Chapter 7

Cassandra's POV 

I saw Colin walking and I couldn't help but smile he makes me so safe and he fought for me. I am going a to be a princess my coronation is in a few days. I have no idea what I am going to wear or what music I want. I wish my father was here I miss him so much he would want me in a beautiful gown I know that. The royal seememstress are here with gowns for me to try on and Colin has offered to take a local dress shop near the village. But, the nobles insisted I try the royal seememstress first so I am giving her a try. 

"head up"she instructs measuring my bust and waist I am tall for a village girl. Many village men look at me they think I am beautiful they think I am worth marrying until they hear I have no money. 

I was cast aside but somehow managed to get the attention of the prince. I still remember the day he locked eyes with me. It was like for second. I was reading a cookbook I was twelve I wasn't paying any attention to the king's speech. I looked up just to see what was going on when he looked at me he was a lot shorter than and had smile on his face. I smiled back and then continued reading the cookbook. But, I never thought in a million years he would have chosen me to marry him. "done"the seememstress says "thank you"I say she bows and leaves I change back into my day dress I look out my window the snow is melting I head for the stables I want to ride through the woods feel the wind near my face. I grab my gloves and cloak and walk towards the stables. I see the horse I wanted already tacked up I get a leg up from the stablehands. I ride off towards the woods feeling the wind in my hair.I ride through the trees the sun shinning through the green leaves. I wanted to enjoy my freedom before I become a princess and in a few years a queen. I sit down on the grass removing my cloak and placing it down on the grass I remove my shoes and grab my book I placed in my saddle I open where I left off enjoying the silence.Until I hear Colin's voice "hey you where were you"Colin asks "I am right here you idiot"I say laughing he dismounts his horse and sits next to me. "I missed you during the council meeting"Colin says "I know the seememstress has measured me for a dress for my coronation and I have tea with Lady Matthews" I say "noble's Matthews wife"Colin says "yes"I say "I should've told you this before but I was scared my father instructed noble Matthews to ruin our union because my father wants some girl with money"Colin says 

"Colin Noble Matthews and your Dad don't decide who you marry you do they are crazy"I say "I know I am sorry I didn't tell you"Colin says "that's ok I don't care"I say Colin smiles at me I smile back he pulls me close and kisses me our lips touch feeling right and perfect the kiss soft gentle. I break the kiss "I should go I have to meet Lady Matthews"I say "don't go"Colin begs "I have to"I say getting up and starting to put on shoes he takes my hand "stay please"Colin says "I can't I have to go"I say slipping into my shoes and putting my book back in my saddle and brushing off my cloak I mount my horse and ride off. I ride to lady's Matthews house I give my horse to the stablehands and walk to front door I knock on the door the house was beautiful made out stone and draped in gems a servant answers the door opening it I walk in "sorry I'm late I was riding in the woods and Colin wouldn't let me leave"I say  "that's ok so what's the news"Lady Matthews asks "I am proud to announce I am going to be a princess in a few days"I say "I knew the council would come around"Lady Matthews says excited 

"your tea miss"a servant girl says handing me a cup I sit down a beautiful coach with patterns. the hot liquid smells amazing I sip the hot tea "so Colin tell me do you like him"Lady Matthews asks "He makes me feel safe and he is so kind to me but I do like him he fought for me"I say "well  I know he hasn't told you but I can tell from the way he looks at you he loves you he fought for you. you make him happy and I wish my husband would see that"Lady Matthews says 

"you are very wise"I say "well dear I am a mother my children are married now but I wanted them to find someone who loved them not for money"Lady Matthews says "that's good"I say finishing my tea "well I'd better be going thank you for the tea and advice"I say walking to the door I pick up my cloak and grab my horse and ride back to the castle I give my horse to the stablehands I see Colin waiting for me "I missed you"he says "I know"I say kissing him he holds me close noble Matthews comes up towards us "your father wants to see you the both of you"noble Matthews says. 

"we'll be there right there"Colin says he takes my hand entwining his fingers with mine we walk to the king's chambers 

A/n: Will Colin tell Cassandra he loves her or will Cassandra finally tell Colin how she feels? comment and vote. the Coronation will  be two chapters get ready beauties 

