17. Escape From Mystery Manor

It was a late Halloween night several decades ago. And a little girl no older than eight or nine walked up to a huge mansion near her home. Said mansion was none other than the famous Darrow Manor. Once the girl reached the door, she knocked on it a couple times before a man answered.

Girl: Trick or treat!

Mr. Darrow: You'll never get this from me you little brats! Never!

The girl was confused as to what the man was talking about. That's when she noticed a strange golden disk piece in the mans hand. And before she could say anything, Mr. Darrow's wife had grabbed him. This caught the girl by surprise as her confusion was instantly replaced with sheer terror.

The little girl ran off screaming as Mr. Darrow was dragged inside. And that's when more chaos started to break out as Mr. and Mrs. Darrow started to fight. Both were trying to get the golden disk piece from the other. That's when their two kids, a sixteen year old girl and a seven year old boy, burst into the room.

And as soon as they did, the entire Darrow family was fighting. And for some odd reason, they were all trying to get the disk piece. Each of them were shouting and all getting the piece just before someone else grabbed it. After several minutes, the seven year old boy was finally able to get his hands on the strange disk piece.

Boy: I have it! I have it!

That's when things had finally taken a complete turn for the worse. Because that's when the ground suddenly had started to shake. And when it did, the Darrow family stopped arguing and had started panicking. But the seven year old boy seemed to be the one who was most terrified.

Boy: Dad, mom, what's going on?!

That's when the shaking started to get really violent. That's when entire Darrow family mansion was swallowed whole. And then there was nothing left except for the stone sidewalk that use to lead to the manor. To this day, no one knows what happened to the Darrow family, until today that is.

In the present, the mystery gang was over at K-Ghoul. After their previous case with Aphrodite, they were taking a chance to relax. And at the moment, Angel was playing some records like she always does. But the gang was waiting for her so they could talk about it important.

Angel: Angel Dynamite coming at you with the spinners spinning rounds for all you sinners in this town. And we'll be right back baby.

With that, she started the next record and joined the gang. But not before she grabbed a black book that she found. And once she entered the room, she saw Velma had prepared a presentation about the cursed treasure.

Angel: Alright kids, lay it on me.

Velma: Alright, here are the clues we have so far that are linked to the curse of the haunted treasure. One, the locket we found in the Crystal Cove caves, which has the picture of Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves from the original Mystery Inc.

Riley: Then there's Professor Pericles, who was also a member of the original Mystery Inc. too. Plus not to mention that he vanished without a trace after the Aphrodite case.

Velma: Three, the Darrow family, who disappeared along with their mansion nearly seventy-five years ago.

Y/n: And finally is Mr. E, a mysterious ally who's been leaving us clues to solve this mystery. And not to mention he has some sort of weird obsession with me, according to several notes.

Angel: Well, Mr. E left this on my door step just last night.

That's when Angel revealed the book that Mr. E left her. And it was weird since the gang was use to Mr. E sending clues to them. So Daphne took the book to see what it could be. But it was weird since it didn't have Mr. E's signature this time around.

Daphne: Weird, it doesn't have the usual letter E stamped on front.

Y/n: Well let's see what's inside.

Daphne: *opens book* "Dear diary, man I dig Ricky, last night I fantisized that he took me in his big, strong arms on a magic carpet ride all the way to to the mysterious perfumed gullies of romancylvania."

Y/n: Wait a minute, this has to belong to Cassidy Williams from the original Mystery Incorporated.

Angel: Try the last entry before they had disappeared.

So with that, Daphne started trying to find the last entry. The gang was a little curious to see what they would learn. So after a few minutes, Daphne was able to find the last entry. And when Daphne read it aloud, the others were all surprised as to what it said.

Daphne: "Dear diary, in our quest to track down the cursed treasure, we leave tonight to search the sight of the old Darrow mansion."

Velma: That's really weird, the papers say they disappeared from the Crystal Cove caves.

Y/n: That is, unless, they must have been to the caves a few days after this entry was written.

Daphne: That makes sense, they must of found something that lead them to the caves to begin with.

Angel: Well, from what I heard, the mansion use to stand where Darrow University is now.

So with that, the gang made their way to Darrow University. Upon arrival, Riley was surprised as to how big the place was. After a few minutes, the gang had made their way to the main building on campus. And after getting inside, they made their way down to the boiler room.

Velma: The boiler room is the lowest point in the entire college. So if the mansion is underneath, then this will be the best access point.

Free: Spread out gang.

Velma: If we're lucky, we'll find a subtle clue that will help us. But be patient, this could take hours of care--

Daphne: I found something!

With that, the gang went to see what it was Daphne found. And to the gangs surprise, it looked like it was the top of an old chimney. Though Velma was a little annoyed that she thought it was going to take a while. Then Scooby and Shaggy took a look and instantly got worried, as usual.

Scooby: Looks like a chimney.

Shaggy: Yeah, and I don't think Santa's been down it for a while.

Daphne: I wonder where it leads

Riley: If I had to guess, I'd say right into the old Darrow mansion.

Y/n: That is if it's still intact.

Fred: Only one way to find out.

With that, without warning, Fred had dropped into the old chimney. But he quickly was able to grab some vines that were growing inside. And he then started climbing down into darkness. After a couple minutes of waiting, the gang heard Fred call up to them.

Fred: All clear, come on down!

Riley: Alright! We're coming down!

With that, everyone went down one at a time. Riley jumped down first before Velma went next. Then Shaggy made a joke about literally "dropping out of college." And with that, it was down to just Y/n and Daphne left up top.

Y/n: Do you want to go first?

Daphne: No, after you.

After a moment or two, Y/n came up with an idea. So he picked Daphne up bridal style before jumping in. He had quickly grabbed some vines and made his way down slowly. And the whole time, both Daphne and Y/n were blushing. But neither of them could see the other blush due to how dark it was.

After a few minutes, they joined with the others at the bottom. And the two of them were just as shocked as the others were. Because they were standing right in the heart of Darrow mansion. Or at the very least, whatever was left that wasn't covered in plants or had been destroyed over the last several decades.

But that's when things took a turn for the worse. Because a giant stone door had blocked the fireplace. Y/n and Fred tried to stop it, but it closed just before they got to it. So they tried to make it move, sadly it wouldn't budge and the two sighed in frustration.

Fred: It won't budge.

Y/n: Is everyone alright?

Shaggy: Like, define "alright."

Scooby: B-Bones!

Daphne: Where are we?

Velma: If I'm not mistaken, it's the old Darrow mansion.

Radio: Welcome back Mystery Incorporated, and I see you've brought a new lady friend. Good,, because this time, you'll never leave! *cackles*

The gang was completely confused as to what was happening. And now they had lots of questions as to what was going on. Such as who this guy is and how he knew them.

Fred: Who are you? And how do you know us?

Radio: I'm surprised you've forgotten Mr. perfect big-chin man.

Riley: Uh, have you two met?

Radio: Oh yes, yes I've been waiting for a long, long time. And I've been waiting for your return, Mystery Incorporated will not get out of this manor ALIVE THIS TIME!

Scooby: This time?

Radio: Now in honor of your return, I've set some very special traps for you.

Fred: Did you say traps?

Y/n: Oh god.

Radio: That's right, specially designed for my old friends Brad. And you too Judy, Cassidy, Michael, Ricky, and of course, the cunning Professor Pericles.

Velma: Excuse me, Mr. Speaker sir? There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding.

Radio: ENOUGH! You'll never get my treasure! And you will never make it out of here ALIVE!

With that, whoever was on the other end of the radio hung up. And it just brought back the question as to who this crazy man was. Plus not to mention whatever treasure that this nutjob was talking about too. And as the gang was trying to figure it out, Fred was in his own little world.

Shaggy: Like, why does he have to keep saying that?!

Scooby: Why does he think I'm a bird?

Velma: For some reason this guy thinks that were the original Mystery Incorporated.

Y/n: Plus not to mention that this guy seems really crazy.

Riley: I second that, and what on earth is going on with Fred?

Fred: Huh? Oh, sorry Riley, I stopped paying attention after he said traps.

Shaggy: Like, I got an idea. Like, let's get out of here before we all step in one.

With that, Shaggy and Scooby tried to search for an exit. Sadly, Shaggy had accidentally stepped on some sort of pressure plate. And that opened up a trap door that lead into a hidden into a pit full of spikes. Seeing this, Y/n and Riley quickly grabbed the two before they fell in said pit.

Scooby: Nice going, genius.

Fred: Stay calm gang. Clearly that crazy adult expects us to panic and make a run for the door, stepping on a pressure switch under that Persian rug.

Y/n: I doubt there's a switch under that old rug Fred.

Y/n decided to prove his point by removing the rug. And with that, he had grabbed to reveal there was, in fact, a pressure switch. So let's just say that Y/n was surprised that Fred was right about it. And Daphne just sighed as she knew Y/n could be a little stubborn from time to time. That's when Fred cleared his throat and then pointed to the traps rigged all around the celling.

Y/n: Ok, so what's the plan?

Fred: Well, cool logic tells me that all of these traps must have a bypass switch which is located right over there.

Once everyone looked to where Fred was pointing, they were confused. It was just an old painting of a man with an axe. And they others had no idea as to how a painting could help them in escaping. Let alone with deactivating all of the traps in the room.

Daphne: A boy with an axe and a hat?

Fred: Axe plus hat equals exit.

Riley: Uh, Fred, I don't--

Sadly, Fred wasn't listening and tried to move the painting. But it was attached to a rope, which activated another trap. And it was a giant saw, which swung towards Shaggy and Scooby. Luckily, they were able to jump out of the way just in time. But they accidentally hit a table with a lit candle. And it set fire to the rug Velma, Daphne, and Riley were all on. Once it did, a net launched from under the rug, trapping the girls.

Fred: Wow, the calabash gambit, I've only read about those.

Girls: FRED!

That's when the others noticed several traps above the girls. And of course, they started to panic and tried to get out of the net. Sadly, they weren't able to get out as the net since it was tightened to the floor. Luckily, Fred was actually going to able to help them out before it was to late.

Fred: I've been waiting for a master trapper showdown just like this my entire life.

With that, Fred went over to a nearby dresser and started messing with it for some reason. He was opening drawers and messing with an old lamp, much to everyone's confusion. All the while, the rope holding a wooden collum over the girls was beginning to rip. Fortunately, Fred was able to open and close the drawers in a certain way to help the girls escape.

After using said pattern, the girls were freed from the net. And not only that, but several traps on the floor had also deactivated too. But that didn't stop the traps on the ceiling as the ropes all had come undone. One by one, all sorts of things like anvils, wooden collums, and more were falling from the celling. So the gang started running for their lives to avoid getting crushed.

After running for a few minutes, the gang barely managed to escape all of the falling death traps. They made it to a separate hall and closed the doors behind them. Now that they were safe, they all took the chance in order to catch their breath. And they were all just glad that they managed to avoid all those traps. Even Y/n was surprised that Fred was able to disable some of them by messing with a dressers drawers.

Y/n: Is everyone alright?

Riley: I'm fine.

Fred: All good here.

Velma: Daphne and I are fine.

Shaggy: Like, Scooby and I are good.

Fred: Alright, everyone stay together. We don't know how many more traps this guy set up.

With that, the gang started making their way down the hall. When they reached a door, Fred turned the knobs, only for a trapdoor to open. And everyone fell in and was separated before they all had blacked out. After a little while, Fred started coming too and realized he was in some indoor pool. Then he saw that Daphne, Riley, and Y/n were all with him and in the pool too.

Fred: Guys?

Y/n: *groans* Uh... what's going on?

Riley: Yeah, where are we?

That's when they realized that they were all tied up. Y/n and Fred were tied to old wooden chairs while Daphne and Riley were tied to a sofa. They all tried to get free, but it didn't seem to do them any good. Although Fred and Y/n were tied up in rope, Daphne and Riley were tied up in chains. That's when the radio be the pool came to life as the madman on the other end spoke up.

Radio: *cackles, coughs* You think you're clever with traps, do you? Here Brad, Judy, Michael, and mystery girl is where things get truly difficult.

Daphne: Our names aren't Brad, Judy, and Michael.

Riley: And my name isn't mystery girl, you nutjob.

Y/n: Yeah, so let us go!

Radio: You're all wasting your time trying to confuse me. And this is just a recording of my voice that can't answer you.

Daphne: But you did just answer me.

Radio: Ok, fine, I'm here. But are you quickly enough to escape my next trap? Please note that you are stuck in a swimming pool.

Fred: You call this a trap, radio voice? You forgot to fill it with water, so we can all breathe down here for decades.

That's when they all heard the sound of something moaning. Then water had started to come out of some pipes and fill up the pool. And Y/n couldn't help but groan out of frustration at Fred's stupid remarks. So now they had to find a way to get out before they all ended up drowning.

Fred: Plus or minus.

Y/n: Fred, if I want tied to a chair I'd smack in upside the head.

Then the radio nutjob explained that the pool trap was revolved around love. Then he explained that Y/n and Fred's seats were free to float and each had an eggbeater they could use to move. But it turned out that the sofa Daphne and Riley were tied to was chained to the bottom of the pool. Then the radio nutjob explained there was a hammer, a bolder, and screwdriver around the room they could use to help everyone get out.

Of course, the radio guy said that Judy, or rather Daphne, always liked Fred. But Daphne had actually gotten over Fred after the phantom case. For she actually had feelings for Y/n now, though he didn't know. And little did she know was that Y/n had started to have feelings for her. Once the guy hung up, everyone turned to Fred to see if he had a plan.

Y/n: So Fred, any idea on how we can get out of here?

Of course, Fred went on talking about how this guy was clever. So the others had to shout at him to get him to focus on getting them out. After apologizing, Fred order Y/n to use his eggbeater to move the chair to the side of the pool. Though Y/n was confused, he followed Fred to where the hammer was. And then Fred used the hammer to break a piece of the pool wall off. Then Fred caugcaught it and used it to cut the ropes that he and Y/n were tied too before they got out of the pool.

Fred: Y/n, you free the girls while I get the door open.

Y/n: Right.

So Fred rushed to get the door open, only to realize it was locked. While he tried to figure out how to open it, Y/n grabbed the bolder. Though Y/n did find a note about how it would hold down Brad and Judy's love. But he just tossed it aside and dived into the pool with the small bolder. Then he used it to break the chains to free Daphne and Riley. And once they were out of the pool, Fred had used the screwdriver to get the hindges off the doors.

Once he was done, they all managed to get out just as the water in the pool started to overflow. Now that they were safe, they took the chance to quickly catch their breath. They all knew that they were all going to be in for a very long night. And they needed to be calm and ready for whatever came next. Because they had no clue where Scooby, Shaggy, and Velma were, or what traps were in their way.

Fred: Is everyone alright?

Y/n: I'm good. Daphne?

Daphne: I'm fine.

Fred: Riley?

Riley: I'm good too. And I have to say, that was some really good quick thinking Fred.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm impressed.

Fred: Alright, now let's find the others.

Meanwhile, Scooby and the others were in the old kitchen. And they were all just starting to come to after being knocked out. Once they were awake, they noticed they were in a kitchen and surrounded by tripwires. And they all saw the massive amount of spears and knives above them. Of course, Shaggy and Scooby were instantly terrified before they heard the radio turn on.

Shaggy: Like, where are we?

Radio:  You are nearly at your moment of doom. Well, two of you are anyway. *cackles* Someone in this room is a big, fat, insecure know-it-all. But only the truly smartest member of your party can figure out this trap and escape to live. *cackles* Hood luck. *hangs up*

Shaggy: "Big, fat, insecure know-it-all?"

Scooby: Who's that?

Velma: Oh, please. I wouldn't call myself big or fat or insecure, and I?

Of course, there was an awkward silence for a moment. As Shaggy and Scooby were trying to figure out what to say without hurting Velma's feelings. And after a couple moments, Velma was a bit hurt that they weren't agreeing with her. Or at the very least trying to say anything at all.

Velma: Why aren't you two agreeing with me?

Once she said that, the two apologized and expressed that they knew she was the smartest one there. Happy with the answer, Velma took out her handmade Swiss army knife. She then used it to cut one of the tripwires to help them get out. Sadly, Velma chose the wrong one and several knives flew off a shelf and towards them. Luckily, they were all able to  duck before they were hit.

Velma: Jinkies! Maybe, in this instance I'm not the smartest member he's talking about. But it couldn't really be you Shaggy, could it?

Shaggy: Uh..... nope, not me.

So the two then looked at Scooby, unsure of what to do. Of course, Scooby instantly became nervous about being singled out. But Shaggy and Velma just told him to follow his gut. So after looking around the room, he saw some bread on the counter. So he started to make his way past the tripwires to the counter. Then he ate the old bread, much to Velma's annoyance and Shaggy's confusion. Suddenly, Scooby had coughed up a piece of paper, much to Shaggy and Velma's surprise.

Velma: Let me see *gasps* It's a clue. This says "to deactivate the traps in this room, simultaneously place pressure on the four grey tiles next to you."

That's when Scooby saw the tiles that the note mentioned. So he stood on all four at once, which caused all of the tripwires to retract. Shaggy went to congratulate his friend as Velma was glad to not be dead. Though she did yelp in surprise when several more knives dropped where they all just were sitting.

Shaggy: You did it, Scoob!

Scooby: Scooby Dooby Doo!

Velma: Of course, it all makes sense. As the smartest, I decided to let Scooby handle this.

Shaggy: But, like, I think this clue may have been written for Professor Pericles, not Scooby Doo.

Velma: Oh, so in the old Mystery Incorporated, Professor Pericles was the smartest. He would have been drawn to the seed cake and--

That's when Velma noticed that Shaggy and Scooby were leaving. So she quickly ran after them in order to catch up before getting separated. And then the trio started looking for the rest of the gang. After several minutes, Scooby, Shaggy, and Velma had bumped into the others. And everyone was glad that the others were all safe and sound.

Riley: Guys!

Daphne: Thank goodness you're safe.

Fred: We made it past the traps thanks to my awesome knowledge of trapping.

Y/n: Yeah, now I say it's time we find a way to get out of here.

With that, the gang started looking for a way out of Darrow mansion. After a while of searching, the gang found themselves in a massive room. It had an old bed, a fire going, which was cooking something, and multiple speakers and old radio equipment. And everyone was confused as to how and why it was all set up like this.

Daphne: Is this a radio microphone?

Riley: I think it is. And I bet this is where that nutjob who set up all these traps has been living.

Velma: And with all these listening tubes, I bet he could easily follow our progress through the mansion.

Scooby: Ew, rat stew.

Shaggy: Like, whoever this guy is, let's not invite him over for dinner.

Madman: Don't worry, the only dinner being served tonight will be YOU!

That's when everyone turned to see a deranged old man. He had lots of white hair, jagged teeth, green skin, and some ragged, old clothing. And by the looks of it, he looked like he was some sort of goblin man. Though if he looked normal, he'd likely be somewhere in his mid to late eighties.

Danny: No one outwits Danny Darrow!

Then Danny started laughing insanely as he grabbed a fire poker to use as a weapon. But Shaggy noticed a rug and used it to blind Danny when he charged at the gang. Using the opportunity, Fred grabbed an old wheel chair before Riley kicked him onto the chair. And that had caused Danny to wheel right out of the room. Then Scooby, Shaggy, and Y/n had quickly blocked the door as Danny tried to barge back in.

Daphne: That's little Danny Darrow? And he's lived down here all these years?

Velma: It seems so.

Danny: You stay out of my room! You stay away from my treasure!

Riley: Why does he keep talking about a treasure?

Fred: We'll figure it out later, for now let's get the heck out of here.

So acting quickly, Fred moved an old dresser to block the door. But as he did, an odd, golden disk piece fell out of a crack in the wall. And before the gang left, Velma noticed the piece and grabbed it. She figured it was ancient, but nothing she's seen before. And she started to wonder as to what this odd piece actually was.

Velma: Look at this, it's some ssort of puzzle piece.

That's when the door started to get smashed in. The gang saw Danny use the fire poker to make a hole for him to crawl through. Once he did, he saw that the gang had the piece and immediately got angry. Because that was actually the "treasure" that he was going to be keeping for himself.

Danny: My treasure! You found it!? GIVE IT BACK!

That's when he started chasing after the gang for the piece. The gang ran into a big hole in the wall and got in and made their way through the narrow space. But Danny wasn't going to be giving up that easily. So Danny started to stab random spots on the wall to try and hurt the gang. And each time, the gang was only just able to avoid getting stabbed.

Fouttunatly, the gang was able to get away from Danny Darrow. But part of the floor gave out, causing them to fall into a hidden slide. They slid down until the eventually arrived back in the room they started in. And once they got to their feet, Shaggy immediately started to panic. Though it's not like anyone could really blame him, given their current situation.

Shaggy: We're trapped! We're doomed! Doomed I say!

Riley: Shaggy! Calm down, panicking will get us nowhere.

Velma: Yeah, and we're not doomed, I think I have--

Fred: Sorry Velma, but these blueprints belong in the hands of a professional.

That's when Fred started giving a speech that there was still hope. But it took an odd turn when he had started talking traps. Basically how he was going to have an epic trap showdown against Danny Darrow. Though he just kept going on for a few minutes like this, much to the gangs confusion.

Scooby: What's up with Fred?

Y/n: Beats me, but worse case is we slap him to knock some sense into him.

After calming down, Fred explained that he had a plan. So the gang got to work on building a trap to catch Danny. Afterwards, everyone got into position and waited. Meanwhile, Danny was angrily searching through the mansion to find the gang and his "treasure." After searching for several minutes, Danny walked past an old laundry chute before hearing a strange voice.

Scooby: *girly voice* Danny? Danny Darrow!

Danny: What's that?

Scooby: *girly voice* Oh Danny, this is your mother.

Danny: Mommy? You came back to me.

Danny went to inspect the laundry chute, only to find Scooby. And that just made him furious as he tried to attack Scooby. But sadly, Danny missed and fell down the laundry chute and landing in an old cart. And said cart went rolling down the hall before Danny was launched into a small elevator duct. Once Danny was in, the elevator went up to the main room before launching Danny out and right into the old piano.

Fred: Got him!

That's when everyone came out of their hiding spots. Once they surrounded the piano, Fred and Y/n lifted the top off to reveal Danny all tied up. Danny was dazed for a moment before he had realized he was trapped. And of course, Fred was gloating about how he had outwit Danny and his traps.

Fred: Boom! Who's been served now?

Danny: I won't deny it, you are a very worthy opponent.

Fred: Oh, thanks, and you're not to bad yourself.

Danny: Was that a Gage Burrow Stratagem you used back there?

Fred: Yeah. At first, I thought I'd go with the Orpheus Proposition, but I didn't have any milk.

Y/n: Okay, I'm going to stop you there and ask this. What's the big idea is with you trying to kill us, Mr. Darrow?

Velma: Yeah, and what's with this?

Danny: My treasure, I thought you had returned to steal it.

Riley: Returned? You got it all wrong.

Daphne: Yeah, you're confusing us with the old Mystery Incorporated.

Danny: Say, now that you mention it, you don't look like I remember you. Especially that bird over there.

Scooby: Thank you.

Y/n: Do you seriously not know the difference between a dog and parrot?

Danny: I've made a terrible mistake, oh what has become of me? I suppose it all started on that Halloween night. My family and I came upon a mysterious artifact. A key to finding the cursed treasure rumored to be buried deep beneath Crystal Cove. It had corrupted us with greed. I had just gotten my hands on it when the earth shook and swallowed our entire house. My loved ones grew old and passed all around me, but I barely noticed. And then those meddling kids showed up.

Riley: The original Mystery Inc?

Danny: Yes, they were after my treasure, I knew it! So I spied on them and booby trapped the whole house in hopes that it would pray upon their weaknesses. But the just left.

Daphne: So you've been waiting for them to come back after all this time?

Danny: Truth be told, I kind of lost track after a while.

Y/n: Well, it's been about twenty years since they came here, give or take.

Danny: Has it really been that long?

Y/n:: Pretty much.

Danny: Huh, well how do I look? I haven't let myself go, have I?

The gang didn't really know how to respond to that. Considering Danny's been underground for over seventy years and all. So they just let him down gently and said he looked fine. With that, Danny was still upset about how he wasted his life. And when he sat down on a chair, he almost got hit in the head with an ax.

Danny: *nervous chuckle* That's one of my.... earlier designs.

Despite everything that happened, the gang felt sorry for him. Danny had been stuck underground for most of his life. The gang knew if any of them were in his position, they would've probably ended up in a similar way. But they were all brought out of there thoughts when the ground shoke.

Shaggy: What's going on?!

Danny: All of those traps going off must have awakened the areas fault lines.

Y/n: The place is coming apart.

That's when the room started to split right in half. And both Danny and Y/n wwre stuck on one side while the gang was on the other. All the while, the entire Darrow mansion was starting to collapse in on itself. When the gang saw Y/n was still trapped, they were panicking about what to do.

Danny: Son, get to the other side while you have a chance!

Y/n: No, not without you!

Daphne: Y/n! HURRY!

That's when Y/n thought of something completely crazy. So he took several steps back and started running to the giant hole. And much to everyone's surprise, Y/n grabbed Danny before he jumped to the other side. He had almost missed it before Fred grabbed the two and pulled them up. That's when an hole to the surface had opened, giving everyone one chance to escape.

Luckily, everyone was able to make it out just before the hole closed in on itself. Once it did, everyone let out a sigh of relief for making it out alive. That's when Daphne wrapped Y/n in a very tight hug. She was on the verge of tears as Y/n hugged back to comfort her after what happened.

Danny: You... saved me, thank you, I'm in your debt.

Y/n: No problem, I'm sure you'd do the same if our positions were reversed.

Velma: Well, I guess you'll want your treasure back?

Danny: No, keep it, and may it bring you more happiness then it ever brought me.

Y/n: So what will you do now?

Danny: I'm not sure, but I know I'm going to spend whatever time I have left making up for the years I spent with that piece.

With that, Danny went off towards the nearby woods. Likely to see if he could find a new home since his was now gone for good. Y/n was just happy he could help Danny get out too. And maybe there was a chance they'd meet again one day. But right now, only time would tell if it happened or not.

Y/n: I guess after all that, we managed to save a tournamented soul.

Velma: I guess we did, or more specifically you Y/n.

Riley: Yeah, but there's still one thing about this piece.

Shaggy: Like, yeah, didn't he say that this wedge was....

Scooby: Cursed?

Fred: Whatever it is, it's our responsibility now. The only question is are there more pieces out there?

Y/n: And if there are, who else is looking for them?

Little did the gang know was that Mayor Jones was watching from his car. So when he saw the gang with the disk piece, he angrily drove off. And on the edge of the Darrow University campus was Y/n's uncle Brian. Once he saw the piece, he knew things were going to get a lot more complicated. So he made his way off campus to get home before he was noticed. Little did anyone know was what would soon happen.

A/n: Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I've updated. But I hope you liked the chapter and the changes I made at the end. So if you liked the chapter, then don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you guys next time in...

The Dragon's Secret
