"HEY! STOP THAT!" Jungwoo yelled to the girl on top of you. The girl scratched your face and arms with her sharp nails and you started to bleed. The wounds from yesterday also opened up, which ended with you losing a lot of blood. Jungwoo and the security finally got the girl off you and Jungwoo asked if you were ok. Your vision got blurry and you fainted in Jungwoo's arms.


"Y-Y/N!?" I yelled and tried tried to wake her up.

Oh shit! I thought and moved some strands of hair of her beautiful face. Her face was full of blood, scars and tears. With my sweaty hands, I wiped her bloody tears away. (Nae pi ttam nunmul ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) One of the staff called an ambulance and an other carried Y/N away for us to continue our fansign.

My hands was trembling while fresh blood was slowly running down to my elbows and dried. It was itching badly, but I couldn't wipe them away. I watched Y/N being carried to the room we came out from, and ran towards her.

"Is she ok?" I asked and held her hand.

"She must have fainted due to all the pain. You should head back to the others ad finish up for today", the staff told me and laid her down on a couch. Y/N was sweating a lot and blood kept on running out of her wounds.

"I-I'm sorry, but can I join her to the hospital? She is a friend of mine", I lied to make sure she were ok. I was so curious if she was the one I met yesterday. It must be!

The ambulance staff came in the room and picked up Y/N. They asked who was going to follow her to the hospital, and I raised my hand.



TaeMom: Where did you go, Jungwoo?

Junguwu: I went to the hospital with Y/N.

Mr. Vroom Vroom: Who is Y/N?

Junguwu: The girl who fainted. She's having some checkups and I feel bad cuz its kinda my fault I guessㅠㅠ ...

Seagull: Hyung, It's not your fault, it's that crazy gurl's !! >:|

Dolphin God: Yeah. Imma beat her ass up! JUST WAIT!!

TaeMom: EHEMM!! ImMa WAsh YoUr moUtH WitH SOAP, CHENLE!

Lucas can do it instead, u too small (sorry) XD

Sushi Bieber: Imma show her mah big ass muscles!! >:)

Junguwu: Gotta go, see yah!


The doctor came out of Y/N's room.

"We are now done with all the checkups. She lost a big amount of blood, and fainted due to all the pain. Can I ask you what happened?"

I explained everything that happened in details and the doctor nodded and said:

"She might wake up soon, so you can go inside and keep an eye on her. Just call me if you need anything or if she wakes up."

The doctor left and I walked inside to find Y/N lying on the bed unconscious. I held her cold hand and kissed it.

I'm so so sorry, my princess.

|| 4 hours later ||

I still held Y/N's hand. It wasn't cold anymore.

-- Y/N'S POV --

I can't see anything. I don't even know if I see black... It's all gone.

Pain through my whole body, and a hand holding mine is all I feel.

Who is it? Who can it be?

I have to move, but I can't! What is wrong with me!?

My finger moved. Finally! The grip around my hand is now much, much stronger.

"Y/N! Are you awake? Can you hear me!?"

Voices. I can hear! 

But, Y/N? Is that me? Or is it someone else?

That voice is so familiar, yet I can't remember anything at all.
