5 - Three Pairs Of Boots

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A gunshot echoes around the walls of the cave.

Something gold gets thrown. Jack threw it. Will is at the chest. Everything is spinning. Barbossa lets go of you. Jack is staring.

You can't breathe.

Barbossa is saying something.

You collapse to your knees and throw up onto the floor, your head pounding. Your vision clears up soon after you've got the last of it out of your system. Prepared to try to face what's going on, you turn around.

"He didn't waste it." You hear Will say, although you don't see what he's done, only the sound of the gold hitting gold.

Barbossa stumbles backwards into the light, and looks down at his chest. His bleeding chest. He drops his sword and rips open his shirt to reveal the bloody gunshot wound.

"I feel..." Barbossa begins before his eyes cross slightly, "Cold." He manages to get out before collapsing backwards to the floor.

Elizabeth runs over to you, grabbing onto your arms and pulling you up into a tight hug. Your entire body feels numb. A green apple falls from Barbossa's hand. Even the noise outside the cave comes to a sudden stop, only until you can hear red coats chanting, though. Elizabeth let's go of your shoulders, letting her hands drop down to just above your elbows.

Jack looks at Will awkwardly before Will begins walking away from the chest and towards Elizabeth.

"Hey, you." He says, pulling Elizabeth towards himself in order to hug her.

You turn to face Jack and bite back a smile when his eyes lighten slightly at the sight of you. You begin walking up to him, and he smiles, expecting you to do what Will had just done with Elizabeth.

Smile and hug.

Meaning, the harsh shove caught him very, very off guard. He stumbles back and grabs his shoulder.

"Oi! That hurt!" Jack glares at you, who is glaring right back at him.

"That is for scaring me half to death!" You shout, before slapping him square across the cheek in one swift motion, "and that is for your crew being a load of unreliable little," you struggle to find the right word to use, "unreliable, annoying gits!"

"Woah, hey I can't help that!" Jack argues.

"'Blah blah blah keep to the code blah blah' Now why the bloody hell would you say that!? You could've been dead and they didn't want to do absolutely nothing about it!" You shout at him before shoving him again, tears welling in your eyes. "I thought- I thought you were dead!" The tears begin falling down your cheeks before you even have the chance to bite them back. You stumble forwards, and he realises just how upset you were.

He stares down at you, expecting another form of assault, only for you to lean your head into his shoulder as the sobs began taking over once more. You had been through a lot, he realised in that moment. A lot that you weren't used to. Whereas he had been in all sorts of situations, you were used to pretending to be perfect in a city where criminals weren't common. Yes, sure, this adventure meant that you had a chance to unravel and feel like yourself, but you certainly hadn't been warned about all of the kidnapping that went on.

You stay like this for a good minute or two, you practically curled into Jack, arms wrapped around his torso whilst he held you still and rubbed your back as gentle as he could. His hands knew what to do, although he didn't. How to comfort a woman felt like a mystery to him. Only, it felt so easy doing this. Easy with you.

"And," You pause looking up into his eyes. "this," your hands cup his jaw gently as you kiss him on the cheek, "is for not being obliterated." He looks gobsmacked. He is gobsmacked. That was the last, the very very last thing he thought you would do.

You pull away, smile at him and wipe your eyes until they are close enough to being dry and begin to walk slowly over to Elizabeth and Will.

Elizabeth looks over to Will, "We should get back to the Dauntless." Her face remains somewhat neutral before she looks down at Will's lips. Will smiles slightly, looking down at her lips before back up to her eyes. You turn back to look at Jack who is throwing all sorts of goblets and other items of value behind himself, creating a big racket.

That was his way of coping, you realise.

"Your fiance will be wanting to know you're safe." Will says quietly. You snap your head back to glare at him, trying to hint that that was the complete wrong thing to say in the moment. You watch Elizabeths face falter slightly as she mentally builds her walls back up.

"If you were waiting the opportune moment, that was it." Jack walks over, a golden crown placed on his head with gold beads wrapped around his shoulders along with various different silver and gold things in his hands which you couldn't think of the name to. "Now, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship." He continues walking forwards, not giving you nor Elizabeth the chance to explain anything him.

. . .

"I'm sorry, Cap." You say, oars in hand as you stare at a miserable looking Captain Sparrow.

"They done whats right by them, can't expect more than that." He slurs his words, evidently dissapointed although he couldn't care to say so. Part of you hated them for it, another was getting to grips with the whole code thing and how they did what they had to do.

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"I see the way you look at him, you know." Will's voice snaps you out of your trance-like state.

"What? What 'way'? I don't look at Jack any way!" You're quick to your defense.

"I never mentioned Jack, Elianna." He looks sideways at you.



"You.. You love him, don't you?" His eyes meet yours before you dart yours away. "Elianna."

"No." You lie, tears welling in your eyes.

"You're a very bad liar, you know?" He smiles, holding his arms out, which you reluctantly walk into.

"He's gonna be killed, Will." You grit, fighting back tears.

He wraps his arms around you, gently pulling you into a hug. "No he won't." His tone is dripping with determination, confusing you.

"What do you mean?" You furrow your brows as you let go of him and look into his eyes.

"I have something planned, that's what I mean. I need you to be ready. I can't explain right now." He says as he lowers his voice, looking at the numerous uniformed sailors around. "Elizabeth knows."

"Will!-" You stare at him as he walks away from you. If you follow after, it will look suspicious. So, evidently, you could not.

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You stare at the dress you'd been put in by Elizabeth's maids. You hated it. The corset wss too tight, and you felt claustrophobic because of it. It was horrible. Your hair was tied up, tight and neat and precise. You hated every single bit of the outfit they had put together for you. It just wasn't you.

Your hands find your necklace for the first time this morning and you begin to fiddle with the ring that was threaded through it. You loved that ring the moment you first saw it.

"Elly, are you ready?" Your hear your uncle call from outside the bedroom door. He rarely used that nickname with you, so it made you pause for a second, your thoughts stuttering.

"Uhm, yeah! One second!" You call, your hand slipping back up to the necklace you had around your neck. It was a simple chain, only, it had one of Jack's rings on it. He probably didn't even know you even had it, considering you took it from him in his sleep whilst he was in the Dauntless' cells. You tuck the chain into the layers of fabric from your dress.

You open the door for your uncle and notice Elizabeth beside him. She smiles weakly at you.

"Shall we get going to the carriage?" Your uncle smiles at you, then Elizabeth before sighing and muttering something about good and bad things weighing out to her.

"I suppose." You mumble, your words beginning to get stuck in your throat.

As you're all walking down to the carriage, you hear Elizabeth mumbling all sorts of words, trying to get to grips with the whole saviour being hanged infront of her thing. It was bad enough on her, but you? It was breaking you. You had grown to enjoy time with this man and have a bit of fun, let yourself loose for a while. It all ended today.

"Miss Miller?" The doorman snaps you out of your thoughts. How long were you stood still for? Who knows? Not you. It can't have been long, though, because you could see Elizabeth climbing into the carriage.

She turns around and beckons for you to hurry up, which you do so after thanking the doorman.

"So, you two. I want no silliness today, okay? This is serious." Your uncle looks you and Elizabeth up and down. "Especially you, Elly."

"Yes, uncle." You mumble, looking away from him and biting your tongue in order not to say something you would regret.

"Don't be like that, Elianna. You know my hands are tied here." He protests, looking over to Elizabeth for some support. She just brushes him off. "I'm sorry."

You hear two knocks come from behind your head and prepare yourself for the carriage to start moving. The journey to the square is silent other than the occasional sigh of discomfort from you and Elizabeth over struggling to breathe properly. Elizabeth's maids really did not know how to tie them up at the back properly.

Soon enough, the carriage door is open and you're stood by Norrington whilst drums are being pattered.

You feel sick. You don't even want to look, but Jack has all of your attention. Lord, you'd only known the man for, what, three? Four weeks? If that? Why were you so obsessed!

"Jack Sparrow-" Someone begins to read.

Captain. Captain Jack Sparrow. You had asked them, and Jack knew that considering the look on your face when he looked over at you for a split second, "you are being tried and convicted for your wilful commission of crime.

"-be it known that you (???not sure what's said here) for your willful commission of crimes against the crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature. The most egregious of these to be cited herewith . Piracy, smuggling-"

"This is wrong." You whispers, earning a silent nod of agreement from Elizabeth.

"Commodore Norrington is bound by the law." Your uncle responds. "As are we all."


"No buts."

''Impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy. Impersonating a cleric of the church of England .''

"Ah, yeah." You read the words on Jack's lips as he chuckles. The list just kept going, and you had to simply try your best not to laugh like you said you wouldn't.

''Sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping, looting, poaching, brigandage, pilfering, depravity, depredation, and general lawlessness."

Your eyes catch Will, or at least someone very Will-like walking towards you. The plan.

"And for these crimes, you have been sentenced to be, on this day, hung by the neck until dead." Elizabeth too notices Will and visibly becomes more comfortable. "May God have mercy on your soul."

"Governor Swann." He bows down to your uncle. "Commodore." He bows his head. "Elianna." He smiles at you, before turning to Elizabeth. If this is what you think it is, it will help to lighten your cousins day a little. "Elizabeth." She looks down at him. "I should have told you every day from the moment I met you."

You begin giggling and grab ahold of your cousins hand, squeezing gently.

"I love you." He finishes, and you look at Elizabeth who looks just as baffled as your uncle. Clearly that part wasn't part of the plan. Before you even realise, Will grabs onto your hand before rushing through the crowd, telling numerous people to move when the drums begin to speed up.

Jack's neck gets wrapped, and you look up in a way to not have to look. That's when you see a parrot. A very distinct parrot. Mr Cotton's parrot.

"Marines." Norrington begins getting ready to command his men, only foe you to step in.

"I can't breathe!" You hear Elizabeth choke out before dropping to her knees.

"Elizabeth!" Your uncle worries, kneeling down to her which makes Norrington stop in his tracks and make some sort of attempt to help.

A few women scream.

The drums stop, and your eyes find Jack again. The lever gets pulled and you close your eyes for a split second, only not to hear a neck snap. Only the sound of a sword getting stuck in wood aswell as a shout of surprise from Jack.

The sword sound, you realise, is Will's sword being slammed tip-first into wood just above where Jack would hang and die. Only, he managed to keep his balance on the thin blade.

"What-" You look back at your uncle, still tending to Elizabeth, who looks over to the gallow. He realises. "Oh." He sighs.

Will runs up the stairs and starts swordfighting with the hangman, and at some point, Jack's noose gets sliced, making him fall to the ground.

He takes the chance to use Will's 'still stuck in the wood' sword to cut his wrists free.

You are about to make a run for Jack, until Norrington draws his sword and swings it infront of you, making you stumble backwards in shock. "You will be staying away from that pirate, Miss Miller. At all costs." He commands, and you stare at him. It is now that you realise he was holding Elizaneth- quite harshly, at that. The skin around where his hand was wrapped around her wrist was pale from pressure.

"Commodore!" You protest, about to grab his blade until you remember you don't have your gloves on.

"Theodore, stay here and guard this girl-" he pauses and looks at Elizabeth before continuing, "these girls like your life depends on it." He says to his second in command before going off to aid in capturing Will and Jack.

"Yes, sir." Theodore watches you and Elizabeth carefully, not prepared to lose his job over something like this.

You watch, going onto your tiptoes a few times in desperation to see Jack and Will make it out alive. The two fight as best as they can, you'll give them that. Only, they eventually get circled. You put your foot down, grabbing onto Elizabeths hand and pulling her, ignoring Theodore's threats.

".....I grant you clemency.. and this is how you thank me? By throwing in your lot with him?" You hear your uncles voice louder the closer you get to the scene. "He's a pirate!" You realise he is attempting to lecture Will.

"And a good man." Will stares him in the eye, not backing down. Jack hides himself behind Will. Typical. "If all I have achieved here is that the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it. At least my conscience will be clear."

"You forget your place, Turner." Norrington continues to point his sword at Will.

"It's right here. Between you and Jack." Will continues to push more and more. Not backing down whatsoever. He was stubborn- much like you.

"As is mine." Elizabeth steps into the circle, holding onto Will's hand desperately.

"Elizabeth!" Your uncle calls her name in disbelief. "Lower your weapons." You take the chance to also step forwards into gunpoint. Except, rather than standing next to Will and Elizabeth, you take the extra step towards Jack. Your uncle stares, becoming worried now. "For goodness' sake, put them down!"

The weapons are taken away. "So this is where your heart truly lies, then?" Norrington asks Elizabeth. Who nods sheepishly.

"It is." She replies.

"Well, I'm actually feeling rather good about this." Jack circles round to Weatherby who becomes visibly uncomfortable "I think we've all arrived at a very special place, spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically." He turns to Norrington, glances back at Will and Elizabeth who were now hugging and smiling at each other lovingly, "I want you to know that I was rooting for you mate. Know that." He turns back to you and smiles at your presence, before turning to look at Elizabeth once more. "Elizabeth." She turns to look at him in curiosity. "It would've never worked between us, darling. Im sorry." He makes a very unconvincing pouty face.

Jack begins to walk up the steps to where you and Elizabeth had been stood just weeks prior to all of this piracy madness. "Will. Nice hat." He smiles at your best friend before walking near the edge. "Friends!" He is about to walk forwards until the guns get drawn again, which, again, is where you step in. So long as you were close to him, within his arm-span, they would not shoot. The risk of him taking you down with him would be too high. He hops onto the ledge. "This is the day that you will always remember as the day that y-" he stumbles backwards off of the ledge, making you- and a few others- gasp.

Everyone rushes forwards to see what happens to him, including you, who stands right at the edge.

"Idiot. He's nowhere to go but back to the noose!" Theodore looks down at Jack, now desperately trying to keep himself afloat in the oceon.

"Shut up, Theodore." You snap, swinging around to slap him around the jaw which makes everyone throw dirty looks your way.

"Sail ho!" Everyone hears a voice, which temporarily distracts them from you. One very familiar.

"Well, that would be my cue." You decide on the spot. Everyone turns to face you again. "Will. Take care of my sister. And, well, if you don't, then you'll have pirates knocking on your door." You smile at him, not caring to address the passive aggressive threat you had just given him. "Alright? Now." You lower yourself onto your knee and pull up your dress slightly to show a dagger which was secured to your leg with a cloth, which you pick up and use to cut open your corset. Now was not the time for casually taking it off. It was too tight and the strings would be too fiddly and take too long to undo. So, within one swift motion, you slice it open and take it off before replacing your dagger. A few whistles come from the red coats, much to your annoyance.

"Elizabeth. I love you. I'll see you soon hopefully." You turn to Weatherby. your uncle. "Uncle. I'm sorry if I've disappointed you. Make sure Elizabeth doesn't do anything too naff." You finally stand up again and smile before looking at Norrington, your smile dropping. "Good bye." You finish before stepping backwards, off the edge and falling to the the oceon.

The splash of water catches Jack's attention, making him stop swimming towards the Black Pearl which Gibbs was commanding and turn around to face you who was now also swimming after him.

"Jack, if Anamaria doesn't let me have some clothes until I can get my own then I am killing you!" You shout at him, continuing to swim forwards towards him excitedly.

He stares at you in disbelief before you grab onto his shoulders for a little support. "You jumped." His eyes find yours.

"I jumped." You smile at him.

"Why?" His brows furrow as he tries to piece it together.

"For you." You look into his eyes lovingly.

"For me?" He somewhat smiles back at you as he realises just what you are getting yourself into. Not even just that, the fact that you jumped into a freezing cold body of water for him.

"Yes, for you, Jack." You reassure him, your eyes softening.

"Well let's get your royal self out of this water to prevent your most wonderful dress out of this water, then." The words are so simple, and it genuinely does sound backhanded with the way he says it. But you could tell with his eyes. The way they lit up when he realised that you wanted to go with him. His eyes were practically begging for you to join him.

This man would be the death of you.

"Let's get your soggy soul onto that deck, shall we?" You reply playfully before letting go of him and begin to swim forwards towards the Black Pearl.

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Will, Elizabeth, Norrington and Weatherby, your uncle, stare as the two if you clamber onto the main deck. "Thought you were s'posed to keep to the code?" Jack looks up at Gibbs, who helps both of you up to your feet.

"We figured they were more actual.. Guidelines." Gibbs looks from Jack, to you, then back to Jack. You smile at the words.

He hands Jack his hat, smiling and nodding his head when Jack mutters a 'thank you'.

"Captain Sparrow." You hear Anamaria and turn on your heel. "The Black Pearl is yours." She smiles, placing something over Jack's shoulders before meeting your eyes. "Elianna."


"There is a spare change of clothes I have tucked away in the cabin, you can have them til we get you some'a your own." She smiles at you. "Glad to see you're challenging the law once more."

You walk towards her and bring her into a loose hug before pulling away to hold her by the shoulders. "Thank you, Ana. I appreciate it."

Jack walks forwards to the wheel and smiles, taking the handles into his hands. A smile of relief breaks out onto his lips when the familiarity of the ship hits him. He turns to face everyone who was stood still in confusion. "On deck, you scabrous dogs! Hands to braces! Let go and haul to run free!" He commands.

You suddenly grab Jack when everyone begins scrambling around, dragging him up to the quarterdeck//end of the ship so you could just about make out your family and friends stood at the edge still. You start jumping about in excitement, waving your hand up high for them to see that you're okay despite you knowing that they'd probably already seen that you were perfectly fine.

Jack's eyes remain on you the entire time. Until you turn to walk back to the main deck. He wraps his hands around your hips and pulls you impossibly close to him, startling you and causing heat to rise in your cheeks.

"Ja-" you begin, a gasp catching in your throat when he smashes his lips against yours, catching you completely off-guard at first. You melt into his touch fairly quickly as your lips mould to his, until you pull away slightly to catch your breath. "Jack! bloody hell, Jack." You laugh, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and lean into his body. You hear the faint squeal of happiness come from Elizabeth. You pull away from the hug slightly, only enough so your heaving chests aren't touching, but still close enough that your hands were still holding him. You pull them forwards so they cup Jack's jawline before you kiss him once more. It feels so natural, so real. It is real.

"I welcome you, M'lady, to the Pirates of the Caribbean." He smirks at you, letting go and walking back down to the wheel. "Now, bring me that horizon."

You stay still, amazed and in disbelief still. A pirate had not only just kissed you, you! A lady!, but you actually enjoyed it and reciprocated it and then kissed him! Snapping back to yourself once you feel the ship begin to turn, you walk down to the wheel, where Jack is stood happily.

You begin to hum a very familiar tune to Jack.

"And really bad eggs." The few words you say in a singsong voice make Jack turn to you, compass in hand, wild grin on his lips.

"Drink up, me hearties, yo-ho!" He continued, in unison with you whilst he snaps the compass closed and brings you close to him once more.

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Hi guyss!!<3
So I'd just like to begin with saying I am so happy I managed to get the first film done so quickly because it means I can now break it off into my own timeline. Let me know what you all think to it! I'll also be talking a lot more about scenery in the next chapters because I'm not as in a rush to get everything done lol. The previous chapters were so rushed because ive been desperate to get past the first film but ahh, freedom now!! Keep me updated on your opinions throughout this fic<3


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