Chapter TwentyTwo


I walk around the town aimlessly, seething with anger. Nico doesn't understand... I saved him. If it wasn't for me he's still be with that guy. If it wasn't for me, he could be dead.

It would have been easier to leave him at the mercy of Percy. Instead, I took him in. I helped him.

I take a deep breath. This is my fault, not Nico's. Of course he would defend Percy. Percy's probably been drilling it into him for the past three years!

To be honest, I'm also a bit jealous. After everything Percy has don't to him, Nico still defend shim. He never did anything that nice for me.

I should apologise. I turn around and walk back to my house. I realise that I forgot to lock the door. Ah well, this is a nice neighbourhood, and I was only one for a few minutes.

I step inside the house and gasp. It's been ransacked. Things are smashed, strewn everywhere.
"Nico?" I call warily. No reply. It occurs to me thy Nico might have done this, and then ran, but I quickly dismiss the idea. He's much too polite. I think...

I make my way through the house slowly, assessing the damage. The bedroom is the worst. The door had been kicked down, and everything is broken. My guitar, a gift from my parents, is snapped in half. My magazines and books have been ripped to shreds. Worst of all is the blood.

There's blood on the floor and the bed. I sob and feel tears run down my face. This can't be happening. I as gone for five minutes. Five minutes!

Written across the wall in the same red substance is a message, in large, messy handwriting.

I cry even harder when I read it.

If you come for him, you'll be next.
