Poth - Friday night star gazing

3rd person POV

   There was once a skeleton named Goth, and a skeleton named Palette. The two were madly in love and spent most of their time together. The two were inseparable. They both made sacrifices, some small, some large. Some were.. Dangerous.

   Anyways, the two would go up on a hill and star gaze each and every friday night. They'd bring up a large red blanket and occasionally some food. They'd race to see who could point out all the constellations first! Afterwards the two skeletons would cuddle and whisper soft loving words to each other.

   "One day, I'm not sure when, I'm going to purpose to you on this very hill on a Friday!" The starry skeleton known as Palette, promised his smaller lover one night. Goth blushed and smiled a bit in response.

   "I-I'd like that, P-pally..." he mumbled, blushing into his crimson scarf.

   The two held each other close the rest of the night... This continued for another two years. Until one day...

   Palettes pov

It was a Friday night, I searched around the house for Gothy so we could head twords the hill. I hadn't seen him since breakfast. I looked back on the events that occured and got worried.

   ~Flash back~

   "Hey Palette..."

   "Hey Gothy! How are you?"

   "I'm fine..."

   *Goth wraps his arms around you*

   *You rub his back*

   *You hear small sniffles*


   "I l-love you... A-a lot! You're my everything Palette! And I'd like to thank you so much for being in my life! I'm so sorry... I mean... Thank you. P-please, always smile no matter how big the rain clouds! For me? Please?"

   "Of course Gothy! I promise!"

   ~Flash back end~
   I admit, it was a bit suspicious. Maybe he was sick? I nervously took the small red velvet box out of my pocket. I gulped a bit.

   I can't wait another week! I have to purpose to Gothy tonight!

   I put the box back im my pocket and ran up the stairs. "Gothy?!" I called out.

   I slowly approached the door to our room. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I shakily moved my hand towards the doorknob. I carefully opened the door...



   No, no, no, no, no!


   This can't be happening! This has to be a bad dream!

   In front of me, was Goth's hanging body. I stepped back and gripped the wall, I was breathing fast. I didn't even notice as tears rolled down my cheeks.


   I lunged forward and grasped his dead body. I sobbed into his shirt, wishing that I'd feel his arm move to my shoulder. I wished I could look up and see him alive, smiling at me.

   But that wasn't going to happen. Goth was gone. MY Goth was gone...

   I carefully took his neck out of the rope. I held him, slowly dropping to the floor. I pressed out foreheads together and continued to sob.

   "W-why? Why'd you d-do this? I t-thought we were happy and e-everything was okay!" I whispered.

   I couldn't do it. I couldn't accept he was dead.

   I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the hill. I already had the blanket and candles set up. It was dark at this point, all the stars in their own aliment. I kept holding Gothy, only looking at his neck. I couldn't bare to look at the stars nor his face.

   Goth was my star. Goth is my star. I'll love him forever.

   I remember my promise to him. I forced out a smile and looked at the stars. It practically hurt to do so. I went on with our traditional activity's. I pointed to the different constellations, made jokes, and whispered to Goth how much I loved him. At this point, I'd propped him up against me so I could convince myself he was asleep.

   That's when I took out the small box. I looked at Goth and shakily smiled.

   "W-will you m-marry me? Gothy?" I asked, opening the box.

   I laughed a bit.

   I broke out laughing.

   He wasn't going to answer me! He was dead! I'm insane!

   I continued to laugh like a maniac, eventually breaking down in sobs again.

   "T-this has to be a mistake! He wouldn't do anything like this!" I cried.

   Then I remembered, Goth would've left a suicide note.

   I reached down into his pockets and felt for some kind of note. My face fell and my heart shattered when my hands touched a small slip of paper. I shakily took it out. I unfolded it carefully, not wishing to hurt the potential last words of Gothy.

   I scanned the note and saw it had his handwriting printed on it. I started reading from the top as I struggled to hold back tears.

   Dear Palette,

    If your reading this, I'm probably dead. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I couldn't bare the thought of you having to worry about me and my stupid depression. I truly am sorry. I feel so selfish, I don't want to do this but at the same time I can't handel it anymore. The pain is too much for me. And its not your fault either, you were the only one keeping me alive for so long. You are my one and only sunshine, and I'm sorry for leaving you without you even getting a chance to propose. I hope that you can live without me and that you can find someone new. Please don't forget me, I love you. ~ Sincerely Goth

   I held the note to my chest. Large tears rolled down my face as I felt the color fade from my eyes. I set Goth down and lay next to him. I buried my face into his chest. I softly cried into his shirt. I wrapped my arms around his cold, lifeless body.

   "I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry..." I whispered. I wished with all my heart I could bring him back, but I knew I couldn't.

   He was gone forever.


   The days passed by slowly. I buried him under the tree on the hill with a heavy heart. Our tradition continued.

   Each Friday night, I'd go up to the hill with a blanket and set it down. I'd lay next to his grave and watch the stars. Any time not spent at Goth's grave, was spent laying in bed, doing nothing. I'd lost passion and motivation in the things that I enjoyed. I'd cry myself to sleep every night. Actually getting sleep was hell.

   I'd have nightmares all the time. Some were of losing Goth. Others were him taunting me by saying it was my fault that he was dead. That I didn't try hard enough. It made me want to sleep less, but sleep was the only thing that'd pass time.

   Life without Goth was hell. I'd considered joining him multiple times. But I didn't want to break my promise. Though, I guess I already did. I can't smile no matter how hard I try. I know Gothy wouldn't want me to fake my smiles either.

   As each Friday passed, things got worse. Time went slower, I had less energy, I ate and drank less, I barley showered. Guilt overwhelmed me to the point I was numb. As the month was coming to an end, I made up my mind.

   I was going to join him.

   Nothing was going to stop me either.  I wasn't sure how I was going to do it, but I knew I'd do it next to Gothy.

   I considered hanging myself on the tree. But I didn't have enough energy to go out a buy a stupid rope. I didn't want my suicide to hurt, so I went through the medications in our medicine drawer. I decided I'd overdose on sleeping pills.

   I walked up the hill with a blanket and a shovel on friday night, the last night of the month. I unburied his grave and crawled inside with him. As messed up as it was, I wanted to die by his side. I didn't bother to cover us in dirt, so I placed the blanket over us. I looked down at him and smiled.

   "I'm sorry Gothy..."

   I chugged the pills down and threw the bottle. I held him close as my eyes felt heavy.

   "I'll be with you soon... Promise."                       
