chapter 9: saitama vs deadpool(sort of)

deadpool: kat-ana-rama!!! *slices saitama a bunch of times but only tears appear on saitama's shirt and cape*

Saitama: you done?

Deadpool: no way José I'm just getting warmed up, eat this, ban bang bang!!!! *shoots saitama a bunch of times but the bullets just bounce off of saitama*

Saitama: *yawns*

Deadpool: who do you think you are superman?

saitama: who?

Deadpool: forget it, you wouldn't understand.

Saitama: ok.

Deadpool: final try with maximum effort!!! pineapple surprise. *throws 500 grenades at saitama, they explode, and saitama is still standing but his clothes are gone*

Saitama: i loved that outfit.

Deadpool: great your naked now! *gives saitama some clothes* here put these on.

Saitama: ok. *Puts the clothes deadpool gave him on and its basically just  a tee shirt, shorts, and sandals* thanks for the clothes but its my turn now!

Deadpool: no problem and aw pu-pu platter, heh heh pu-pu.

Saitama: *punches deadpool's left arm off*

Deadpool: lefty no!!! you monster.

Saitama: *gets ready to punch deadpool's head off*

Deadpool: wait lets work something out here!!! *puts his left arm back on correctly*

saitama: ok I'm listening.

deadpool: so i cant get mind controlled by thanos, right? Right. So i was thinking why don't we take thanos down together and it'll be easy too cause he only has two infinity stones in his infinity gauntlet.

Saitama: ok. *grabs deadpool*

Deadpool: what are you doing?

saitama: this thanos guy is in space right?

deadpool: yea.

Saitama: then hold on tight cause we are going to space the only way i know how.

Deadpool: ok. *Holds on tight*

Saitama: to space we go! *Bends his knees which rockets him and deadpool all the way to space*

(End of chapter 9)!
