Chapter-18 Weird feeling

Yipper got home feeling so exhausted once he got into his room he floped on to his bed.
"Why did I do that?" He asked himself, he later then went to sleep and he suddenly woke up in a Ferris wheel with someone next to him he looked closer to him and it was Andy wearing his regular clothes he then looked at him and was begining to move infront of him and kissed him.

"Gwwaaaaahh!!!" Yipper screamed and fell out of bed, he steugled to get up and saw the mini alarm clock on his desk it was still 5 in the morning.He sighed and went back to bed wondering what was happening to him.

Andy POV

I went to class like usual but Sharpy wasn't there probably hunting down Evans, so I sat at my table with no one to talk to today I thought it was gonna be boring today but thats when I saw Yipper he looked different and exhausted when he saw me he quickly shook his head and beamed a smile at me trying to hide his gloomy facade.

"Hey Andy!"

" Uh..Morning Yipper"

"Uh..did the prof say anything"

"What?... dude the professor hasn't steped in here yet infact homeroom hasn't even started"


"Um....Yipper are you okay"


"You look....different thats all did you sleep well?" When I asked him his face went instantly pale, maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Uhh....w..well you see I had this weird dream"

"Oh realy what dream was it!"

"Its...I preety fucked up dream.."

"Oh I see you mean a Nightmare"

" mean no...well kinda!"

"Well what was it about!" The further I asked the more he shuddered I wonder what he's hiding?

"I...well....." before he could continue he breathed in and let it out.


"I kissed you"
I paused at what he said, till I sank everything down what he said.



" sorry"

"Its okay I too screamed"

"Its just that it reminded me about the time when we rode on that...ferris wheel" I looked down blushing when I peeked up he was blushing too, this is so akward, I wanted to say something but someone broke our bubble.
"Hey guys what's up- Andy are you okay" Sharpy asked, but I didnt say anything I just kept looking down twidling my fingers and blush.

"Yipper what did you do!"

"I..I...Im sorry! I didnt do anything I mean I didn't mean to do it on purpose, Andy!"

"Uh..guys its okay! Im fine realy!"

"You sure Andy cause I can handle Yipper right here right now!"this is bad he's getting alot of attention, alot of people are looking at him and Yipper looks like he's ready for a fight.

"Will you guys just stop it, Sharpy like I fuckin said I.AM.FINE!, and Yipper please don't fight in class I dont want to get into any of your bullshit trouble got it!!!"

"Y..YES SIR!!!" They said in unison amd as if by cue the prof walked in and we all went silent like nothing happened. Sometimes Im sweet sometimes but my anger is just worstening my character,never knew I had a side like this. Class went on and ended but I didn't feel like talking with Yipper or Sharpy but then Happy showed up.
"Hey Andy how you doin!"

"Oh hi Happy nothin much!" He looked behind me his face changed from happy Happy to glare.

"Hey Yipper why are you following us!"

"Following you Im with Andy"

"With?, Andy what's this fox head talking about?"

"We made up!"

"Made up!"

"Uh, Yeah! We fucking made up how clear does he have to for you to get the picture" Happy glared at Yipper then his eyes move to me, then there was this silence then he grabed me and hugged me tightly so much I couldn't breath.

"Hey Happy what are you ahhh!!"

"H...Happy what are you doing to him put him down now!"

"Or what you gonna take him away from me?"

"Uh, Yeah ! He could hardly breath so stop it!" Yipper tried to grab me but Happy shifted so fast he couldn't touch him,I was trying to break free but the more I tried to move the more Happy tightened his grip.

"Happy what the fuck! Let me go already!"

"Not until you say I love you first!"


"WHAT!!!" Yipper yelled so loud my ears were starting to bleed, but what the fuck is Happy being serious about what he said?!
"Dude this isn't funny let me go Im suffocating"

"What's the magic word!?" Happy said playfully but Im being serious I can't breath.

"Okay that's it!!" Yipper lifted his fist and he punched Happy in the right eye, I was now let go and I went to Happy to see of he was okay.
"Oh my fucking Glod are you okay!"He opened his eyes or should I say eye and looked at me.


"Yeah he's okay!" Yipper joked but I gave him a serious glare and he instantly shut up.

"But I like blurry!" He then grabbed my head brought my lips to his and we kissed thank God there was no one around for miles,I can feel Yipper glaring at us and I in an instant Happy's face was now being kicked off by Yipper.

"Yipper stop it he's already hurt!!!"

"He fucking kissed you!"

"He was just loosing it after you tried to punch his lights out!"

"No he didn't a while ago he said he'll let you go only if you say I Love you to him!"

"He was probably kidding around he was going to let me go eventually!"

"No he wasn't I fucking knew he loved you!"

"Why are you being so defensive!"

"Im not being defensive !....I just want you safe."

"I understand but right now we can't leave him like this!"

"Sigh your right Im sorry let's take him to the clinic" We then went on our way to the clinic but we had to run into a few obsticles Clarity was coming in our way and we can't let anyone see us carrying an almost dead body.

"Shit Clarity is coming!"

"What!, what do we do?"

"Hide Happy I'll distract her" Yipper understood and he took Happy and hid in a bush, then I appeared before Clarity.

"Oh Hi Andy!"

"Hi Clarity how are you?"

"Oh Im fine, anyway is Yipper bothering you or anything?"

"Nope we're cool now!"


"Yeah we made up!"

"Well that's great I'll-"

"Aaaachhooo!!!"I heard someone sneezing and it was probably Happy he must be awake.

"Was that Happy!?"

"Uh.. no.."

"Was that a question or an answer?!"


"He's there isn't he.."

"Yes! mean No!...I mean.....maybe..."


"Fucking satan she's gonna find out" I said to myself.

"Oooookkkaaay..." She said suspiciously and walked away, she was still looking at me then she sprinted to where the sneezing sound was eminating and I tried to stop her.

"Clarity wait!" I grabed the strap of her bag then she fell on the ground.

"Andy what are you hiding?" She looked realy pissed.

"Im sorry Clarity but its not what you think!!!"

"Hi Clairty!" Happy got out of the bush and greeted us but it wasn't Happy's voice.


"What are you talking about it's me Happy!" I face palmed at what he's doing What the hell does Yipper think Clarity is stupid to think that, that is the real Happy. Clarity then went to the bush and plunged her fist then to took out Yipper pupeteering Happy.

"Yipper!!! Im not stupid!" She then held her fist ready to knock him out but I hugged him and defended him and he was shocked at what I did and so was I.


"I told you were cool now!"
