Team Sonic

Name: Sonic Hedgehog

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Faunus (Hedgehog)

" This is my power, and I'm not using it to run away anymore.

Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets.

I'll never look back, I've got no regrets. 'Cause time doesn't wait for me. I choose to go my own way.

Every world has its end. I know that's kinda sad, but... That's why we gotta live life to the fullest in the time we have. At least, that's what I figure.

Semblance: Speed Semblance,

but not really your usual Speed semblance. His doesnt come into effect just in Random bursts or with him choosing for it to kick in. Instead, whenever he runs, he will slowly but surely gain speed, going from 25mph to 250mph in a manner of sheer moments. The fastest he can run being 300 mph. As he uses his semblance it will steadily drain his aura, 15% each minute when he runs slower than 150mph, 30% each minute when he runs faster than 150mph. However, if he gets hit, or runs out of Aura, his semblance will reset and he'll have to start running again and hope he has enough Aura to reach the same speed that he was once at.

Super Form

Name: Tails Miles Prowler

Gender: Male

Race: Faunus (Fox)

"You inspired me"

"I'm not a coward, I've just Never been tested. I'd like to Think that if I was I would pass Look at the tested and think There but for the grace go I Might be a coward, I'm afraid Of what I might find out."

Semblance: Unknown

Tails carries a backpack full of his self-invented gadgets for both offense and miscellaneous purposes. Some of his gadgets include sets of electromagnets which he can use to operate pedals in a car, pads that can generate energy tethers between them that are strong enough to hold even Knuckles for a few moments; as well as generate electricity powerful enough to hurt Knuckles, deployable disks that can negate gravity on anything above them for a short while, a ricocheting boomerang-like weapon that can home in on targets and strike with notable force, a laser pistol that packs explosive power and can also be used as a cutting laser, and a handgun that fires bolas.

For all of his gadgets, Tails most advantageous tool is his Miles Electric. Basically, a multifunctional handheld computer, this device can accurately track Aura signatures across an entire kingdom and pinpoint different locations, projects various forms of three-dimensional holograms that include lifelike images of Tails and other people, search for information in a database that seemingly encompasses all there is to know about Earth and its cultures, operate Tails' other gadgets.


Name: Knuckles Echidna

Gender: Male

Race: Faunus (Echidna)

Semblance: Guardian's Fist

He can also boost his strength to the point where he can smash a giant rock several times his size with one hit, take out a monster several times his size with a single punch, and amplify the speed of his punches to the point where even Sonic has trouble dodging them.

Knuckles' semblance, Guardian's Fist, would enhance his already impressive strength and durability. When activated, his fists would become enveloped in an ethereal energy, resembling glowing, protective gauntlets. This energy would amplify the power of his punches and allow him to withstand powerful blows without being easily overpowered.

With Guardian's Fist, Knuckles would gain increased striking power, enabling him to deliver devastating blows capable of breaking through defenses and barriers. His punches would carry a concussive force, creating shockwaves upon impact that could knock back opponents or disrupt their balance.

Moreover, Guardian's Fist would grant Knuckles an augmented resistance to damage. He would have an enhanced ability to endure attacks, reducing the impact and mitigating the effects of strikes against him. This resilience would make him incredibly durable in combat, allowing him to withstand powerful attacks and continue fighting.

Additionally, Knuckles could extend the effects of his semblance beyond himself, temporarily imbuing his allies' weapons with a fraction of his enhanced strength and durability. This would provide a boost to their attacks and defenses, bolstering their effectiveness in battle.

The Guardian's Fist semblance would embody Knuckles' role as a guardian and protector. It would emphasize his physical prowess and his ability to endure and overcome adversity. With this semblance, Knuckles would become a formidable frontline fighter, capable of dealing devastating blows while withstanding even the toughest assaults.
