Chapter 50 - 물 (MUR)[Water]

Roxi P.O.V

It's been a few days and I've already started feeling the exhaustion of all the performances on me. Namjoon and I had a short night off before leaving early the next morning for some studio recordings for a show. I groan and roll into my blankets. Lloyd begins barking from the ground and I reluctantly lifted my head up from my pillow.


After I uncovered my ears from my pillow, I finally noticed knocking on my front door. I groan once more, leaving my warm bed to open it up. 

'It's so late, wouldn't everyone be in bed right now?'

And even before checking the clock, I was right. It was around three in the morning. 

'Damn and here I thought I'd be able to get at least five hours of sleep.'

I walk toward the door, quickening my pace as the knocking got louder.

"I'm coming I'm coming! Chill out!"I complain, beginning to unlock the door as the knocking persisted.

I open the door to see Yoongi standing there, his cheeks slightly pink with his eye makeup a bit smudged. He was still in his work clothes that consisted of a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans so I assumed he just came back to the dorm building. He was silent and I took that as a sign he wanted to come in anyway. I step to the side and allow him to take off his shoes while I went to the kitchen to get some water.

"Jeez Yoongi-oppa, you could've used the key I gave you. This is gonna be the only night off I have until my goodbye stage."I grumble, seeing him groan and slam himself face first onto his spot on the couch."This guy. Where were you anyway?"

Yoongi didn't respond, instead he sat up and hung his head from the back of the couch as he looked at me from the corner of his eye. I raise my eyebrow at him, his silent treatment catching me slightly off guard. He never acted like this unless someone did him wrong. But the last time I pissed him off was when I opened up the curtains while he was still in the living room a few weeks ago.

"Are you going to talk to me?"I ask, seeing turn his head to look at me straight on before turning it in the direction exactly opposite of me."Honestly."

I grab a glass of water and walk around the counter, placing it in front of him. Yoongi looks at it for a solid minute before looking back at the turned off TV. This is really confusing me.

"Drink it. You seem a bit off."I say, again getting no reply what so ever. 

I stand in front of Yoongi with my arms crossed and a pout on my face, he better listen to me. Or at least acknowledge my existance by saying 'Hi.' or something like 'Aish this girl.' like usual. Yoongi finally hung his head and forced himself to look at the glass of water in front of him. And with that he took it in his hand and a spark of triumph lit inside me. Maybe I got it through to him. A few seconds later I found myself douced in water, the entire front of my blue shirt was drenched in water as the excess dripped to the ground. Yoongi's arm was still outstretched, his hand still wrapped around the empty glass. It was like he was frozen in time right after he had thrown water on me. His eyes were still on mine and I couldn't tell if he was blinking or not. I inhaled slowly before I spun around and headed into my bedroom to change my shirt.

'Don't hit him. Don't hit him.'

I grabbed a towel nearby and patted my moist skin down while looking for a shirt in my closet.

'I just need to find out why he's like this.'

Just as I pulled a new red shirt over my head I felt a something wet and cold run down my back. I turned around to see Yoongi, with another glass that used to be filled with water until he again threw the liquid onto me.

"Bitch if you don-!"I hold myself back from yelling too loudly that I'd end up waking the neighbors up."Yoongi. What's wrong?"

I quickly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me as I looked for another shirt. That's when I felt a pair of firm arms around me. I froze once the scent of stale alcohol and beer reached my nose.

"Yoongi? Are you drunk?"

"Hell no."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not fucking lying."he slurred, his arms still wrapped around me while I quickly put on a new shirt underneath my towel.

"Why'd you throw all that water at me then?"I ask, shuffling my way over to the living room.

"You needed to cool down a little."he said, his head hanging on my shoulder.

I tried prying his arms off me as I sat slightly to the side on the cushions. For a drunk man he had quite a strong grip. I shook my head and gave up, he wouldn't be leaving any time soon.

"You need to stop touching him."Yoongi blurts, holding me tighter.

"Touching who?"

"Kim fucking Namjoon that's who."he growls, his chest pressing up against my back."He's touching you so much."

"Pfft, why would you care? Dude, it's just a subunit. We're just doing it for entertainment."I throw away the honorifics, Yoongi was too drunk to notice anyway."What I do on that stage with anyone means nothing."

"'Means nothing' my ass. I saw the way he looks at you. It makes me wanna throw up."Yoongi's hair starts tickling the back of my neck.

"Namjoon and I are just friends. Trust me, there's nothing between us. Now let me sleep."I whine, finding Yoongi's drunk side annoying.

'He's just way more open.'

"How do you know he still doesn't have feelings for you?"Yoongi asks bluntly, his hands grabbing mine which were resting on his forearms."How do you know? I saw what happened in Osaka. Like hell he's just a friend to you."

"Tch, Yoongi he is a friend and will always be a friend. I can tell the difference between people who have petty crushes and people who see me as a friend. I can tell you for sure that Namjoon sees me as a close colleague. So chill out."

Yoongi doesn't say anything, only releasing me from his arms and pinning me against the couch; his hands on both sides of my head. The stench of alcohol was even more evident as he leans in, if either of us struggled our lips would graze against each other.

"Is this what happened between you and Jin on your birthday? Or did something happen? Something more."

"No. Nothing happened."I say.

"You're lying."

"Trust me I'm not."


"I can't even believe you still don't believe me. Jin came to my dorm months ago."

"So? Is that your excuse for lying to me?"Yoongi's stare burned into my mind. 

'He really doesn't trust me.'

"Yoongi you aren't thinking straight. You're drunk."

"I'm as sober as you are."

"And you're telling me I'm lyin-"

Before I could finish my sentence.

Yoongi passed out on my shoulder.

'This dude.'
