
"Mrs. Lahey," A nurse speaks. I open my tired eyes as she walks around my hospital bed, a bundle of blue cradled in her arms. "Meet your son." 

"Stiles." I correct absentmindedly as I took him into my arms. He had his fathers eyes, that's for sure. His chocolate brown eyes stared up into mine, taking me back to when I got to look into Stiles' eyes every morning. 

Now, two years later he was quite the little devil. I didn't mind, though. He kept me busy, my mind out of the dark. His heart was as big as Stiles'. He may only be young, but somehow he always knew when I was upset; he'd come sit with me, cuddle me like Stiles used to do. He stopped me from slipping. 

I had ended up marrying Isaac, but no amount of his love could compare to Stiles', make me forget the love Stiles poured onto me like a waterfall. I quite frankly owed Stiles my life and no amount of love or kisses would be enough to say thank you to him. I just hope that all those flowers and hours spent by his grave is enough to keep him smiling until I can see him again. 

Without Stiles, I was just a sad song. That could be interpreted in many different ways, seeing as though sad songs usually portray a gloomy emotion; but I see this sad song is the kind that helps you though the heartache, not make it worse. Although I may be sad sometimes realizing that hes gone, I'm still just as happy as I was when he was around because in some way, some how, I felt like he had never left me; just simply gone for an extended holiday with his Mother. The crescent moon reminding me of his smile, the suns warm summer rays reminding me of his hugs, the birds' melodies reminding me of his laugh. 

Stiles may be gone, but all those memories will remain, and certainly never forgotten. 


A/n: So, its over :( 

Sorry there weren't many chapters; I hadn't really planned to make this a really long fanfic when I first started writing it but I hope you guys enjoyed nonetheless! 

Thanks to everyone who's been reading, voting and commenting. It means so much to meee! I even managed to already get 2k reads on it which also means so so much! And yeah, bye! xx
