Ocean Eyes

"Can you just stop!" The girl next to my locker said to me.

"I'm not doing anything" I said innocently as everyone stared in my direction.

"Yes you are! You're planning something with that devious mind that runs through you and your friend!" She responded while slamming her locker door.

She was drawing all the attention on us which I hated. Eyes just staring at the both of us and new eyes darting towards us.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

"Don't play dumb! You know what your friend Jessie did!" One of the boys from a few lockers down yelled.

Everyone around us crossed their arms and nodded in agreement.

"Just because Jessie did horrible things to people doesn't mean I do too" every negative emotion started to fill my body from head to toe.

Ever since everyone found out what Jessie had been doing, they all assumed I do the same thing. They even tried getting me expelled but it didn't work from lack of evidence.

"Yes it does. You were friends with him/her which means you act like him/her" the girl at the locker responded as she rolled her eyes.

"I didn't even know Jessie was doing those things! Stop judging who I am because of who my friends were!" I shoved my textbooks into my locker, slammed the door and ran straight to the bathroom with tears filling my eyes.

I locked myself in the closest cubicle and started bawling my eyes out.

Everyone judges me because Jessie was my friend, and turns out he/she was doing awful things to people during our friendship, now everyone thinks I knew and I'm in on it, I just haven't been caught.

I heard the bathroom door open and close shut. I then heard voices of two girls that must've been there at the lockers just then.

"Can you believe her? Trying to keep a secret hidden that everyone already knows. Like just do everyone a favour and admit it already! Can't believe we have another psychopath on the loose"

I tried to keep the sounds of my cries quiet so they wouldn't hear me. I tired to stop crying but it wouldn't work, they just kept talking crap about me that wasn't true.

"Do you hear that?" I heard footsteps walking towards my cubicle. The footsteps stopped and I saw a green eye looking at me.

"Oh look who it is, it's little miss psychopath"

I brought my legs up to my chest and turned around so she couldn't see my face.

"Go away! I'm nothing like Jessie" I heard her sigh and I was assuming she rolled her eyes.

"Really? Just admit it already, everyone knows anyway" she started to bang on the cubicle door as her friend joined in.

"Admit it! Admit it!" they chanted in perfect unison.

"I'm not admitting it because I didn't do anything! Are you that dumb?"

"What did you just say?" She said angrily. At least the banging and chanting stopped.

"I said, are you that dumb? Are you deaf now too?"

"That's it!" The girl screamed. She started to bang onto the door again, but harder.

I really hope she isn't strong.

Of my course my luck just wouldn't work with me. Minutes later she had broken the door down.

She grabbed me by the arm tightly and started hitting me against the cubicle wall while her friend lit a cigarette and watched on.

She pulled me back roughly looking at my bloody face.

"I find it ironic how you say I do evil things to people but you're banging me against a brick wall" I said all muffled, being moments away from passing out onto the floor.

"What you do is worse" she tightened her grip.

"I don't do anything. You're a bitch, you know that right?" She grabbed me by the collar on my jacket and lifted the toilet seat.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving you what you deserve!" She turned me around and shoved me right into the toilet water.

I tried to lift myself up and get my face out of the water. I couldn't. She only shoved me in deeper as she tightened her grip more.

I struggled to breathe. I moved my legs, still determined to stand up but it was no use, my shoes just kept slipping against the tiled floor.

She pulled me out of the water and I gasped for air.

"That's what you get! Do it again and I'll go the whole way!" She left the bathroom and also left me in tears.

Why do they have to judge me because of my friend? Just because I'm friends with them doesn't mean I'm like them.

But I'm going to change things. They'll get their wishes and I won't have to deal with them anymore.


I plopped my bag down onto my bed and grabbed a gun from under my pillow.

Just one more thing before I continue.

"I love you all!" I yelled downstairs to my parents.

"We love you too, honey! So much!" I heard them say back.

This is going to hurt me so much, but I must. I must escape.

I picked up a sharpie marker and wrote on my wall in big writing.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry I never told you how I felt. I'm sorry this is how you had to find out"

I hope it stays forever.

I sat down on my bedroom floor, legs crossed, gun to my head.

Tears tricked down my cheeks as I pulled the trigger slowly.

I didn't say a word. I wanted "I love you all" as my last.


"Marie!" footsteps of her parents were leading up to her room. They opened the door and were in immediate tears.

"My baby!" Her mother yelled while her father stared at the gun in her hand, creating a puddle of tears around him.

They read the message on the wall.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry I never told you how I felt. I'm sorry this is how you had to find out"

"You should have told us Marie. We would have helped" her mother cried.

Her father walked closer to her mother, comforting her as they both grieved over their only child.

They looked at their daughters face, admiring every feature.

A tear was half way down her cheek as if she was crying along with them, as if her ocean eyes knew how her spirit felt.

Thank you for 1K!! ❤️❤️

PS: sorry all my stories have the same ending (the passing away of a character) I'm just not sure what other ending I can have that is still sad but isn't death :(
"Suicide doesn't end pain, it only passes it on"
