A surprise in the park (Moxiety)

Request from @Ravenclaw_Scholar
Sorry that its so late. I've been caught up with school. 

Fluff/Angst/Smut: Fluff
Warnings: None

    Patton and Virgil are best friends. Nothing could ever change that. They would hang out in their tree house together, go to the park, have sleepovers and many other things. They were almost inseparable.
Virgil stood at the front door of Patton's house. He had gotten the invitation to stay the night and he happily agreed. He knocked on the door before bursting in with an 'I'm home!'. He could hear laughing in the living room.
"Hello to you too, Virgil" he heard Mrs. Clay, Patton's Mom, say.
Virgil walked into the living room, seeing his best friend, second mom and second father sitting on the couch. He waved at them and walked to put his stuff in Patton's room.
Once Virgil got into the room, he smiled at the many posters and gadgets in the other's room.
"Hey Virge!" Patton exclaimed, scaring him.
"Jeez Pat! Do you know how to calm down?" Virgil joked.
"Nope! Do you wanna go to the park?"
Virgil rolled his eyes before replying. "I just got here. Let me breath first"
The truth is, Patton wanted to go to the park because he had a surprise set up for Virgil. Patron had been crushing on his for about two years. It started when Patton had broken up with his ex. Virgil was comforting him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and telling him that it would be okay.

"Thank you" Patton had said through sniffles.

Virgil replied with a smile and a nod.

"I love you, bro" he said.

"Love you too, bro"

They would say that to each other as a sign of comfort. When one would get sad, so would the other. They would text each other questioning if they were okay.

It went on like that for about another month or so, before Patton was over his ex. At first Patton thought that liking Virgil was rebound feelings, but after the three months of breathing time, he knew it wasn't.

That brings us to today. Patton bounced down the stairs, Virgil trudging behind him. They walked out the door, and to the park. When they got there, Virgil immediately bolted to the swing. Patton quickly followed suite. They talked for a few hours, just laughing and swinging.

"The sun's starting to set. Should we head home" Virgil asked, a bit concerned.

"Nope! I have to show you something!" Patton replied, getting off the swing and offering his hand to Virgil.

Virgil smiled and took his hand. Patton walked around the playground and down towards the woods. Both of them could see a dim light radiating out of the woods. Pattons smile seemed to widen at the sight.

"Uh... Patton? Are you sure about this?" Virgil asked, his anxiety setting in.

Patton laughed softly before nodding.

"It's okay. You have nothing to be worried about." He said with a soft voice.

Virgil nodded. It helped a bit but not to much.

He continued following Patton until they got to the edge of the forest. Patton went in while Virgil stood there, looking up.

"Virge, you coming?" Patton asked, sticking his head out of the trees.

"Yeah..." Virgil replied.

He walked into the forest and was immediately met with a path of candles. Virgil chuckled a bit before Patton told him to follow the path. He walked throat the trees, following the path. Virgil took in each and every detail of the forest at night. The trees looked like dark little clouds. He could see the moonlight shining through the trees. And what made everything better was the fact that the fireflies were out.

"Wow..." He marveled at the beauty of nature.

Virgil noticed that the end of the trail was growing near so he sped up. When he got to the end of the trail, he noticed a small clearing lined with candles.

"God. This is so cliché" Virgil chuckled.

He walked into the clearing and was met with Patton sitting in the middle, weaving flowers together.

"Hey Virge!" He said, smiling at him.

"Patton? But weren't you just behind me?" Virgil asked.

"Yeah. But there's about a 5 different ways to get here, Silly" Patton said, smiling widely "Now. Come here. I want to show you something"

As soon as Virgil stepped into Patton's grasp, a gust of wind blew out the candles. Virgil's eyes widened as he watched the candles go out. One by one.

"P-Patton?" Virgil's voice wavered a bit.

"Silence Mahal" Patton replied, grabbing Virgil's hand comfortingly.

Virgil nodded and looked around. His eyes started to gleam when he saw the sight around him. The whole forest was lit up with moonlight. Animals would scatter around, looking at the two for a minute before running off.

"H-How did you find out about this?!" Virgil exclaimed, smiling.

"Well, there was one night where I stayed out a bit later than I should have. I saw the forest and how it looked. I didn't want to look away. It reminded me of you." Patton said, blushing lightly and looking around a bit.

Virgil smiled and sat on the ground. The grass was soft, making him run his fingers through it. The softness reminded him of Patton and how soft his hair and personality was. He invited Patton to sit next to him. Patton happily agreed, taking a seat next to Virgil.

"Could you explain how this reminded you of me?" Virgil asked.

Patton nodded before taking a deep breath.

"The grass reminded me of your clothes. How they look so uncomfortable, but in reality it's as comfortable as rain. The trees reminded me of your hair. It looks so fluffy and it is. The animals reminded me of your personality. So wild and free. It's so wonderful. The stars reminded me of your freckles that you cover up. It's so cute when you take your makeup off. All that foundation is to much. You look more beautiful with your natural beauty. And last but certainly not least. The moonlight reminds me of your smile. You could light up a room if you wanted." Patton explained, smiling and looking up at the night sky.

Virgil blushed and set his head on Patton's shoulder.

"Is there something you needed to tell me?" Virgil asked

"...Yes..." Patton paused "I need to tell you something important."

Virgil looked up at him and Patton looked back. He grabbed the others hands and took a deep breath.

"I like you, Virgil. I like you a lot. If you don't like me back then that's okay. But I don't want our friendship to end"

Virgil smiled. "I like you too. A lot. You've always been there for me. Taking care of me and all these other things" he explained

Patton smiled and laid down on the grass. Virgil laid down next to him. Patton felt a small weight on his stomach and looked down to see Virgil looking at the sky. He followed the other boys eyes. The sky was beautiful as was the night. The two were comfortable around each other. That's the way they liked it. 


I finally finished. I'm sorry that it took so long. I was completely unmotivated but thanks to a few things I've been writing, I got over my writers block! I am happy with how this came out so, I hope you all like it! 

Word count: 1251 words
