Call it a Blessing

Hello readers and fellow Rowaelin shippers! 

Here's the last part of Locked in the Dark. I hope you've enjoyed the journey! And I'd like to thank all of you who have stuck with me and this fic-- this one's for you.

I'd like to give a shoutout to Tidela471 for the writing advice you gave me in the last chapter. I really appreciate it! Also, Zilly26 and SkylarNightingale, thanks for the votes on the last chapter!

And thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on the story! <3


When she next woke, it was to see Rowan packing up the tent. He smiled in her direction when he saw her eyes were open. "You slept for nearly an entire day, Fireheart. We were waiting for you to wake up so we could get back."

Aelin tried to sit up, but Rowan was there in only a second, holding her arms and carefully picking her up above her bandages. "Easy there. You're not healed yet."

"Rowan, put me down. I can walk."


"Don't be a stubborn—"

"Territorial fae bastard, I know. It can't be helped. You're going to have to deal with it."

She only glared, knowing there was no way to talk him out of it. She sighed and tried one more time, against all hope. "Rowan, there are soldiers out there and I don't want them to see me like this."

"I don't care. They've seen me carry you in from Maeve's so it doesn't even matter. Stop fighting it, Aelin."

Rowan walked out their tent, arms full of Aelin. He nodded at one of the men that had already finished packing, Gavriel. With a look of understanding in his eyes, Gavriel went to quickly pull together the tent Rowan had left mostly unpacked.

Once everything had been stowed away, everyone mounted their horses. Rowan had chosen the strongest mare of the lot, for it would have to carry double; he wasn't letting Aelin out of his sight. Not that Aelin was much added weight with the aftereffects of her confinement. He would have to do something about that.

He sat Aelin down first before pulling himself up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist with careful precision.

Then, they were off.


While Aelin had started the ride completely coherent and invigorated at the prospect of seeing their friends again, the repeated movements of the horse and Rowan's body heat against her still aching back combined to pull her into a restful doze.

"Wake me up?" Aelin rested her head against Rowan's chest and looked up at his face. How she had missed that glorious face. He leaned down to press his lips against her forehead in answer, his arm tightening around her waist in reassurance.

With a smile on her lips and peace written on her face, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius fell asleep in the arms of her King.


"Aelin." She groaned. "Fireheart, wake up. We're here."

She shook herself awake and a grin slowly crept onto her face at the sight of their ship. Aedion and Lysandra, looking like her usual self, were running for them with eager smiles.

"Aelin!" She didn't even have a chance to properly dismount from the horse before Aedion was pulling her into his arms. He was pressing into her wounds, but she didn't care. Oh gods. Gods. She never thought she'd see them again and the sight of their delighted faces made her tear up.

When she was passed from her cousin to Lysandra, Aelin's face was wet with tears. As soon as Lysandra disengaged from her, Aedion had begun his tirade.

"What were you thinking? Did you really believe we would leave you? Why would—" Aelin had tackled him.

"I've already heard it from Rowan. And as you may recall, I didn't exactly have a choice in my capture," she snaked. "But I'm sorry. I should've known better."

Satisfied with her answer Aedion squeezed her closer. Aelin winced at the pressure against her back. Earlier, when the adrenaline had been pumping through her veins, she hadn't felt the sting. But now the pain was a steady hammer against her ripped back.

Aedion pulled away and held her at her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

When she didn't answer Aedion opened his mouth to ask again, but Aelin beat him to it. "M-my back." Aedion waited for further explanation. "S-she... Maeve whipped me."

At those words, Aedion and Lysandra stiffened with rage. Only then did Aedion feel the bandages wrapping around her torso under the fabric of her too-big shirt. The smell and size both pointed to the idea that it belonged to Rowan.

Lysandra interjected, "Let's get you to your room."

Without missing a beat, Aedion picked her up above and under the bandages and Aelin groaned and slapped at his chest.

"What is it with you fae males and not letting me walk?"

By this time, Rowan had come back after taking the horse to the stables. "Not that you don't enjoy it," he remarked. Aedion smirked.

The group of them climbed three sets of stairs before turning right into another corridor. Lysandra opened the door to a simply decorated room. The discarded clothes on the floor and draped over the furniture suggested the room was Rowan's, for all the time he had used it.

Her cousin set her on the bed before all three of them sat on the edges and peered at her in concern.

Lysandra was the first to reach out. She grabbed Aelin's hand. "Look. I know you've been through a lot and this experience with Maeve..." she trailed off. "Just- you can talk to us you know. We're here for you. So if there is anything you need, please please let me- let us- know."

"Aelin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for doubting you. When Galan and Ansel and Ilias arrived, I... I'm so sorry."

From her position on the bed, Aelin smiled and just like that, he was forgiven.

"I'm hungry. Is there any—" Before she even finished the sentence, Lysandra and Aedion had scrambled up and hurried in the direction of the kitchens.

Aelin huffed a sigh. "I shouldn't have done that. They're going to bring enough food for an army."

Rowan chuckled and shifted closer to her on the bed. He slowly pulled her into a sitting position-so she could eat- and took his place behind her. With his nose buried into the bend her neck, as if he was breathing in her scent, Rowan murmured, "I love you."

Aelin twisted to kiss his cheek. "I love you too buzzard."

In a few minutes, Aedion and Lysandra came back, arms piled high with food. Aelin groaned, "Please say that's not all for me. I'm not that hungry."

"Where are your manners Aelin?" Aedion joked. "We're all eating here."

As the four of them ate, they discussed what had happened while Aelin had been gone and the plans to come. When the sky began to lighten, Lysandra and Aedion left the room. They had talked all through the night and only now were they going to sleep. Thankfully, Lysandra had managed to clear the day of any meetings when the news of the horses being spotted had reached her.

Aelin was already half asleep when Rowan moved to lay her down on her stomach and proceeded to lay next to her, keeping contact with her. He needed to reassure himself that she was fine. She was here. Rowan had finally completed his mission. With that thought in mind, he fell asleep as the the sun rose.


She was standing, chained in iron once again. She was back on the platform in Doranelle. But this time, Rowan stood before her, arms bound above his head and chest bare. Behind him stood Cairn, whip in hand.

"NO!" Aelin lunged toward him, only to remember the chains holding her back. She could only scream his name until he throat was hoarse, as Cairn, grinning, struck the whip against Rowan's back the way he had struck her only days ago.

Aelin was being shaken. "Aelin! Aelin! Get up! It's only a dream!" Her eyes snapped open to find green ones only inches away.

His name, "Rowan," only a breath from her lips as sobs wracked her small frame. He pulls her close and Aelin buries her head into his chest.


Rowan gets up, deciding he needs water and it can't wait until later. The sunlight streaming through the window is a reminder of the time of day. He hurries to the kitchens to grab a pitcher and a glass before hurrying back to their room.

When he gets back, he hears Aelin nearly screaming his name. Among the shouts were the words "no!" and "stop!" and sobs as her face was stained with tears. Aelin was surging around the bed. Searching the other side of the bed side for him.

He rushes to the bed, leaving the pitcher and glass forgotten at the door. "Aelin!" He shakes her, hoping it will pull her out of whatever hellish nightmare she's experiencing. "Aelin! Get up! It's only a dream!"

Her eyes snap open, staring into his as if she's still dreaming.

Rowan hears her whisper his name, it's just a whisper of breath as if she's afraid he'll leave. Sobs break out and her whole body shakes with the force of them. Rowan reaches out and pulls her against his body, wrapping his arms around her small, shaking frame.

"Fireheart," he murmurs. "I'm here. It was only a dream. I'm here. I'm here." He continues to repeat his mantra while stroking her once brilliant golden hair, now dull with weeks without care. Eventually, she calms, breaths slowing down to the even rhythm of sleep.

Long after Aelin falls asleep, Rowan remains holding her, unable to let her go for fear that she would descend again into the depths of her nightmares where he wouldn't be able to reach. Instead, he rocked back and forth clutching her tightly, but carefully, closer until she awoke.

"Good morning," she yawned, face still pressed into his neck. "Did you even sleep?" He didn't answer, just pulling her tighter to his body.

This. This was all she needed. And if she got to wake up with Rowan for the rest of her life, she would call it a blessing. She knew there was more to their journey. She still had to defeat the Valg and take back her throne, their throne, but for now, this would be enough.


And that's the end of the fic! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!!

There may be more in the future, so keep a look out! :)

As always, don't forget to vote and comment!

Signing out, 

