Chapter 5

Summer was waiting for Mr. S as she leans on the tree.

He looked at Summer who was looking at him like she's about to murder him as he got out.

"Morning, Summer."

"Groupie?" She asked, as she crossed her arms.

"What's the matter?"

"You want me to be a groupie?" She asked as she starts to follow him.

"Well, groupies are an important job."

"I researched groupies on the internet. They're sluts! They sleep with the band!" She yelled as Mr. S tried to tell her something different.

"No! That's not true. They're like cheerleaders."

"I don't want to be a cheerleader. Look, my mother is  a room parent and she's not going to be happy when she hears about this." She said with a small smirk.

"Okay. Listen. I didn't want to say this in front of the other kids because I didn't want to make them jealous but I made a special position just for you. The most important job of all. Band mananger." He said, leveling down to her height.

"Band manager? What's that?"

"Well I'm going to be busy rocking out so it up to you to make sure everyone is doing their job. Summer! You're in charge of everything."

"Okay." She agreed as they walked into class.


"Alright! Let's look alive! Listen up! First thing you do when you start a band..."

"Mr. Shneebly?" Summer asked as she raised her hand.

"Before we start, can I first take attendance?" She asked as Dad gave up.

"Okay, Fine!"

Summer go up and grabbed her clipboard, before flipping her hair and walking to the front of the class.

"And Marco?"
"Summer. Here. Uh, let's see... Tomika?" She asked, looking around the room before Dad interrupted and pushed her back to her seat.

"Okay. We're all here! Look, the first thing you do when you start a band is talk about your influences. How to figure out what kind of band you would be. So... who do you like? Blondie." He said, pointing to Marta.

"Christina Aguilera!" She said, happily.

"Who? No! Come on! What? You, short stop." He said, now pointing to Leonard.

"Puff Daddy."

"Wrong. Billy?"

"Liza Minelli?"

"What are you...! You guys! This project is called Rock band! I'm talking about bands that rock! Y/n." He said, pointing to me.

"Led Zepplin." I said, already knowing what he's talking about.

"Thank you! Led Zepplin!" He said, looking at the class offended.

"Don't tell me you guys never gotten the lead out? Jimmy Page? Robert Plant? Ring any bells?" He asked, the class not saying anything.

"What about AC/DC? Motorhead! Oh! What do they teach in this place?!" He yelled, throwing his hands up.

"Summer? Your the class whatever, go to the board."  He said, pointing to the board.


"Factorer. New schedule: 8:15-10, Rock History. 10-11, Rock Appreciation And Theory. And then band practice until the end of the day." He said clapping his hands.

"What about Math?"

"No. Not important." He said, shaking his head.

"World Cultures?" Michelle asked, not believing what she just heard.

Not important. You guys, we need to focus here. Don't you want to win this contest? Its prestigious!" He said with exaggeration.

"Um. Question..." Summer said, as she turned towards us.

"How are we being graded and all this? I mean... since I'm band manager. And I have the most responsiblity..." She said, which Dad got too annoyed and interrupted her.

"Summer? If you grade rub one more time, I'm going to send you back to 1st grade. You got it? Back to your seat now." He said, pointing towards Summer's seat.

"Fine." She said, lazily as she started to walk back towards her seat.

"What are we gonna play?" Freddy asked.

"Uh... You don't have to worry about that. You have awesome material which I wrote." He said, pointing to himself as he snickered.

"Let's hear it." Zach said, wanting to hear his song.

"What?" Dad asked, dumbfounded.

"Let's hear your song." Zach said again, making sure he heard it.

"You wanna hear my song? I'll play my song if you wanna hear it. Thing is, I just want you to keep in mind... I wrote it in like 15 minutes. And uh... it's not done yet. And you might..." He said, getting his lips ready and closing his eyes.

"Just play the song, Schneebly!" Freddy said, getting annoyed, which made me chuckle.

"Okay! I will sing it for you but um... let me just... get in the zone. I was not planning on invaling it but... I will sing it." He said, getting ready to sing it.


We were in the classroom where we were all doing the stuff for the band. We were playing a Dad's song that he wrote when he got kicked out of his last band.

Towards the end of the song, Freddy was getting ready to end the beat and let me tell you. He was pretty hot. I got to admit.

"Stop! Okay, Freddy. That was awesome. You're rocking but it's a little sloppy joe. Tighten up the screws. Okay?" He said, giving Freddy a little advice.

"Zack? Dude. What's up with this stiffness, man? You lookin'... little... robotronic. Okay? Let's reset the hinges and listen. Loosey goosey, loosey goosey." He said, moving his arms.

"I'm just playing it the way you told me." Zach said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I know! But you know what? It's perfect. But the thing is rock is about the passion, man! Where's the joy!? You're the lead guitarist and we are counting on you for some style, brotha! So try this. It's an ancient technique. It's called power stance." He said, showing Zack the stance.

"Let's start again from where you're not hardcore. Ready? 1.. 2..3." Then he started to play the song.

"Yeah! Now, we're rockin'!"
