Final chapter

Kenma had woken up that Sunday with a new resolve. He'd confess to Kuroo.

He didn't want to wait and lose his chance. He didn't want Kuroo to think that Kenma had or will reject him.

Kenma put his hair into a low bun. He had promised himself that he'd start showing his face better if he ever felt really confident. Today, he had to feel confident.

Kenma just threw on a hoodie over a plain tee and black jeans with white vans. He gave himself a quick once over before grabbing his mini-backpack and rushing out of the house. He had to go now. He had to go before his brain could catch up to him and convince him that this was a bad idea.

Kenma lived close enough to the cafe and the campus that he just started running. A few strands of his hair fell out of the bun but he didn't dare stop. "Please be working today. Please don't change your mind yet." Kenma mumbled to himself as he ran passed other university students who were probably going to club or something.

Kenma slowed his pace as he neared the shop. He slowed into a walking pace, trying to calm his breathing. " got this. You can do it." He attempted to hype himself up.

He crept up to the window and looked through to see if Kuroo was there. He immediately found him. Kuroo looked pretty normal and caught Kenma off guard when he looked up and accidentally locked eyes.

Kuroo's face lit up a bit and Kenma could see Kuroo talk to his co-workers, arms waving around frantically. He took off his apron and quickly rushed towards the entrance door. He opened the door and stopped a a few feet apart from Kenma. Like he was scared of getting too close. Like Kenma would disappear if he made any sudden movements. "'re you here?"

"To give you an answer, of course." Kenma smiled, moving a stray strand of hair out of his face and behind his ear.

Kuroo stepped a bit closer. "Well?" Kuroo felt his heart racing in anticipation. Hope filled his entire being as he looked at Kenma. Even with his hair messy and falling out of that bun, Kuroo thought Kenma looked absolutely stunning as the bright morning sun shined on his face. "What's your answer?"

Kenma stepped closer, closing the distance even more. Maybe it was the adrenaline but Kenma didn't speak. He just grabbed Kuroo by his color and pulled him down into a kiss. Kenma was on his tiptoes but Kuroo was still hunched over just a bit. The kiss was quick and chaste. He pulled away, their foreheads pressed against each other. "I like you, too, Testurou."

Kuroo pulled back, a hand over his mouth as he stared at Kenma with wide eyes. "What-what the hell was that?! I wanted kiss you first!" He yelled, his face a bright red. "No fair! Since when did you get all smooth?" Kuroo whined.

Kenma laughed loudly. "Does it really matter? Geez, you dork. If you wanna kiss me, then...then just do it already." Kenma's voice lowered as he said that last part. He didn't expect himself to say that and it was too late to stop by the time he noticed.

Kuroo raised a brow at Kenma before smirking. "Okay." Was all he said before pulling Kenma into his chest and kissing him deeply. It lasted longer than the first and Kenma found himself melting into Kuroo's arms. He was about to wrap his own arms around Kuroo when-

"Can you guys not do this right in front of the store? You're scaring the customers! Also, it's disgusting." Iwaizumi, a co-worker and one of the volleyball players Kenma officially met yesterday, said. "Literally, get a room." He threw a towel at Kuroo before going back inside.

Kenma blushed at that while Kuroo laughed. "Right...we're broad daylight." He grinned at Kenma. "Guess we should go, huh?"

"Where we going?"

"Anywhere you want to, pudding cup."


Hello!!! so I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. Thank you very much for reading coffee shop.
