
I'll hold on to the little bit of love I have left

No one is always going to be there for you no matter how much promises you make them you can try to hold on you should never put your trust in those that love you for they to ,will stab you in the back

"Why are you here Hyunjin"

"You know exactly why I'm here you have something that belongs to me destiny "

"He isn't here ok now bye "

"I know he's here but that's fine he knows where to find me when he's done playing these little games I know you can hear me beautiful you can come back to me when you want to stop playing around "

"I'm not coming back Hyunjin "

"You will you always do ,you know how I am changbin you know exactly what I'm capable of princess you think I did your face bad I'll do you so much worst baby "

"You did that to his face "

"It's so pretty isn't it ?"

"What it's not that's terrible it's swollen Hyunjin"

"He knew exactly what he did "

"You took my phone I didn't do anything you locked me in that room I'm not some child you can boss around there's boundaries to certain things I'm human to not just you ,you told me you don't care about my feelings "

"Oh princess and I'm not going to change it I don't care about how you feel "

"You never care about anything how do you live you have no heart you care nothing about how you treat people "

"Why should I people are a waste of time I have you and your never leaving me"

"I don't want to be with you anymore Hyunjin "

"You have no choice there isn't any leaving the only choice of leavening is death that's the only way you'll ever escape me "

"Look at me "

"Let's go "

"Look at me dammit this do you think this is a way of claiming I belong to you do you think this is something to be proud of "

"You don't get to question me and what I do to you it is my way of doing things and my way is always the best way beautiful "

He laughed he really just laughed this psycho, psycho mdf there's no joy in hurting people but this is funny he really needs to be checked in a
Psychiatric ward

"I can't take this your fucking with mentally everyday I'm with you it feels like I'm going insane

"Let's go "

"I'll just get my stuff can you hold on you don't have to keep saying it "

Changbin sighed to himself going to grab his keys along with his phone he bid the girl goodbye before walking away with Hyunjin

"Look at me "

Hyunjin says holding the boy tightly by his neck "don't you ever in your life disrespect me in front of you friend again you are my bitch no matter how much you don't like it "

"You make me hate myself you know when I look at my body I hate it all I see is your marks and your Brusies I can't even say I love you I'm afraid of you jin "

"beautiful you can hate yourself as much as you want only I need to love you I'm I not a enough you want leave me and whore yourself out "

"Fuck you "

"If you wanted to be a slut I could always treat you like one beautiful but of course I want to make some money off it maybe I should sell your body our maybe even just leave you on the streets like a Prostitute "

"Do you think I care I stopped caring after you faked fucking tears for me those weren't even real when will you ever be real with me jinnie yeah I know you fucking won't I can't stand you or your existence "

"I love you to beautiful "

"Whatever damn psychopath"

"Shit " the lighter says applying concealer under his eyes if life keeps going like this when will it ever get better for him

He took the bottle of pills quickly swallowing two the doctors had prescribed depression meds for him Hyunjin had sent him to therapy but just talking about his feelings wasn't making it any better

"What the hell are you doing changbin "

"Smoking are you blind"

"So you're going back to drugs again "

"I guess"

"Weed won't help your problems changbin it will just make them worst your can get as high as you want but when you aren't ,do things changes no they don't when you return things just are the same "

"If I can fix my life for just and hour let me be you have no idea the shit I go through with that devil I'm stressed it feels like I'm going crazy my health is decreasing slowly I'm on meds for 3months now "

"I didn't know you barely tell me anything anymore changbim "

"I have no time I only have time for hyunjin only Hyunjin 24hours every day no one else only him "

"You sound like hyunjjns robot that's all you think about Hyunjin is there anything in your head but his name he inst God he's just some guy "

"He says he's all I need I say I hate him but I love him I love jinnie more than anything in this world "

"Bin I'm your bsf but the way you talk about him this is toxic you need to get away from Hyunjin just a little break

"But I can't

"Hyunjjn doesn't have to know we will go out of the country for a few days that's it nothing more than that

"You promise he won't find out you know what he will do to me destiny "

"He won't when have I ever lied to you trust me"

"I trust you "

"Always remember bin nothing hurts more than love
