At Gustavo's house

Once they were at his house Gustavo laid her on the couch then went to grab the first aid kit.

Gustavo: Give me your hands

Nina gave Gustavo her bloody hands

Nina: It doesn't hurt
Gustavo: I can see that

Gustavo pulled out an alcohol pad and cleaned Nina's fists but before he could touch her Nina pulled her fists back.

Gustavo: It's ok I'm gonna help you
Nina: It's fine I don't need it
Gustavo: If I don't clean it it's gonna get infected

Then Nina gave her fists back to Gustavo

After Nina's fists were clean she just stayed on the couch

Gustavo: Your shivering here

Gustavo brought a blanket over to Nina then he put the blanket on her shoulders

Gustavo: Are you sure you're ok?
Nina: Yeah I'm fine but you didn't have to take me to your house
Gustavo: I kind did
Nina: Why?
Gustavo: Because I owe you one for saving my life back at the library.
Nina: I said you didn't have to
Gustavo: Yeah but I felt like I had to so there I said it

After there little talk Nina decided that it was time to go so she got up and walked to the door.

Nina: I think I should go thanks again for patching me up
Gustavo: You don't have to you can stay here with me if you want
Nina: If you don't mind
Gustavo: Not at all come on you can borrow some of my clothes for PJ's if you want.
Nina: Thank you, nobody has ever done this to me before
Gustavo: No problem come on

Gustavo took Nina upstairs to his room for some clothes

Gustavo: Here I'll leave so you can get dressed
Nina: You don't have to go I mean you saw me naked before so what's the difference.
Gustavo: Well that was different
Nina: How so?
Gustavo: Well we made love and now you are just getting dressed so yeah I'll be downstairs if you need me.
Nina: Ok then

Gustavo left to go downstairs while Nina got dressed

Downstairs the phone rings

Gustavo: Hello
Sheriff: Hey son I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna be home a little late tonight.
Gustavo: Ok that's fine
Sheriff: You sure?
Gustavo: Yeah
Sheriff: Ok I'll see you soon
Gustavo: Ok

Gustavo hang up the phone then Nina came downstairs in Gustavo clothes

Nina: Thanks again for the clothes
Gustavo: Welcome anyway that was my dad he said that he might be home a little late so if you want you can stay here tonight.
Nina: Ok I'll take the couch
Gustavo: You don't have to
Nina: No I want to
Gustavo: You can take my bed I'll take the couch
Nina: I'm fine thanks
Gustavo: Ok then um here let me get a pillow and blanket for you
Nina: Thanks

Gustavo got a pillow and a blanket for Nina

Gustavo: Here um night
Nina: Night

Gustavo went upstairs to his room
