A/N :

I just wanted to add in a tiny heads up right here..
There IS abuse in this. No, what I describe is NOT ok by any means when pertaining to that.

There IS foul language (obviously).

Also, unless I put someone else's name above a section of the story, it's going to be from Sang's pov.

I just wanted to keep that clear for everyone. 😁


My head is spinning even with my eyes closed. Where am I?

I have to be at home, where else would I be? I don't go anywhere else.

These soft sheets are telling me that something isn't quite right, though. I've never owned something this luxurious before... in fact, if my mind serves me right, I don't have sheets at all on my mattress.

A soft groan slowly tears it's way out of my mouth. My throat is still sore and it hurts. Well, at least I know I'm not dreaming.

One blink...two...three..

Well, either I've gone blind, or someone has blindfolded me. The last time I checked, it was still daylight out.

After finishing my complimentary mosquito skin treatment at my tree bark retreat, I'd planned to jump right back into doing my chores at home.

This was the first time that I've left the house since we've moved here and I didn't want to push anything. Just an hour or two outside, then I'd come back. I needed to make sure that all of the locks as well as my system were working as planned before the jailers came home.

So, when I wake up and I'm not at any of the places I would think that I should be, I think it's safe to freak out! I kick my legs against the silky sheets that have somehow manipulated themselves into tangled knots around me. It's like trying to get out of quicksand! Geez, you'd think that they'd come with some sort of fail-safe for situations like this!

Finally, I wrangle one of my feet out of the mess and push the rest off of my other leg. All of the pushing got me close to the edge of the... bed? Huh.

Confusion sets in with this notion as I slowly tip over the precipice. *Plunk!*

I land hard on my butt onto a carpeted floor. Not that I care too much, I'm too caught up in my fantasy of quicksand and blindfolds.

Maybe I really did die and this is heaven? Well, if it is, then they really need to have a talk with their electrician. It's still freaking dark!

Oh, but it could be one of those stupid "clapper" lights! With a renewed sense of confused idiocy, I bring my hands together hard in the loudest set of claps that I'm capable of for now. Seeing as my hands are a bit scratched up from climbing the tree earlier.

Nothing. Well, besides feeling like an idiot, nothing has really changed, so I might as well get to know where exactly I am.

My hands push off of the soft carpet to get me that extra umph to get up off the floor. As soon as I'm on my feet, I take a slow breath and step forward. Two more steps and my feet aren't being cushioned in cloud-like fluffiness anymore. Instead, I'm met with a hard, cool surface.

Well, I guess it wasn't carpet, then! Just a big, soft, fluffy rug that I REALLY wish I could steal and take with me back home from where ever this is. I probably wouldn't get it very far, though. I don't have much strength besides having just enough to pull myself up when climbing. That isn't even a big deal, I'm short and skinny. That's just something that happens when you get to miss out on so many meals.

Plus, even if I made it through the door, I'd have to fit it into my cubby hole of a room. Marie or my mother would most likely see it and take it from me. It's too nice for me, they'd say. Much too nice for a slutty girl like me.

I've tried to push back those fears of mine for years. The fears inside me that say that maybe I really am what they say I am. A slut. A whore. A good- for- nothing waste of oxygen and space. My mother especially. She's told me many times that if I must exist, then I might as well be of use to her. Whether as a maid, or her personal punching bag.

I used to not believe them. I used to think that it couldn't be true. But after years and years of nothing but hearing and experiencing exactly that, it's hard to stick up for myself. I try to be strong, stay educated, learn new things like coding for when I can finally leave them. But I've felt myself start slipping away from my own defense too often lately.

I'm not useless... but I don't have a purpose.

The floor creaks slightly as I shift my left foot forward. I'm clueless as to where I'm actually heading towards. I can only hope that there's a light switch in this direction.

My hands are splayed out in front of me, searching for a wall, door, or something. Finally, my fingertips graze something.

A wall! Ooh, I don't think I've ever been so happy to have felt a wall before! The first grin that I've had in a long while graces my face at the discovery. My eyes slowly adjust the rest of the way to the darkness til I can barely make out a rectangle just to the right of my hand.

LIGHTS! Please be lights!

One half second away from touching the outline, and a door  to my right quickly swings open. There, standing about 2 feet away is a man.

He's out of breath and I can't see his features because the light is to his back. Only his outline is visible.

He's wearing what looks to be a trenchcoat?...in this weather? Well, to each his own I guess..

The few strands of hair that glint off the top of his head look golden. Honestly, it looks like a halo around his head with the light making him seem to glisten.

An angel in a trenchcoat.

A minute goes by with neither of us saying anything. A quick flick of my fingers against the top of the light switch causes the room to flood with light. Instantly, I start to take in my surroundings.

This is definitely a boys room. Workout posters that look like they were torn from a magazine cover the walls. Bright red drapes cover a window I hadn't known was there. He must have black-out curtains. My fingers itch to move them aside to see if it's truly dark outside or not.

Red covers are piled on the rug where my not- so- graceful escape occured. The soft rug is black, though, as well as the bottom sheets and pillow covers. There is a hamper at the foot of the bed that is overflowing with clothes. Again.. mostly red.

Does this guy have some sort of fetish?

"Ehem" the man clears his throat. I sweep my eyes back to him. He's still standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. "Missie-pie, are you alright?"

I trail my eyes over him. As I thought, golden blond hair. He has fair skin, if slightly pink from his exertion earlier that led to his heavy breathing. A straight nose drew me into following it to its tip that pointed to his smiling full lips.

He had a strong jawline that framed his face and brought my attention past his chin, where I saw his adams apple bob up and down as he swallowed. I couldn't make out the rest of him as he was covered to his hands and knees in a white coat.

His tan slacks and purple long sleeved shirt covered what the coat didn't. A stethoscope hung from around his neck. Ah.. not a trenchcoat, then. A doctor!

Really, I should've come to that conclusion much faster, but I've hit my head and I'm not on top of my game. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

But that can't really be right...right?! He's so young- looking! Actually, he doesn't look too much older than me.

At this point I realize that I've become spaced out in la-la land in front of this stranger. For all intents and purposes, I've regressed to a partial vegetative state while standing.

It isn't until he starts to walk towards me that I snap out of my funk and stop staring at him blindly.

"Who are you?", I whisper. I'm completely aware that I've not listened to much more than a word that he's said. He could've told me his life story just now, and I still wouldn't be able to tell you his name. Hence, my brilliant question.

Thank the stars, he seems to notice my dilemma and answers.

"Why pookie, my name is Sean Green," his smile widens more (if that's even possible) as he takes another small step into the room.

"Didn't you know?..... I'm the doctor!"


Hey-lo! ❤

Sorry I'm a bit late with this update, I had a bit of a family emergency involving my grandparents over this weekend... yikes..

I hope y'all will forgive me!

I tried to keep working on this chapter, but I kept losing focus due to everything that was going on. Really, sorry!

Anyways, I just wanted to say a SUPER BIG thank you to everyone who has commented, voted, and even added this story to your reading lists!!!!

Y'all really don't know just how much that means to me! If I could give you all some cookies, I would in a heartbeat. 😘❤

(Also, I don't know if it's copyrighted or not to say that, but I'm just going to throw out there that that last bit about Sean being "the doctor" was in reference to Dr.Who... hope y'all got that bit and I don't get in trouble! lol) 😁

Thank you a bunch!!!!
