Chapter 6

Hey- =talking
-Hey- =whispering
-Hey- :thinking
hey texing

Jake and Neytiri were in a date night so the sullys took the opportunity to invite the Metkaynas over, everyone were pretty chill, expect Spider that wanted to come along. No one in the group liked him so everyone were just ignoring him or just tried to make small talks with him

Ao'nung amd Neteyam were talking about random things and all that. -I love you so much- Ao'nung said and kissed Neteyam passionatly, Neteyam thought about it for a second and looked at Vee, she smiled and gave him a thumbs up so he smiled and took a deep breath -hey Ao'nung, why don't we go to my room..- he says while touching Ao'nung's arm and looking at him in the eyes, Ao'nung widen his eyes a little and smile -sure why not- Neteyam grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs

-hey do you guys have beers- Spider asked to Lo'ak -yeah in the basement- Spider responded with a quick thank you and went to the basement to search for it, he found a little fridge and inside was a lot of beer -pff such an american thing- he commented before taking one

He heard the sound of the door locking up and looked at the door there was gosthface. -Come on Lo'ak this isn't funny anymore- he said walking to the door to get out but gosthface block him -come on dude!- they take out a knife and tilted their head, Spider looked at them with fear in his eyes and tried to escape but they push him down the stairs making his leg crack, he screamed in pain and looked up he looked up seeing gosthface going to him and stab his chest multiple times and he heard the killer voice say: -Goodbye Miles- the voice of the killer wasn't changed it was their real voice Spider widen his eyes and tried to scream again but they stab him in the mouth and cut his throat open

Neteyam was on Ao'nung's lab while they were making out hard, Ao'nung was shirtless and Neteyam's pants were somewhere in the room, they stopped making out to breath and smiled at each other -maybe we should get back to the others- Neteyam said smiling -yeah we should-

They walk downstairs and Vee looked at him in a weird way -so what do you guys want to- Lo'ak was cut off by Kiri -GUYS SPIDER IS DEAD HE'S DEAD IN OUR BASEMENT!- Kiri screamed running to us -and what were you doing in the basement?- Lo'ak asked getting up, Kiri looked at hin with tears in her eyes and she looked betrayed -Lo'ak you think it was me?- she said her voice breaking -no, i don't think you are but it's strange that you were in the basement what where you doing in there?- he asked -i was looking for Spider!- she answered quickly looking around -i'm not the killer please believe me!- she yelled crying -she's telling the truth- Vee said while she raised her head -because i killed that stupid blonde- she said smiling and getting up taking out a gun

Everyone looked at her in shock -are you serious? Vee how could you!?- Tsireya screamed, she couldn't believe her own cousin would do something like that -hey i'm the black sheep for a reason- she said laughing -and also you really thought i worked alone? Who do you think did the calls? If i would have to do everything i would have been arrested to the first kill- she then tilted her head and smiled -isn't that right Neteyam?- Ao'nung gasped and looked at Neteyam who rolled his eyes and walked to her -you could have told me you killed him now so i could have hidden the body- he said crossing his arms -i'm calling the police!- Rotxo said taking his phone -i already called- Vee said Neteyam looked at her confuse -wait what do you mean you already called them?- he asked Vee just smiled again and pointed the gun at him -sorry Tey this is the part of the plan i didn't told you- she winked and blue and red lights were seen outside and someone broke the door -POLICE PUT THE GUN DOWN- she did and gave Neteyam a note without them noticing -Vee Atokirina Ematikaya you're under arrest for the murder of 25 people you have the right to stay silent everything you say will be used against you in court- Neteyam read the message you nor your siblings knew nothing about this play dumb

20 years later

-Dad?- The 4 year old asked -yes honey?- the father squatted down to his child's height -Is aunt Vee coming to visit us soon?- he asked -yes today she can finally leave her house all the time she wants!- he petted his kids head -yes! I have to get my toys ready!!- the kid run to his room exited -Neteyam, when is Vee coming?- Ao'nung walked in -idk she'll probably be late- Ao'nung rolled his eyes and kissed Neteyam's cheek -i love you tey- he said hugging him, Neteyam hugged him back -i love you too-
