Chapter 2


Once I got in I immediately see Chad waving me over by the pool table and handed me a drink. "So what is she like, the sister?" Liv asked us. "Sam? Oh, Sam is so cool." Chad said. "You only say that because her and Y/n let you wear Pokémon onesies to bed for a year." Mindy told her twin. "That's true. That's a true statement." Chad said as everyone but me and Amber to laugh. "No, trust me. Sam is not cool. Her dad left her mom, right? Walks right out when Tara was eight, Sam 13. Sam started acting out, getting into trouble with the cops as she and Y/n became a couple. And then on Sam's 18th birthday, she leaves. Breaking up with Y/n and leaving Lucas with Y/n to take of by herself. Ghost them all." Amber explained to us.

I looked down in sadness and anger when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I see it's Mindy trying to comfort me. I gave her a small smile before turning back to Amber. "Maybe Sam's changed. I just don't want to see Tara and Y/n to get hurt again." Amber said. "So what, you're protecting her from her own sister now?" Wes asked her. "Well, someone has to." Amber said to him. "Okay, so no guys are good enough for her, and now her family's off limits too?" Wes said. "Mmm, motive. 'If I can't have her, no one can." Mindy said. "What?" Wes asked her confused. "We know you have a crush on Tara." Mindy told him as she suspects its him but I know Wes since he was a kid, he wouldn't hurt Tara in any way. But as my dad and godfather always says, everyone is a suspect. "Okay, come on, Mindy." Wes said. "But we're all suspects." I reminded the teenagers as Mindy agreed with me.

"Except maybe Liv." Mindy said. "Thank you." Liv said thinking it was a compliment. "You're way too boring to be a psycho." Mindy finished making me almost choke on my drink as Mindy silently laughed at my misfortune. "Yo, Liv. You want a real drink? Or are you happy sitting at this kids table?" The guy asked Liv making Chad angry and walked up to him. "Listen up, ugly Michael Myers, it was a summer fling. Alright, it meant nothing." Chad told him getting close to him. "Was I talking to you?" The guy asked him. "I don't fucking care who you're talking to." Chad told him. "Liv, let's go." The guy told her but she didn't move. "Don't fucking talk to her! I don't want to hear your god damn voice." Chad said to him. I see the guy take out a switchblade but the bartender called them out.

"Hey! Get out of here or I'm calling the cops." The bartender told him. "I'll see you soon, sweetheart." The guy said to Liv before leaving. "Hey, man, fuck you." Chad told him. I walked up to Chad making sure nothing happened. "You kids too. Let's go." The bartender told us as well. We all left the bar as I'm heading to my car I hear Amber tell the rest of us she is gonna stay behind for a bit, I looked at her before leaving to the hospital. As I walked to Tara's room I see Sam running into me and caught her in my arms as she was crying. "Sam what's going on? What happened?" I asked her. "Someone tried to kill me in the break room!" Sam told me a I looked to the officer who immediately took out his gun and went to the break room.

I took her to Tara's room as Sam stayed close to me when Sheriff Hicks came in with Amber who went to Tara's side as Sheriff Hicks greeted me before looking to Sam. "I've got a body outside a bar on Main, and now you get attacked here. You said a call came from Amber's number?" Sheriff Hicks asked Sam. "So? We know he cloned my phone before when he attacked Tara." Amber said. "Or, I'm just spitballing here you're the killer." Robbie I mean Richie said. "And where were you when this all happened?" I asked him suspiciously. "I was watching Netflix." He said slowly. "Yeah. Super solid alibi, bro." Amber said. "So where were you and Y/n?" Richie asked us. "I was questioning Amber and her friends at the sheriff station while Y/n was walking in when Sam was attacked." Sheriff Hicks told him. "Yeah, I came as soon as I heard. But you know, the Netflix alibi is good, too." Amber said sarcastically. "Both of you, stop it." Sheriff Hicks told them.

"You're gonna put more cops on her room, right?" Sam asked hicks. "Yes. And I can move you to a private floor. Deputy Vinson knows what he's doing. You'll be safe." Sheriff Hicks told Tara. "Like we've been so far?" Sam asked her sarcastically. The sheriff looked at her. "Samantha, let's step outside." Sheriff Hicks told her and then looked at me. "It's good to see you, Y/n." Sheriff Hicks said to me. "Good to see you too, sheriff." I said as both her and Sam walked out of the room. I sat down next to Tara who smiled at me. "So the kid that I saw was your son, right?" Richie asked me. "Yes." I said to him. "Who is his other parent?" Richie asked me. "That's for me to know and you to not find out." I told him. It got quiet after that when the door open back up to reveal Sam. "Well, she remains a delight." Sam told us sarcastically.

"Are you okay?" Tara asked her. "Um, would you mind giving us a second? I need to talk to Tara." Sam told us. "Come on Netflix, let's go." Amber told Richie as I got up and walked out but before telling Tara I'll be back. "I have to go to Dewey's to pick up Lucas, I'll see you tomorrow." I said to her making her nod her head at me. I walked pass Sam who was still staring at me with a look when we were still dating but I didn't look back to her and went to my car. I drove to Dewey's and decided to spend the night at my godfathers place.

The next day

I grabbed two cups of coffee for me and Dewey while I made Lucas some cereal as he ate at the table and gave Dewey his coffee. Dewey put on the tv and immediately turned to the news channel in where my godmother Gale Weathers was on live. Me and Dewey sat down on the couch as watch her when someone knock on the door making Dewey spill some of his coffee on himself. "Go away!" Dewey told the people outside as Lucas kept eating his cereal. "Sorry to bother you, Mr Riley! We just want to ask you a few questions." Sam said from outside the door. What is she doing here? "I don't give interviews." Dewey told her. "We're not looking for an interview." Sam said.

Dewey went up to the window and looked at her. "Give me one good reason why I should talk to you?" Dewey asked her. "I'm Billy Loomis's daughter." Sam told him making me spit out my coffee as Dewey opened the door fast. "That is a terrible reason for me to talk to you." Dewey told her. I didn't think Sam would tell anybody about her biggest secret. "My name is Samantha Carpenter. I was attacked last night at the hospital. The night before that, my sister was stabbed seven times. I know you know what that's like. I'm just trying to protect my family. Five minutes. That's all I'm asking." Sam told him. Dewey sighed while looking at me as I nodded at him. He looked back at them and sighed. "I'll give you two minutes. I'm missing a show I like." Dewey said letting them in. I see Sam walk in with Richie in tow as she looks at Lucas who was sitting down next to me after he finished his cereal.

Richie saw what we were watching so he spoke up. "Gale Weathers. Weren't you two, um." Richie said before Dewey interrupted him. "Yeah." Dewey said as I shut off the tv as Dewey close the door. Sam and Richie sat across from us as Sam kept looking at me and Lucas but I just ignored her. Dewey sat down as he looked at Richie before giving me a look and turned back to them. "Who's he?" Dewey asked her. "Oh, this is Richie, my boyfriend." Sam said as she looked at me but then looked back at Dewey. "How long have you known him?" Dewey asked her. "Six months?" Sam said. "Did he know who your dad was when you met? Express any interest in Woodsboro or the ghostface killings?" I asked her. "What the hell are you talking about?" Richie asked me as I see him fidget in his seat. "Your killer's obsessed with the Stab movies, right? Well, there are certain rules to surviving a Stab movie. Believe me, both me and Y/n know." Dewey said as Sam looked at me concerned before I took over for Dewey.

"Rule number one: Never trust the love interest. They seem sweet, caring, supportive. Then welcome to act 3, where they're trying to rip your head off." I told her as Richie scoffed at my accusation as I skeptically looked at him. "I was with Sam in Modesto when Tara was attacked." Richie told me. "And let me guess, you were just in the other room, conveniently unaccounted for when she was attacked at the hospital." Dewey said catching on my accusations because it's always the love interest who is a killer along with their friend or their crazy lover. "Okay, do I have to take this from shitty Nancy Drew and Sam Elliot over here, or what?" Richie asked Sam. "Rule number two the killer's motive is always connected to something in the past." I told them. "I'm related to Billy." Sam said.

"Right, but then why kill that random Vince guy?" Richie asked us. "That's for you to figure out. And rule number three, and this is the most important rule: the first victim always has a friend group that the killer is a part of. Does your sister have a close-knit group of friends?" Dewey asked her. "Yeah. She does." Sam said. "Then look for the killer there. If you find out why they're doing this, you can figure out who's next." Dewey said. Sam looked at me and Dewey. "So both of you help us. Help us figure out who is behind this." Sam told us. "You kidding me? I've been stabbed nine times. I've permanent nerve damage and a fun little limp. You think I want to do that again?" Dewey said. "And I've been stabbed twice, I don't want to do that again especially if my son is here. I don't want to put my son who is only 5 years old in any danger." I told her. I felt Lucas leaned in closer to me as Sam looked at me sadly because she was there at the hospital the day Jill stabbed me and almost killed me. I still have the scars to prove it, I just don't want to go through that again.

"You just said it always goes back to the past, right? So if I'm in danger that means you two are in danger. Come on. Let's do this together." Sam pleaded us. Me and Dewey looked at each other before turning back to Sam. "Your times up." Dewey told them and kicked them out of the trailer. Dewey sat down as he turned back on the tv. "Do you think we should help them, Y/n?" Dewey asked me. "I don't know. But my cousin is in Tara's friend group, so I need to help them if your in as well. I can't do this without you, Dewey." I told him. He sighed. "I think we should also tell aunt Sid and Gale about this as well." I told him. "Yeah you're right. You go ahead I'll tell them." Dewey said. I nodded and got Lucas stuff before heading out into my car with Lucas getting into the back seat and buckle himself in. I got to the driver seat when Lucas spoke up. "Daddy, what's going on? Do we get to see mommy again?" Lucas asked me. "Nothing is wrong buddy but I'll tell you about your mommy later. We're going to your cousins." I told him. "Okay, daddy." Lucas said.

I sighed and drove to my cousins place and stopped in front of their house. Just then I see Dewey's car pull up so I got out with Lucas following when Dewey got out of his car. I see Sam and Richie look back at us as we walked up to them. "Holy shit. They came." Sam said as she stared at us but mostly me. "We've decided to temporarily assist you. In you investigation." Dewey told them. "Thank you." Sam said to us. We walked up to the house and opened it as Mindy picked up Lucas and gave him kisses making him laugh loudly as we head into the house.
