Minju Part III: Oratorio

Oratorio - a musical work that is sacred in nature

Seoul Arts Theatre, night of the concours

The night of Seoul's Intermediate National Concours is about to begin. Various classical music enthusiasts, critics, performers and viewers from both in and out of the country had come to watch Korea's brightest musicians to perform on stage. Many of them are both interested and curious towards the talents and skills of this current generation of future professionals in the musical field.

For many of the concours' performers, it is their chance to gain recognition from many of the famous musical personalities who are in attendance. Some are eager to show off their prowess with their chosen instruments, while others are hoping that they would bring credit to the musical institutions which they belong to.

For both Y/N and Minju, they simply wanted the people who are about to watch them to know what they are capable of, and to show how unique their performance will be in comparison to their rivals. But the fame of Y/N's family seemed to have gotten most of those in attendance interested, as they all know that one of their family's heirs in music is set to perform tonight as one of the contestants.

Waiting Room, few minutes before Y/N and Minju's Performance

Y/N was spending the remainder of his waiting period to calm his nerves. He knows that his performance with Minju could very well be one of the competition's highlights, and the pressure of being so is starting to get to him. But knowing that his friends as well as his sister are all there to support them, he knows that they'll both be fine.

Opening up his phone, he began reading the messages left by the ones he didn't choose to perform with him tonight.


"I am glad that you'll finally be able to take the first step towards living your dream, Y/N. Know that Felix and I will always support you in everything you do from here on, so please, try to relax and enjoy your performance too!"


"This is it, Y/N. I know that you being there to perform tonight also meant that you're fighting for the both of us. You have come today to show them what you can do, and knowing that, I'll always support you, as my closest friend and one of the important people I've met in my life. So go out there and win this!"


"You have learned more than enough to have come this far, Y/N. As your sunbae, there's no one else who can be proud of you than me and your sister. You've shown me how much you value your talent as well as the people who helped you achieve what you are now. No matter what the results of the contest will be, know that I'll be there guiding you as you continue your path to become the best."

Their words were more than enough to inspire Y/N to do his best today. All the people he met in the academy throughout these past few months have changed him for the better, and with it, he knew he had everything he needed to deliver the best performance he could ever give.

Theatre Hallways, one more performer before Y/N and Minju's turn

Only one more performer is left before Y/N and Minju goes to the stage. The two of them were walking together fully dressed up and ready.

Y/N can't help but admire Minju's look for the evening as she wore an elegant white evening dress that made her stand out even amongst the other female participants. On the other hand, Minju never expected him to look as handsome and dignified in his simple gray suit and tie, with his hair done in a fashionable manner fit for tonight's performance.

The two talked as they proceed towards the stage entrance in order to calm themselves.

"Are you okay, oppa? You look very nervous."

"I'm fine Minju. But I'm impressed that you aren't really nervous at all."

"I suppose I do. *chuckles* But still, with you out there on the stage with me, there is nothing to worry about. So, let's try and perform as best as we could, oppa."

"You're right, Minju. But the fact that your parents are also going to be watching us must be putting a bit of pressure in you."

"It does, but they promised to support us, no matter if we win or not. They have always been kind to me, and that's why I must do what I can to make them proud."

"You have good parents, Minju. Now let's give them a wonderful performance as your own expression of thanks."

They both proceeded to the halls as the time for their performance has arrived.

Theatre Main Stage, Performance Proper

"And now, our next contestants, performing Bach's Church Sonata, the pair of Kwon Y/N and Kim Minju." The concours announcer called.

Having heard their names called in, Y/N and Minju entered the stage in an elegant manner. Both of them practiced their stage presence in addition to their rehearsals, as the audience gave them a round of applause as they took their positions.

Signalling each other to begin, the both of them started their musical piece.

Y/N began playing the vibrant introductory parts, as the audience were quickly captivated by his impressive skills.

Y/N's POV:

"I dedicate this performance for you Minju, as the girl who looks up to me as her idol."

As Y/N picks up the pace, Minju started to join him as she began playing the harp, as each tune she plays gives the needed softer touch to make the piece sound more relaxing.

Minju's POV:

"Y/N-oppa, let me dedicate this piece to you to show my appreciation for giving me this wonderful chance to perform with you tonight."

Soon enough, their performance starts gaining momentum, as the audience gave them an opening applause. As the piece comes together in the middle parts, Y/N started to passionately play the intricate tunes with precision, as the crowd listened to the harmonious aura emanating from a sacred piece.

Y/N's POV:

"I may have treated you unfairly because of my own personal feelings, and even now I'm uncertain as to what will happen next for us. But just for this moment, I will forget about all of it and express my admiration for you. "

Minju followed his pace, giving a soothing but angelic feeling that only she can provide as the audience were astonished that both of them are performing at such a level.

Minju's POV:

"If only I could tell you the truth as to how I feel about you, Y/N-oppa, then I can easily live the rest of my life happily. But I'm torn between two choices that continue to cast doubts as to what I should do. But for this moment that we share now, I just want to forget about all of those things, and simply enjoy my time here performing with you."

They arrived to the climactic parts, when Y/N masterfully performed the piece's ascending notes as Minju joined in by playing the most intricate parts needed to capture the overall mood of their performance.

Y/N's POV:

"I may not have a chance to be together with you, but know that I'm always be here, protecting you when you needed me, Minju."

Minju's POV:

"You were always my inspiration when I started to learn music, oppa. I hope that this won't be the last time I get a chance to perform with you."

The piece draws to a close, as Y/N played the finishing parts in a slower, relaxing tune, as Minju finishes the piece on a proud finale.

Once the performance is finished, the two smiled to each other while in tears of joy, as they were more than satisfied with what they've shown everyone tonight.

The two stood by each other's side, hands joined together as they bowed. In response, the audience gave them a long round of cheers and applause, even the judges who could not believe on what they've just witnessed. Not only did Y/N performed above the expectations of those who know him, but for the first time, Minju's talent was shown for everyone to admire. There's no denying the fact on how famous they both became after this moment, as the two were celebrated on by their performers off stage.

Theatre Audience Area, after the concours

Everyone was waiting in anticipation as the results are about to be announced. Y/N held Minju's hand, giving her assurance that they did an unforgettable performance tonight that they could ever make. In return, Minju gave him a quick embrace, telling him she's okay and she was happy that they could performer together so admirably.

The event announcer comes toward the stage, and unsurprisingly, announced Y/N and Minju as the winners of this year's Nationals. The crowd cheered in unison as the two came to receive their award, as they all agree that the both of them showed that they are more than worthy to have this victory. Minju can't help but cry as Y/N embraced her, as their first contest together ended in a way they can truly be proud of.

In a luxury restaurant, somewhere in downtown Seoul

The two happily celebrated their victory together with their friends in one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. Minju's parents spared no expense in reserving the entire place for themselves, as they was more than willing to do so after what Y/N and Minju achieved that night. Once they arrived, they sat together in the restaurants VIP area, with Y/N and Minju sitting at the opposite sides of the table. Eunbi, Hyewon, Hyunjin and Minju's parents joined them as they all started to cheer for the two.

"Y/N-ssi, Minju, you both can't imagine how happy and proud we are with what you have done today. You've truly showed everyone how talented the both of you are, and for that, I wish that both of you continue to succeed in the future." Minju's father said as they applauded the two.

"Thank you, Mr. And Mrs. Kim, for preparing all of this for us tonight."

"Not at all, Y/N-ssi. We should be thanking you instead, for you helped our beloved daughter gain recognition for her talent. She is a very sweet girl, and for you to give her this opportunity means a lot for our family. In addition, we also had a chance to meet the children of Mr. And Mrs. Kwon tonight." Minju's mother said as Eunbi bowed in respect.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim. Please know that my brother and I are both happy to have met both of you tonight."

"The pleasure is ours too, Eunbi-ssi. Now Y/N, it won't surprise me that you've already met Kang Hyewon, right?"

"Of course, sir. Hyewon-sunbaenim had been most helpful to us during the time of our preparations." Y/N said as Hyewon simply nodded in reply.

"She may not have told you this, but her father had always been a good friend of mine whenever we perform outside Korea. He had conducted a lot of orchestras overseas, like your father did, and I see that she is looking to follow in his footsteps." Mr. Kim said, surprising Y/N about the fact. Hyewon gave him a quick smirk before she answered.

"You are right, Mr. Kim. I hope that I would be as good as him one day, so I'm working hard to succeed him in the future."

"I'm sure you will, Hyewon. By the way, Hyunjin, you've been silent this whole time. Is everything okay?" Minju's mother asked him.

"Oh it's nothing ma'am. I'm just really trying to think of a way on how to express my gratitude to Y/N-sunbaenim for giving my fiancée this wonderful opportunity." He said while emphasizing his fiancé status to Y/N, making him feel a bit unnerved.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll have that chance once I told Y/N of what I'm thinking that would be good for the three of you. After all, this is a rare opportunity for you to be learning from one of the rising performers of your generation." Minju's father said, as both Minju and Y/N felt confused and a bit worried about what he just told them.

"Pardon me, Mr. Kim, but what is this opportunity that you're speaking of that involves my brother?" Eunbi asked.

"I think it would be better for us to tell you after we've finished our meal. Now let's continue celebrating your success tonight, the both of you." Mr. Kim said as he gestures for everyone to begin the feast.

After having finished their meal, Mr. Kim decided to share everyone the news.

"Now that we have enjoyed this wonderful celebration, I would like for us to share with you what we have in mind, Y/N-ssi. First, allow us to express our gratitude to the two of you, as well as your esteemed family, for giving our daughter the opportunity to learn under your guidance, even if it was just for the duration of the concours. Now Minju might not have mentioned this, but Hyunjin here is one of my greatest pupils, whom I will always be proud of. His dedication to learning the piano is as important as how he values Minju as his future betrothed."

"It might be a bit too late for us to ask this of you, but both our daughter and Hyunjin are going to perform as a duet in a special recital that coincides with your music festival. Now, we understand if you wouldn't be able to accept it given the circumstances, but it would mean a lot for us if you agree to use your time instead to act as their mentor for their rehearsals. As for the expenses and your activities, I would also ask the school to excuse you temporarily from your lessons and the festival, in order for you three to focus on the preparations." He added.

Y/N felt a bit uncomfortable once he heard the offer, as Eunbi, Minju, and Hyewon all looked at him in worry. Meanwhile, Hyunjin, who was watching everything, looked at him with a sinister smile, mocking him as he knows he can't refuse Mr. Kim's proposal so easily.

"I understand, Mr. Kim. I may not be as good as you think I am, but out of respect for your sincerity and appreciation, I would gladly agree to your request."

Hearing this, Minju's parents thanked him truly as Minju felt worried about his decision.

Hyunjin's POV:

"You just can't stay away, could you Y/N? No matter, at least I know now that you truly have feelings for her. All I have to do is to make you suffer for trying to get in my way, and I'll enjoy every moment of it."
