a look at their instagram(s) pt.1

Gabriel's Instagram:

• He follows The 14 (Blackbourne team and Toma team) as well as 3 meme accounts, 2 art accounts, 1 hair & fashion account, and 2 tattoo accounts (he's not sure if he wants tattoos but you can find some really beautiful ones and they're nice to look at.)

• He has a lot of followers from the academy, and because he posts fairly regularly - he just also likes to delete his entire page and start again.

• He posts wallpapers/backgrounds for people on his insta story and sometimes (rarely) does commisions.

• His inbox is flooded with questions about how he does certain things or how much people like his art, but the one things he adores is when he gets to talk to an artist he admires on Insta and they give him tips.

• He doesn't post selfies because he's too self-concious, but he loves to post pictures of the others.

• He sends memes to Luke constantly, just a never ending thread of posts that clog up Luke's DMs (but Luke doesn't mind.)

• (He occasionally sends puns to Silas too, but that's secret.)

Luke's Instagram:

• His instagram is a hot mess and the amount of followers he has changes a bit because of it.

• He's funny and attractive though, which is why people stay.

• He also rearranges and deletes his page a lot.

• He gets DMs from thirsty people but he's quick to block anyone he doesn't want to interact with. That, or he gets North to do it for him.

• He uses Insta to promote Bob's Diner too, which is why a lot of foodies follow him - he posts pictures of delicious looking food all the time.

• Luke makes it his job to delete and report mean comments the other guys get because he's sweet like that.

North's Instagram:

• North likes having a color scheme/theme because it looks better and more organised that way.

• He doesn't post often because he can't be bothered, but when he does he gets a lot of compliments. (People like his Bad Boy but Not Really a Douche™ personality.)

• He finds a lot of puppy videos on his explore page and all of them get sent to Sean.

• Luke slams down hard on the report and delete buttons whenever people send thirsty comments, and he tries to get there before North can see them.

• He follows like 2 pop culture accounts so he can keep up with Jess when she goes on rants - he has Luke as a brother, which is why it's so easy for him to just listen to her when some of the other boys can't.

Sean's Instagram:

• Sean also likes having a theme because it pleases him.

• His account can be a bit messy but he likes it and that's all that matters.

• He follows all 14, Dr. Roberts, Kota's mother, a ton of meme accounts (at least 5 for doctor specific memes) and a few pages to keep up with the news and culture so he has things to talk about with his patients.

• A few of the nurses and doctors from the hospital follow him and he tries to send them posts to cheer them up when they have hard/rough shifts.

• In return for all the puppy videos North sends him he finds ones of bunnies and send them with a bunch of heart emojis (the emojis are there because he loves him but also because he likes to embarrass him.)

(Did you like this chapter? Because editing all of this was kinda fun and I wouldn't mind doing more. I have the edits for the rest of the boys already, I just wanna know what you guys think.)
