Alia was restless. She needed to talk with someone. So, she messaged SuperHero2.0 but realized his account no longer existed.

"Account deleted?! Maybe some technical glitch. It will be up soon. Anyways, we are meeting in a couple of days. I will talk with him in person," Alia said to herself and continued with her work.

Veer called up Gautam and said, "Mr Shroff, an important update. Sarang is Mr Roy, and he has collaborated with DDS."

"What? That's not possible. Veer, listen carefully. Do anything to keep Sarang and Alia away from each other," said Gautam.

"Ok, Mr Shroff, don't worry," said Veer.

Gautam's act of repentance the other day was just a pretence. He continued to dislike Sarang and didn't want him to get closer to Alia again. Hence, he made a call to someone.

"Hello, they discovered the truth and are working together in DDS again. I think you should come to Mumbai right away," said Gautam and hung up the call.

Sarang hesitantly went up to Alia during the lunch break and said, "I need to talk to you."

"Sorry, Sarang. Not now. After office hours. I keep my personal and professional life separate. If it is related to work, tell me otherwise no," said Alia.

"About Sayuri," said Sarang.

"Sayuri? What happened to her? All ok?" said Alia.

"She has to undergo a valve transplant operation soon. Last time doctor told me the operation would be easier if Sayuri had a sibling. They can transplant a developed valve using the sibling's tissues, and her body would readily accept it. Next week, we have an appointment. Would you come along with Aggu?" said Sarang.

"Of course, Sarang," said Alia immediately.

Veer saw them together and felt jealous. Initially, he was working as per Gautam's instructions only for money. But now, he was drawn towards Alia and wanted her back in his life.

He interrupted Sarang and Alia. "Hey Alia, I have got your favourite muffins from your favourite shop," said Veer.

"Thanks, Veer", said Alia.

Veer deliberately kept his hands over Alia's hands and said, "No sorry and no thanks between friends."

Sarang started feeling jealous and went back to his cabin. Alia too excused herself and went back to work. Kavya managed to calm herself down and came to DDS post-lunch to assist Sarang.

"Kavyaji, are you ok?" asked Sarang.

"I am fine, Sarang. Don't bother. Come let's discuss the deal further with Mr Jeevan," said Kavya.

"Hello, Ms Kavya. Sorry DDS bothered you a lot," said Jeevan.

"That's ok. I am Mr Roy's manager. It's my job to handle his clientele and partners," said Kavya.

"And you are doing a fabulous job, Ms Kavya. Mr Roy is lucky to have an efficient manager like you," said Jeevan.

"You are right. She has played a big role in making me a successful author," said Sarang.

Kavya felt relieved to hear appreciation from Sarang's mouth, while Alia felt a tinge of jealousy witnessing their closeness. However, Alia kept her feelings aside and attended the meeting. Alia and Sarang intermittently kept looking at each other during the meeting. They were affected by each other's presence. Both Kavya and Veer observed their subtle glances and got disturbed.
