
A week later I wake up and smile to myself when I realise that today is the Hogsmeade trip. Even though I have had days think about it, I keep replaying the events of the Halloween feast in my head; Draco's hand on my waist and his body so close to mine. Surely he wouldn't have taken me outside and then asked me to dance with him if he didn't like me but then again I am really the only person he talks to and he did say that he just wanted to get away from everyone else.

I get out of bed and rush to the shower to avoid standing in the cold air. I pick out a simple outfit and pull my trench coat over my shoulders, all the time thinking, but failing to draw any conclusions. As soon as I have convinced myself of one thing I suddenly remember another piece of evidence that suggests otherwise.

When I walk down the stairs I am still not sure of anything and I am so absorbed in my own thoughts that at first, I don't notice Draco lying face up on the sofa with his eyes closed.

'Morning sleepy head,' I laugh as I walk towards him

His eyes flutter open slowly at first but when he sees me he starts and quickly pushes himself up on his elbows. I laugh again as his eyes dart over to the clock above the fireplace.

'I didn't really sleep well last night,' He groans swinging his legs off the cushions. 'I kind of got up and got dressed but when I lay down on the couch I guess I just fell asleep.'

I nod understandingly because I know exactly how it feels, lying awake, struggling to stop the things running through my brain so I can find rest but then becoming trapped in nightmares that seem all too real.

'Well there's no time to sleep today,' I tell him determined to remain positive and pull myself out of the part of my brain that burns with ravaging fury. 'It's the Hogsmeade trip today and it's beautiful outside.'

'Oh yeah, Hogsmeade. Well, I wasn't planning on going really. I mean you probably want to go with your friends and they won't want me hanging around and I haven't really got anyone else to go with. Besides I'm tired anyway,' he says with a shrug.

'Well actually all of my other friends have other plans and I was going to ask you if you wanted to spend the day with me.' I feel my heart beat faster in my chest but I ignore it. It's not like I'm asking him on a proper date.

'Really? What about Harry and Ginny?'

'They want to spend the morning just the two of them. I told Ginny we'd meet up for lunch though. So are you coming or do I have to spend the morning being awkward by myself.'

'Oh, well alright then I suppose. I wouldn't dare deny Hermione Granger,' he stands up and smirks and I just roll my eyes at him. 'Well I'll go and get changed quickly because I can't very well go out looking like this,' he turns and walks upstairs to his room even though I would have considered his outfit perfectly suitable.

I may know very little about relationships and how to talk to people in general but I am quite sure that Draco Malfoy was just flirting with me. Possibly. I mean I think he was. Bloody hell I need Ginny to help me out right now. I sit down in my chair in front of the fireplace and sigh in frustration at my self. Right now, when my entire world is still trying to fix itself, the last thing I need is boy troubles. Then again, maybe Draco can help me fix my world.

Only a few moments later I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I look up. Draco steps through the door and oh dear Merlin I think this boy will be the end of me. He's wearing light brown pants and a blue button-up shirt and a grey trench coat that is the same colour as mine.

'What are you staring at Granger?'

I quickly look away blushing but as I'm am trying to rearrange my facial expression I still manage to retort back, 'I thought we were calling each by our first names Malfoy.'

'Habit I suppose,' he smirks again. 'It kind of fits better when I'm teasing you, plus it makes you blush.'

I just roll my eyes and stand up off the chair. 'Well, are we going or not. We've still got to eat breakfast first.'

'Oh yes. Unless of course you just want to stand there and stare at me all day.'

'Oh shut up Malfoy.'

I walk towards the door but Draco gets their first and holds it open. 'After you Miss Granger.'

If I had a galleon for every time I rolled my eyes I'd be rich.


I turn around to face Draco who is still standing in the doorway.


'Merlin, I just realised; we're matching! Like same colour shirt, coat and your boots match my pants.'

I look down at my knee-high boots that I had put on this morning without even thinking.

'Bloody hell.'

'Well it's too late to change now,' Draco quickly shuts the door behind him.

'But Draco, people will talk.'

'So what if they do. They're always talking about something. Anyway none of them care about me so why should I care about their opinion.'

'Easy for you.'

'Oh come on we'll be late otherwise.'

'Alright,' I give in and turn around to walk back down the stairs.

'Yay,' Draco bounces down the steps to catch up to me grinning like a five-year-old. Admittedly a very adorable five year old. 'Now we can go to Hogsmeade together and be the hottest two matching people that ever existed.'

'Did you do this on purpose?' I demand.

'No of course not,' he says defensively. 'But you have to admit we look hot.'

'Did you just imply that I am hot?'

'Sure! Not as hot as me of course.'

I just roll my eyes but I smile anyway. He is definitely flirting with me.

We walk into the great hall and I start to head for the Gryffindor table but Draco hesitates.

'Come on. You don't need to care about what they think,' I tell him. He smiles again which lights up his whole face and follows me.

We both sit down opposite Ginny and Harry and I can feel Draco's knee brushing against my own. Ginny gives me a knowing smile and I see her eyes dart between Draco and me.

'Merlin's beard!' She exclaims. 'You two are wearing matching outfits.'

'Well I got dressed first,' I defend myself.

'It was unintentional.'

'That doesn't matter you two look adorable.'

'See Hermione, I told you we look hot.'

I just blush furiously while the others laugh but I smile at the same time. I do think that Draco likes me back and if so, there is a very real chance that today could turn into a date with the most amazing person I have ever met.

A/n - I any of you were wondering, here are Draco and Hermione's matching outfits

Please don't criticise my fashion sense because I have none but this was the general idea.

Well this chapter is not particularly good and it's mostly just fluff but I haven't updated in ages so I thought I better give you guys something. Considering that this story doesn't really have a decent plot line yet and pretty much all of its fluff, I am not even very good at writing and my updates are terribly inconsistent you have given this story so much support and I just want to say I appreciate it so much. - Liv
