Big Dick Energy

One day our favourite Jschlatt Fan named Baka was scrolling through tiktok, she come across a video trying to cancel Jschlatt, she of course, tries to defend that motherfucker. All she did was get attacked. Then when clicking onto the creators profile, her heart weirdly started beating in a unhuman way.  She followed the creator. The creators name was Sussy. When sussy checked his notifications he rolled his eyes. "Just another Jshat fan."  He than continued his day with hating on poor innocent Jschlatt fans. When it reached 8:33 PM at night for sussy, he went to bed. Only to wake up too Baka spamming him with texts. He replied with "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT JSHART FAN." Too that Baka replied with, "I think you're kinda hot uwu." Sussy starts to blush unexpectedly. "Oh wow, where do you live hotty." Sussy said embarrased. Baka than replied with, "I live in Texas what about you." "Oh I live in Texas too!" Sussy sweating wanting to ask if Baka wants to meet up. "What's your name?" Baka said, "Mines Baka." "Oh cool mines Sussy!" Sussy hesitantly texts Baka, "Wanna meet up?" Baka immediately says "YES!" 
