finding out the information pt1

i find out info through the internet and the idol's old emails and social media accounts. i dont really have friends to do it with. its quite easy if you know how but you need to be careful as well. i've read a few wattpad books about sasaengs and they help alot if you want to be a ssg.

finding out idols and ex-idols information is like an urge of mine that i can't get rid of. Its like a scratch you can't itch. i'm also going to say that not all sasaengs spread REAL info. some do spread fake info which is why they get a lot of hate. I tend to find images or real quotes to back-up my opinion and facts and not just say it and expect everyone to believe me. just putting that out there. 

most ssgs are korean and they have an advantage to stalk idols in real life and find out more info. i can't do that since im not korean and i don't live there either. i live in the UK, Engand and i'm not english either, it may surprise you but im just a normal bangla asian girl. the sasaengs that LEAK information annoy me. I don't leak info, i trade and trade ONLY. leaking info is bad for the idols, knowing it but trading it without the entire world knowing is better in my opinion. 
