Chapter 2

Hi thank u

Recap; Laksh n Sanskaar r on a Cold War. Ragini n Swara tried to convince them but no way. Laksh has given Ragini an oath not to talk or work with Swara there is only Laksh! Tune same for Swara as Sans made the same oath.

Laksh; Ragini! U hear me no more Swara it is only me! Come... he pulls her with him to their bedroom.

Ragini once looked back to Swara but Sanskaar turns Swara to face him.

Sans; Swara if I get to know u n Ragini r any how in contact then u will see the worst side of me! I'm going getting mom n dad n Uttara but u better stay away from them.

Swara was crying looking at AP n DP who too were broken...

The one who was happy was non other than Pari... she smirks.

Pari - these two idiots will fight with each other n then these two sisters will try to get them back together hmm I won't let that happen! I will keep the fire of anger on! If they try I will make evidences n show them to Laksh or Sans just to frame them! They will get to know how it is to mess with me! I will throw them out! -.

Laksh took off his clothes n went to a shower. Ragini knew how angry n scared he is. Each night he clings on her.... his injuries haven't health yet.

Laksh comes out... in just a towel he sat on the bed n Ragini went to the cupboard to get the ointment for his wounds...

Laksh; aah...

Ragini; I'm sorry... tears were rolling down her cheeks paining tears of his pain. She blows air on his wounds. She kisses his back... she back hugs him.

Laksh; Ragini... I know u love Swara she is ur sister but... I don't u to be with her. I need u with me! Only me!.

Ragini hugs him tighter. Haan Laksh I won't promise!.

Laksh; if u break it I will break it I will break our relation.

Laksh stood up n took his clothes from the wardrobe. He went to change n comes back soon.

Ragini too had changed. Both were lying on the bed. Laksh was holding her tight.

He was murmuring in the night...

Nahi... it was a whimper of Laksh.
Nahi... don't plz... plz don't... I don't do anything... plz no... listen... plz... listen to me...
{there is a secret}.

Ragini was crying looking at him. She holds him tight.

Laksh...! Laksh please wake up...! Laksh!

Laksh stood up. He was breathing heavily he was sweating like hell. He was having short breaths.

Ragini filled the glass of Water n gave it him. Laksh drunk it Ragini caresses his back.

Ragini; Laksh... ๐Ÿ˜ญ. She was holding him tight she made him lie on her chest. She was caressing his head n patting it.

Swara was in her bedroom. Sanskaar just returned from Baadi with his parents n sister.

Sanskaar; Swara u better not talk to Ragini I really mean it! Swara; But Sans u r having the fight with Laksh not me n Ragini! I know a lot went wrong but we have to face the problem not ignore them.

Sans; I'm not ignoring it. I just don't want to waste my time in it! Laksh doesn't want to talk or listen to me. Then y should I?!

Swara; but Sans!

Sans; Bas Swara was I wrong sending him into jail?!.

Swara; no! If u wouldn't have done it then I would have done it.

Sans: Bas there is nothing more we need to discuss abt!

Swara nods.

Downstairs Pari was doing the whole housework she has become a servant in just one day from the house owner.

Pari; I'm here washing the dirty dishes I will send one of these two sisters out of this house anyhow!

Laksh was holding her very tight. She couldn't bear his pain. Laksh I promise there is no Swara Or Sanskaar for me anymore! It's only U.

Swara n Sanskaar were sleeping peacefully in their room. Well Swara was awake she was thinking what to do but true is she would do the same as Sans did. She won't talk to Ragini there is only Sans for her.

Hope u liked it. This story may have 3 or 4 short to the secret n end.

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