My Paranormal Experiences - Never call a Ghost Stupid

So i was trying to fall asleep tonight, because i'm really tired and i'm really close to starting my time of the month. and i'm in a really pissy mood, so i don't feel like being messed with. And i can't sleep, Yes i had some haunting's when trying to sleep. But that's not the reason why i can't sleep, I ignored them. because i'm really tired, and i don't care. I just slept for 20 minutes, then woke up still sleepy.

So anyways, After sleeping for only 20 minutes. Something was trying to get my attention, It wanted me to see something that it did. i could tell. It then kicked my Bed so hard, making it shake because it's a bunk bed. I mumbled not wanting to get up, and said, "Ben Stop". it kept kicking my bed. so i said, "Are you really this Stupid?". And i pissed it off.

It grabbed my ankles, And Dragged me to the bottom of my bed, where my feet laid. Then i woke up, and i was like, "Okay, Okay I'm awake!". I thought it was Ben messing with me, But it wasn't. Ben was still asleep, So it wasn't Ben. I would be more afraid, if i wasn't about to start my time of the month. Lmfao.

So then i got back up to where my pillow was, And noticed something really slimy on the ride side of my neck. I felt my neck, And then looked at my hand. I saw that it was Blood that was on my neck, I felt my neck again. And i felt a slight cut, On my neck. I was confused, on why my neck was cut. The scary part of this was, I didn't even care.

I actually tried ignoring it, and tried going back to sleep. I kept hearing something blocking my little fan, but then stop blocking it. it was weird. Then i decided i couldn't sleep, Because i was being bothered. I got off my bed, turned the light on and turned off my little rainbow Christmas tree light. i said goodnight to my birds, and then i looked in my Mirror. And i saw that the right side of my neck was bloody and cut. But i didn't react to it, Much. It was like i didn't care. And it was still gushing out blood. I only felt a little pinch.

I exited my room, and went into the bathroom. And i looked into the mirror in the bathroom...... And there was no blood or cut, on my Neck. it was like it completely disappeared, And the Pinch went away as well. I looked at my hand, which i used to wipe the "Blood" on my neck with. And there was no Blood on my hand anymore, It was really weird. I was super confused. But i learned how to not question things, So that's exactly what i did, I didn't question it.

And now I'm here in the living room, Writing this. Lol. What did we learn tonight? Never call a Ghost Stupid, You'll just piss it off..... Oops. xD


So yeah, That's what pretty much happened tonight. Welp. Enjoy. :P

Thanks for all of the support, it really means a lot. ^-^

Love you all, to infinity and beyond! <3 :3

~ Leo
