Chapter Three

Feeling the hot breeze that covered his face, he needed not other confirmation that he really is back to his country. However, that's the least of his concerns, as he just wanted to check out, go home, and rest his butt.
After thirteen-hour flight from Massachusetts, he became so jet lagged that even walking was hard. Since he went for undergraduate degree at sixteen, he hadn't come home until now that he's done with masters at twenty-two.

Cladded in a white long sleeved turtleneck shirt, black pants, shades, legs wrapped in white sneaks, and a black overcoat which he removed and held in one hand immediately he landed and his box in the other,

He walked towards the exit dialling Abbakar's number again, then hissed for the umpteenth time when the call didn't go through. He waited for a little bit more while thinking of just taking a taxi if he doesn't come in few minutes.

"Hey man, sorry the traffic was heavy. Welcome back." Sadiq said while giving him a shoulder hug followed by putting his box in the trunk. Haidar just nodded his head with a small smile and entered the car. He's so tired that he couldn't even talk.

"Take me to your house bro, I need much rest, don't have the energy to make all those greetings, I bet the house is full to the core." His voice broke the silence of the car after a while of driving.

"Can you blame them? it's the firstborn's wedding in your house and the first Ammani bride, of course guests will fill the house. Anyways, you should tell Ammie and Adda that you have arrived, they were so eager to see you."

"Yeah I talked to Ammie already, will call Adda later." And the silence continued.

"Okay you should head in first, I'm sure Aisar must be inside, so the quarters is open. I need to take Addah's package to her then run some errands. This people had turned me into their errand boy I swear. It's good you are back man, at least you will be of help." Sadiq said while stopping in front of their house.

"Yeah I'm back and I forgot how to drive. Help me bring the box in when you are back please, for now, will just do with your cloths."

"Za ma ka tuna ne, karka damu - you'll have to remember, don't worry." Sadiq shouted from behind.

Haidar knocked on the quaters' main door and waited for a little while before an annoyed Aisar came to open it,

"Hamma namesake? Wow welcome, had no idea you are back." Aisar said while stifling a yawn. He was about to sleep when he heard the knock. He worked all night yesterday finishing a novel he was to submit to his editor this morning. Then with Maamie in the house, no one skips breakfast, and again he had to wait for his annoyingly over-hyped shouty brothers and cousins to leave the quaters before he was able to get his much needed sleep.

"Hey Aliyu, I just came back, need to sleep before going to the house."

"Thank God, I'm also trying to get some sleep here, let me just lock the door, in case those annoying people come back, they just don't know how to keep their voices low." Haidar just gave him a tired smile in return and headed to Sadiq's room to shower, then sleep.

It wasn't until much later in the day Haidar woke up, he had missed Zuhr prayer and it's already time for Asr. So he rushed to the loo, performed ablution, then came out to pray. He was wearing a surprisingly too familiar-looking black short-sleeved jallabiya (Arabian thobe), so it's okay for him to pray with it.

Coming out of the room, he met Aisar and Abdoul heading out to the main house, so he joined them to get something for his stomach. They conversed on their way until his phone rang, it was Ameerah calling, he smiled and picked the call knowing very well he was in for it today,

"Hey Adda am -my sister."

"Ka kyauta Aliyu - very good Aliyu. You arrived since morning, but you're yet to grace our honours with your face. That's very good of you." Okay.. he was expecting much more wrath than this, can wedding really change people this much?.

"Common Adda am, I was sleeping through out, just woke up not more than half an hour ago, wanted to eat first before coming to see you, okay?"

"Fine, be fast." Well that was smooth. He sighed before entering the main house.

Meeting Mammie, Sadiq's mother, was an encounter he haven't even think of how it's going to happen. The woman was so shocked when she saw him. Perhaps, she never knew he was even coming for the wedding.

"Who is this I'm seeing? Aisar, am I seeing clearly, ko nima idon nawa ya zama irin naka? -or my eyes have become like yours as well?" They chuckled while Haidar moved closer to greet her.

Assalamu alaikum beautiful readers, hope y'all are fine? I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I was writing exams but I'm now done Alhamdulillah. To make up for you guys, update will be every Mondays and Fridays from now onwards Insha Allah😊
Thank you for sticking with my book🥰
