10. The Bitch and the Beach


I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and threw on some clothes without even looking and waltzed off towards the bus. Well, more like slowly trundled to the bus. I was beyond tired from watching the guys do rehearsal for the fundraiser and then staying up late working on my art project. Thankfully, this was the last week before we have a week off. Regardless, Monday's are still overrated.

The day seemed to whiz by, and soon it was time for the one lesson I dreaded more than anything.

Gym class.

"Okay, let's play some dodgeball." Coach Barker announced as she rounded us all up. She then split us into two groups, and made us stand opposite each other behind a big red foam ball each. We all positioned ourselves and coach blew her whistle to go. I picked up my ball and aimlessly threw it forward, watching as it nearly missed Claire Hopkins', aka the most popular and equally spoiled girl in schools, head. She glared at me with perfectly made up eyes, offended that anyone would dare almost hit her. I mouthed a sorry and picked up a ball which had whacked my leg.

As I stood up and prepared to fire the ball, I was suddenly suffered a hit to the side of my face, right by my eye socket, causing me to stumbled. With a painful face, I turned to see Alexa laughing her stupid little arse off as I glared at her. "We're on the same team you twat!" I yelled at her, taking a step closer to her.

"Hey it's your fault for being such an easy target!" She yelled back in my face. "You stupid piece of white trash!"

"You want a fight? Fight me, I dare you." I taunted as I took her shoulders and pushed her backwards. Seems that whenever I'm around Alexa I can't contain my rage.

"Get your gross hands off me." She growled, pushing me also. Somehow I couldn't contain myself from pushing her again, but she deflected me, ending up in some kind of cat fight.

"Alright ladies, break it up!" Coach barked, blowing her whistle three times literally in my ear. Well, now I'm deaf.

"Coach, my eye needs ice, can I go to the nurse?" I asked in the most innocent way possible, watching as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Go." She said, and I ran back towards the changing rooms, where I shoved my jeans back on with Aaron's shirt that I still haven't returned to him from two weeks ago after being stranded. I laced up my creepers and checked the clock. It was basically ten minutes until the bell would ring, so I sat at the front steps of school and waited.

The door to reception opened behind me, and I knew it wouldn't have been my friends. Instead, it was an upset looking freshman and his mother. I tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation as they passed me, but I couldn't help it.

"It's okay sweetheart, we'll get you home and you can have some rest. How bout we order pizza, yeah?"

"I'm sorry I had another attack. It's stupid."

"It is not stupid. You can't help having anxiety. I'm here to support you sweetie, okay?"

"Okay, thanks mom. For everything."

The two walked off towards their car, sharing an embrace before climbing in and pulling away. I sighed as I watched them go. I felt bad for the boy, but at the same time happy he seemed to have a supportive parent, something I never had. In a way, I kind of raised myself and I'm proud of that but... I still feel empty sometimes. Which is stupid, because I've got a family now, but they've got their families to go home to. When I go home I've got an empty house, which feels more daunting every time I'm alone in it. It's another reminder that both my parents walked out on me.

I looked down at my wrists, running my fingers over the scars. I'd been stupid, but I didn't know any better. I didn't know I could feel happy again. And it scares me how close I got.

"Hey, wow what happened to your face man?" Paul asked as he took a seat next to me.

"Dodge ball." I sighed.

"That must've been a hard hit, you've got a red mark." He stated.

"It was." I laughed half heartedly. "You know Alexa Turner right?"

"Oh God, we hate her guts. She did that to you?" He gasped, as I nodded slowly.

"Yup. She's Benj's ex, right?" I let out a long sigh as I picked up a pebble and threw it into the distance. It's pathetic to feel jealous over a wacko like Alexa but I can't help it, annoyingly. She's typically attractive and I'm often mistaken for a dude.

"Yeah but listen, it wasn't like a serious thing. They dated on and off for like a year and she cheated on him the whole time. I wouldn't worry about it." Paul smiled reassuringly, patting my back. "He loves you, Soho."

"I know it's just... Ugh, I don't know. I hate her, she's always such a bitch to me because I hang with you guys and now I'm dating Benji." I mumbled quietly.

"Just don't let her get to you, it's all bullshit. She's full of shit, she's probably just jealous." Paul said, as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Something else is bothering you, what is it?"

"Nothing I'm fine." I gave a small smile as I sat up.

"Need a hug?" He asked with a sympathetic look as I nodded. We hugged it out for a good while, until we heard footsteps behind us.

"Hey, you do know that's my shirt Soho, right?" Aaron asked from behind us.

"You'll be lucky if you ever get it back, she's got like five of mine." Benji chuckled.

"You okay guys?" Billy asked as me and Paul stood up.

"Yeah." I smiled, giving Paul a thankful glance.

"So, where are we headed?" Joel asked after a moment.

"Well, what do you guys have in mind?" I asked them.

"The beach?" Benji and Joel both said at exactly the same time. It still makes me smile when they do that.

"I've never been to the beach." I stated, the five of them stared at me in shock. "What? I lived in a city."

"Then we definitely have to go!" Billy grinned. "Beaches are the best!"

"Hey, who hurt you?" Benji as he inspected my mark.

"Just a dodge ball accident, don't worry." I smiled.

"Okay, because if anyone hurts you you'd tell me, right?" He asked as he kept his eyes on mine.

"Of course, babe." I smiled, placing my hand in his.

And so the six of us climbed into Aaron's newly repaired jeep (which was really just as shitty as always) and began arguing pointlessly over which CD to play. I'd called shotgun, since I never sit in the front, so I sat with my feet up on the dash and listened to my best friends shouting out random bands.



"Minor Threat!"

"Remember Benji, you still can't choose yet." Aaron reminded from the front.

"Hey, what about some good old Green Day?" I suggested, which silenced everyone.

"Sure, Dookie it is." Aaron said as he put the CD in. "And by the way Soho, I do actually want my shirt back."

"Well I'm not just going to take my top off now am I?" I scoffed.

"Please don't. Gross."

"Oh, so I'm gross?" I raised an eyebrow, as he pulled out the parking lot.

"No, look. It'd be like my mom taking her shirt off." He grimaced.

"So I'm your mum now?" I screeched, throwing my head back with laughter.

"I mean, I totally have your accent." He said sarcastically with a smile as he pulled onto the old road out of Waldorf.

"What do you guys actually plan on doing at the beach? I don't know what happens at beaches." I asked no one in particular.

"We're going to throw you in the sea!" Joel cheered.

"I will kill you." I warned, turning back to glare at him.

"You can't kill me, I'll kill you first." He countered.

"You want a bet?" I challenged.

"You're on."


"Oh, guess who's having a party next Saturday? Darius!" Benji grinned as the guys cheered.

"That creepy dude with the blue hair?" I questioned, remembering back to Josh's party and the guy Benji was playing beer pong with.

"He's not creepy, he's really cool and he throws the best parties." Aaron told me.

"Define 'best parties'." I said, rolling my eyes.

"He has a massive house, unlimited bar and like loads of people go!" Paul said.

"And you lot are going then?" I asked.

"Duh!" Billy chuckled.

"And you're coming too, obviously." Benji said before I could protest.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because you're my girlfriend and you love me?" He smiled with puppy dog as I tried not to give in to his cuteness.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, as he ruffled my hair.

"That's my girl."

Aaron parked up and we all climbed out, walking through the empty car park. The sea breeze made me shiver as I breathed in the salty air. As we followed the short dirt path, a large concreat wall came into view. In between the slabs of curved stone, there was a set of concrete stairs leading down to the sandy beach. The sand spanned out about fifteen meters, until it joined with the murky looking sea water.

"We've only got a couple of hours before the tide comes in." Joel said as he walked down the stairs and stepped onto the sand.

"Okay." Aaron said as he suddenly picked me up off my feet.

"What the fuck?" I yelled as he held me tight so I couldn't get down. My eyes widened in fear when I saw where he was headed. He was walking across the sand straight towards the water.

"Ever wonder how cold the sea is?" He asked as we approach the small waves.

"Don't you dare!" I yelled. "I will break all your drums Aaron I swear to god!" I screamed, laughing hysterically for no reason. "Someone save me!" I screamed, kicking my legs frantically but it was no use. I let my head dangle down, as I glanced back at the rest of them. "Benji if you love me help me for fucks sake!" I pleaded.

"Sorry babe. I love you but this is funny."

"You're an asshole! You're all assholes!" I yelled. "No! Please!" I screamed as Aaron inched further.

"Remember when you pushed me into the pool?" Aaron said with amusement clear in his voice.

"Someone help me or I swear to god I will break all of your legs!" I yelled as I last attempt, only to be met with the sound of them all laughing at me.

"Aaron I will literally kill you. You know I can."

"I'm stronger than you, Soho." Aaron said smugly as he walked through the water, which was now above his knees.

"Someone help me." I whimpered and then an idea popped into my head. "Joel! I'll get you a date with Helena if you help me!" To this, he just laughed.

"I think I can get her on my own, thanks." He flashed a grin, as I rolled my eyes.

"You wish." Benji scoffed. "Bye Ruby!" He waved.

"Don't think I'm putting out tonight! Actually, I'm sleeping alone tonight!"

"Aw no fair!" Benji frowned.

"Holy shit! I'm going to kill you all!"

"Hey, I've done nothing wrong!" Billy cried, holding his hands up in surrender. "Neither has Paul!"

"You dickheads aren't saving me!" I yelled back.

"Fair enough." Paul shrugged with a grin.

"Three... Two..." Aaron slowly began to count down, as I gave up hope. "One!" Before I knew it I was submerged in the ice cold sea water. I screamed, standing up as quickly as possible. I wiped the water out of my eyes, seeing Aaron running as fast as he could away from me.

I was completely soaked through. Even my fucking underwear! I shivered violently as I pulled a piece of seaweed out of my hair. This gave me a great idea. I began gathering up as much seaweed as possible, hiding it in the back pocket of my jeans.

I walked back to shore like nothing was wrong, a gleeful smile on my face. "Hi, guys." They all looked wary of my happiness after I'd just yelled at them all.

"Aaron, we're even. I'm so sorry." I said coyly. "Give me a hug?" I held my arms out and batted my eyelashes.

"Oh no, I'm not falling for that one." He snorted, folding his arms over his chest.

"Fair enough." I shrugged, reaching into my back pocket. With lightning speed I grabbed the front of his shirt and dropped the seaweed down it.

"Cold! Cold!" He squirmed, trying to get it out.

"Run." I mouthed to the others, who scrambled to their feet. I chased after them, and currently I right behind Benji. Surprisingly he was pretty fast and the gap between us was increasing. I swerved left and tried to catch up with Paul. Then I realised I needed a new tactic. I sped up and overtook him, jumping in front as he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Fuck." He cursed as I shoved seaweed down his shirt.

"Love ya really!" I grinned as ran off. I saw Billy heading in the direction of the wall and took this chance to try and corner him.

Suddenly I slipped, falling flat on my face in the sand. "She's got seaweed get her!" I heard Joel cry before I felt a weight on top of me. He was pining me down Wrestle Mania style, straddling me and holding my arms so I couldn't get up.

"Oh my god you're so heavy." I breathed, struggling against his hold.

"This is fun." He laughed, which made everyone else laugh too. A smile cracked across my face as I laughed with my friends, suddenly forgetting about what made me so sad earlier. I truly did love these idiots to no end, even if they did throw me in the sea.

It'd been five minutes and Joel was still on top of me. I'd had enough. I quickly jerked my body to the side with enough force to make him fall off, as I quickly rolled over and sprung to my feet. I placed my foot on his chest as he laid on his back. "Aha, sucka!" I cried triumphantly.

"You have to teach me that." Benji snickered as his brother groaned.

We all ended up sitting against the wall watching the waves roll back and forth. I was shivering like mad due the cold wind. Darkness was starting to sweep over the beach, as I shuffled closer to my boyfriend. He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his lap as I cuddled into his arms, yawning in the process. "Aren't I going to make you wet?" I whispered.

"Yeah but that's how much you mean to me." He smiled, kissing the top of my head. "Can I please sleep with you tonight? And I'm not talking about sex. I just like being with you."

"Of course." I said softly, sighing happily.

"I still have seaweed down my shirt." Paul grumbled.

"Whoops." I grinned. "I like the beach, apart from being thrown in the sea against my will I had a lot of fun." And it was true. It was really enjoying my time here. Life is so much different to how it was back home, I finally felt accepted. I mean, this is my home. London was just the place I came from. This, here, these five guys are my home; as pathetic as that sounds. The past is in the past, and right now none of what happened in England matters.

I smiled as I looked up to the stars, wondering how I suddenly got so lucky.

"Hey, would should probably head off." Aaron said as he stood up. The rest of us jumped to our feet and began walking across the sand. The breeze sent shivers down my spine as I linked my arm through Benji's, huddling close to him for warmth as we walked.

"It's crazy, the stars are so bright out here." Joel commented.

"Because there's less air pollution." Billy said.

"Makes sense."

"Hey guys? Can we make another trip here at some point? I really like it." I said as we climbed the steps off the sand. I glanced back at the moon shining on the sea as I smiled. Minus the whole face thing, today was a lot of fun and I was beginning to feel sleepy as we climbed back into the jeep.


Sorry it was a slow update again I've had trouble with my wrist and sorry this was really filler, the next chapter is when drama starts— *evil laughter*

[Insert unfunny joke here]

Hope you're still enjoying the story so far!
