Chapter Two

You knelt patiently by the door, the sharp metal in your hands. Your chains had already been undone. You had gotten a roommate in the last two years. A woman older than you by three years. She was waiting out of the eye of the guard that did his round in five minutes.

And almost as if on cue, the guard opened the door. His hands holding two plates of mush that they called food.

"Master..." You spoke gently, your eyes wide and innocent. "I need to go the toilet, can you guide me there?"

He nodded and came around to your side. Once he was out the sight of the other guards at other cells, you swiped your leg out and knocked him to the floor. You simply caught his calf with the sharp metal so he couldn't walk and you pulled the gun from his holster and slid it to your roommate Shiru.

She nodded and you both slid out the cell before the guard could yell for help. Both of your hearts were pounding at the small small taste of freedom that was greeting you.

"Shiru!" You cried out, watching as she turned with the gun. Both of you were so close to the gates. "Just run!"

"No. I won't let us both be captured again." She spoke confidently. "Run Y/N."

"I'll come back for you Shiru... I promise." You whispered, her animal ears twitched on her forehead as she acknowleged your words before you sprinted to the gates as gunshots rang.


You shivered slightly, hiding under a bit of plastic you had found in a nearby bin. It had been six months since you had left the warehouse. You tucked your tail underneath you, ignoring the dull pain coming from there. You hated your tail getting wet. Your ears you didn't mind. But the fur on your tail brushing against some of the bare skin on your legs was unbearable.

Your eyes started to flutter closed, finally feeling safe enough to sleep until you felt the rain hit you. You sighed in frustration and you saw a male towering over you. In this light, despite your eyesight being better than a humans - you couldn't determine whether this male was from the warehouse.

Your instinct was to run, or at least... That would've been what your human instinct was. However, the wolf that now lingered in you was ready to fight.

A low growl left your lips as you felt the rest of the hair on your arms and neck stand. You slowly stood up, wincing as an old cut was knocked against the plastic dumpster beside you. But you shrugged it off.

This man was going to learn to leave you alone. Or he was going to pay the price.


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