes you backwards. You grab his arm, making you either not fall or make him fall with you. Fortionately you don't fall and you try the same to him. He takes your arm and pushes you with your face against a wall. You try to wiggle free but he puts your arms above your head and holds them in place with his. ''Is the wall good too?''

Suddenly the door opens and Ryan immediately lets you go. Grant's standing in the doorway, a little shocked. ''Am I missing something?''

You turn around with your face completely red. ''We were uhh.. jokingly fighting.''

Ryan facepalms and Grant just nods. ''Yeah, I'll leave you two to that.. have fun.'' He awkwardly steps backwards and closes the door.

''Jokingly fighting?'' Ryan raises an eyebrow.

''I panicked! Who knows what he thought we were doing!'' 

He chuckles and walks towards you. ''What would he think we were doing?'' He makes you walk backwards against the wall and he leans over you. 

The door opens again. ''One more thing-''

You push Ryan away. ''Uhh,'' You think quickly. ''He did it.'' You point at ryan, who is trying to keep is face a normal color.

Grant awkardly walks into the room and grabs his phone charger. ''I'm gonna..'' He search for his words. ''Uhh, yes.'' He quickly walks away and closes the door.

Ryan doesn't hesitate to walk to the door and lock it. ''Really?'' He turns around. 

You nervously look at the floor. ''You're not mad, are you?'' Your fingers play with each other.

''Y/n..'' He walks towards you and grabs your shoulders. ''I would never.'' He pulls you against himself and hugs you softly.

You lay your arms around him. ''I just wanted to make sure.'' 

He grabs your cheeks. ''I do get annoyed, but I almost never get mad.'' After a few seconds of him staring into your eyes he shakes his head. ''Want to continue gaming?''

You sigh. ''I don't know, it's getting pretty late.'' 

He nods and lets you go. ''I'll bring you home then.'' 

You smile softly. ''I'd like that.''


''Thank you.'' You say as you unbuckle your seatbelt.

He smiles softly. ''It's no problem.''

You sit there for a moment. ''How did you do that? This morning, at the cafe. You litterally had me unable to move.'' 

He begins to laugh. ''I just distracted you so I could pay for you.'' 

''Well that was really something I have never, ever, had in my life before.'' You sneak $10 in the bag he has in his car. ''I really owe you for that, though.''

He raises an eyebrow. ''For me making you flinch?''

''No!'' You laugh. ''For you paying for my food.'' 

''You don't have to pay me back.'' 

You shake your head. ''Not specifically paying you back. I can like do your chores for a day as well.'' 

''Hmm..'' He stares at you for a few seconds before leaning in and kissing you. ''Now you don't owe me anymore.'' 

You just stare at him, face red, not being able to say anything.

He smirks. ''Flinched.''

You snap back into reality and punch his shoulder. ''Dick!'' You fold your arms and fall into the seat. 

He laughs. ''I liked it.'' 

''Yeah, making me freeze in place is fun.'' You mock.

''Well yeah, that too.'' He grabs your hand and smiles at you. ''Can I do it again?''

You sit there for a few seconds, letting his words sink in. Eventually you just nod. You both lean in and kiss each other again.


[Insert 18+ scene here] (Don't look kids)


You both ended up up on the back seats. You have put your clothing back on and you're sitting next to each other. 

''That really made me tired.'' Ryan softly laughs.

You get closer to him and put your head on his shoulder. ''Well you can sleep, if you want. I don't mind.'' You close your eyes. 

He smiles softly and puts his arm around you. ''I'd love to.'' He gets comfortable and closes his eyes as well.
