Chapter 2

3rd POV
10 years later

It was the night of her 17th birthday. She was laying in her bed with a thousand thoughts flowing through her head 'why am I alone tonight' 'where's my family' 'why don't they care about me' all these thoughts and more making her wonder why she was even born in the first place if her family didn't care for her in the first place.


We moved away from Derry when I was 11. I didn't have many friends so it was easy for me to leave. About a year after we moved my parents split up. My dad leaving me with my mum it was just us two and that was fine, well it was for about the first year then when I was around 13 she started drinking and staying out late she sometimes didn't even come home she would be out til late hours of the night or early hours of the morning, but when she did come home early she would bring men with her, they would range from all heights, weights and colours, sometime she would bring home three at a time, those nights I didn't get much sleep I was kept up by all the yelling and moaning sometime I could hear things break. I tried to stay out of her way when she was drunk (so basically all the time) she became incredibly violent when drunk especially to me. So as soon as i had enough money and could take care of my self I was out of there I've been living on my own for about a year now and honestly I couldn't be happier, most the time but sometime I feel lonely and wish that I was younger again when my parents were still together and I woke up to a nice breakfast but I can't dwell in the past, but speaking of the past this reminds me of one time when I was a kid a was playing in the puddles and I found a pretty flower over the top of a drain when I went to pick it there was a clown in the drain. Wow I had a wild imagination as a kid clown in drains what a joke. But I would like to see Derry again I think I may move back there it's not like anyone's going to miss me, that it I have decided I'm moving back to Derry.

Okay guys sorry it's short but this is the best I could do in one day my head is all idea ed out for this book I would just like to say this book will be on a sort of schedule we will update once a week maybe. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter talk to you next time.

473 words.
