For the good of the tribe

Thunder crashed in the distance, wind howled. Most of the Voryala tribe was asleep in their dens, except for Riola and Chief.
A roar sounded in a clearing near the camp and the two monsters clashed in a whirl of claws and fangs, Veral watched from the sidelines cheering for his cousin as she and her father wrestled each other to the ground.
Chief leapt away from his daughter and launched lightning towards the smaller beast who sidestepped the attack and lunged forward swinging her claws in a wide arc, striking the larger beast in the shoulder.
     Chief snarled in pain and lifted a paw to the wound. "Riola! Watch the claws!" He snapped irritably. Riola flicked an ear and looked away.
"Don't be sorry, it's just practice. We don't need to hurt each other before an actual war happens!" Chief snapped, he was tired of fighting his daughter like they had been for the past five hours.
"Return to camp and wash up." Chief growled leaving the clearing. Riola turned to her cousin and sat down.
    "Veral, what am I doing wrong?" She asked looking at the muddy earth. Veral looked up at his cousin calmly,
"You did nothing wrong, you know he's just worried about going to war." Veral replied flicking his tail, he got up and flicked his paws to get the mud off. "It's all been hard on him, you know, I know. I think everyone knows" Veral said, Riola nodded in agreement then sighed,
"Veral, what did I do to earn these powers? I don't think I deserve them, by the gods! I don't even know how to control them!" She snarled raking her claws through the mud. Veral still looked calm but didn't reply "I mean! I can't even turn back! I don't know how! Should I? Yes!.." Veral listened as his cousin went on like this for a few more minutes, he sighed as Riola finally took a breath.
   "Look Riola, I know this is hard on Chief and even you but, you need to find a way out of this.  I mean something extraordinary happened the other day! To you! Out of all the people. And I watched all of it! You don't seem to get that you are lucky, I grew up without a family only relying on you and Chief but did I give up? No!" Veral exclaimed Riola nodded in understanding. "What you have is a gift and a chance to make things right, that's something I'll never have, but I still have hope!" He added standing and beginning to walk away from the  clearing. "Now if I were you I would think about that above all else" Veral called over his shoulder, then he paused and turned. "For the good of the tribe?"
"For the good of the tribe." Riola echoed standing to follow her cousin back to camp as rain began to pour down concealing all of the tribe to their dens.

(AN: sorry for this chapter for being so short ive been really busy doing art soccer and school. ill update more soon!  
please comment about what you think so far!)
