No Need To Lie (Sigmaki)

Word Count: 4000


Also it's a modern more peaceful AU


Saki checked her phone. It was twenty minutes after Atsushi said he'd be here to pick her up, and yet it seemed that- he wasn't. She sighed, and sat down on a bench in front of the store she was at. She didn't actually buy anything, it was more of examining the new items they had in stock. But in the end, Saki decided she didn't really need anything from this clothing shop. And so, she was waiting for Atsushi to pick her up.

After an hour is when she finally decided to message him.

Where r u - Saki

Ten minutes with no response, and finally after those ten minutes—

I'm rlly sorry ): I got stuck in a sudden meeting. My boss is addressing a serious issue and upcoming events. I'm super sorry - Sushi

Saki sighed softly, typing back.

It's not ur fault :] I'll just walk home, no worries.

He was supposed to pick her up at six thirty. And it was now seven forty. Saki stood up, beginning to walk. She knew if she wanted any chance of getting home before dark, that she should walk very fast. Heck, maybe even run. But that would be excessive.

Saki eyed the sky as it seemed to be getting darker much quicker than it should've been. She narrowed her eyes, but didn't stop walking. Clouds, she realized. Okay.. that's fine. She could deal with it being a little colder and darker sooner. She picked up the pace in her walking. She was past buildings now, walking on sidewalks beside woods. Street lamps were her only light. She felt paranoid.

And then she flinched, stopped walking, and brought her hand to her face. She felt something cold, wet. She swiped her finger over her cheek. Water. It started out as a sprinkle. Her regular attire was a white button up and a black skirt with suspenders. The sky had seemed so clear until now. She sped walked, and a drizzle became rain. Hard rain.

Saki crossed her arms over her chest, for warmth. She bit her lip as she began running. She hated this. Paranoia was all that accompanied her.

Eventually she came across a brighter light than the ones that lit the dim sidewalk. A bus stop, a sheltered bus stop with a bench, and lights. Saki slowed down and came to a stop there, quickly sitting down on the bench with her arms over her chest. It's so cold.. Saki took a small breath.

It was nearly pitch black outside thanks to the whether, no moonlight in sight. Saki groaned quietly. Wasn't this just the ideal situation? A white, now see through shirt, in the dark, by herself, a girl. Sure, she always had her ability, but what good would it do if she was attacked from behind? No eyes, no nothing. She wasn't even sure what she'd do if someone tried to take advantage of the situation. She'd probably be forced to manifest something, and it was more than likely that something would be them out of existence.

Saki considered calling one of her friends. But in the end decided against it. She doubted any of them wanted to be out in the rain at the moment. And she knew that if she asked anyone, they'd most likely say yes. She knew quite a lot of people, thanks to her brother.

Atsushi worked at a detective agency, where Saki knew Yosano, Tanizaki, Kenji, Kyouka, Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, and some of the other staff members from.

A few months ago, Atsushi had made a new friend, a guy named Sigma, who outed the company he worked for for the crimes they'd been committing. Sigma and Atsushi had become very good friends and of course in the process, that meant Sigma and Saki did too. Despite not knowing him as long as the others, she felt like she had. Like they'd been friends as long as she and Atsushi had.

Saki worked from home, as a painter. She'd tried where Atsushi worked, and it just wasn't for her. She tried cooking, and it was fun but customer service wasn't. Working from home was much much nicer.

Saki sat at that bench for God knows how long. Only three cars drove by in that time. She felt her phone buzz and pulled it out, checking it. It was now 11:30. Saki was definitely surprised but sighed. It felt like it had been longer.

My meetings done!! Did you get home okay? Do you still need a ride? - Sushi

No, I'm okay :]! You should head home, too - Saki

Saki snuck the word "too" in there to insinuate she herself was at home, knowing full well that she wasn't. Atsushi simply liked her message to show that he'd seen it. She sighed, turning off her phone and hugging herself once more. She knew she was probably going to catch a sickness from this. How annoying...

"Lying, are we?"

Saki nearly had a panic attack as she heard a voice from behind her. Nearly the split second she heard that she stumbled off the bench and spun around, trying to see who it was. She looked absolutely terrified, but her wide eyes calmed down, and her tensed body relaxed as she stepped back under the shelter.

Long hair, half purple half white. Cut badly, worse than Atsushi's. But it was unique in its own way. Sigma. "Sorry.. Hi." Saki mumbled, sitting back down.

Sigma was certainly surprised at her reaction and walked over to sit next to her. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to.." He gave a nervous smile. Saki slowly nodded.

"Atsushi was completely right." Sigma huffed, crossing his arms and giving her an accusatory look.

"Ah.. what?" Saki blinked a few times, locking eyes with him.

"Atsushi knew you hadn't gotten home yet, and before he texted if you still needed a ride he asked me to find you and take you home because he knew you'd refuse his help." Sigma began to unbutton his coat, removing it.

"I see." Saki clicked her tongue. Atsushi had been getting- to know her better and better. If she said it was, there was a higher chance it wasn't.

"Why're you taking your coat off?" Saki raised an eyebrow. "It's freezing." Her voice trailed off as the other set it on her shoulders, and took her arms and slipped them through the sleeves. He stands and does the same with her other arm.

He then buttons up the chest area of the coat, a smile on his face. "That's better.. right? And plus out of both of us, you're the one drenched with rain. So you're definitely colder. I can't believe you've been out here for more than four hours and didn't call me. You know I would've picked you up."

Saki noticed the other was completely dry, and noticed a black umbrella leaned against the bench.

"I know. That's why I didn't call you." Saki murmured, looking away.

Sigma sighed, and took her hand. She looked back at him as he pulled her to stand up, and grabbed his umbrella. "Well, you can't stop it now. I'm taking you home." Sigma smiled.

He opened the umbrella and stepped into the rain, pulling Saki with him. He put his arm around her as to keep her under the umbrella and out of the rain.

Sigma always saw right through Saki, long before Atsushi had started to. He always knew whenever she used her ability, whenever she was lying, whatever she was feeling.

"Hey, Saki." Sigma's tone was much softer now, as they walked. The tone it would normally be.

Saki looked up at him. "Yeah-? What is it?" She tilted her head.

"I care about you, you know. I'm not just doing this because Atsushi told me too." His words were genuine. Saki could tell. "You mean a lot to me. And it worries me to death when you pull stunts like this."

Saki blinked a few times. "It's not like I did it on purpose.." she wasn't used to being this cared for.

"But you didn't call anyone on purpose." Sigma looked at her. Saki refused to meet eyes with him.

"I'm sorry." She murmured.

"It's okay. I forgive you. But please take better care of yourself. You wouldn't have to worry about hiding anything if you just told the truth."

Saki merely nodded. Sigma always knew what to say, too..

The closeness, the care, it all sped up her heart rate even by just a little. Saki had come to terms with it a while ago.. she liked Sigma.

More lights became visible in the distance as they reached where the apartments and houses all began. The rain finally stopped.

Sigma sighed in relief and lowered the umbrella. He kept his arm around Saki, though, despite no longer needing to as they walked.

And Saki definitely liked it.

You could imagine the girls surprise when she stepped into her apartment and Sigma did the same, closing and locking the door as though he planned on staying there for the night. And he did. Closing his umbrella, he leaned it against the wall. "You should probably go change." Sigma mumbled.

Saki tilted his head. " weren't looking, were you?" She puffed out her cheeks in a pout as she narrowed her eyes at him. She did have her arms crossed over her chest the entire time, but she wasn't really watching where Sigma's eyes were.

"D-Don't be absurd!" Sigma exclaimed, rather defensively. "I-I would never!!" He huffed, and refused to look at her. It was only natural that while examining her to make sure she hadn't gotten any type of hurt, that his eyes would've at some point been on the crossed arms over her chest.

Saki merely smiled. She knew he didn't. But she found it funny, how shy Sigma could act some times over things that were no big deal. She removed the coat and walked to her bedroom.

She got a dry pair of pajamas; A long sleeve button up shirt and pants. She also got dry underclothing, and grabbed a towel. She took her hair out of her braids, groaning. She hated having to dry her hair due to how much of it there was.

Well, since she was already here, she was going to take a shower. She turned the water on, using the warm water of the shower to try and level out her body temperatures. Saki knew it was a little too late for that, though. Sickness was coming her way whether she liked it or not.

She got out after a little bit and dried off, drying her hair and then getting dressed. She didn't want to braid it, there was really no point. She put it in a ponytail and that was it.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, she noticed that her house was much warmer. "Sig?" She poked her head out of her bedroom.

"Yeah?" Sigma's voice came from the living room. Saki followed it, stretching her arms.

"Did you turn on the heat?"

Sigma fiddled with his thumbs. "Well- yeah, I thought it would help. Should I not have?" He couldn't help but just stare at her. Saki was unbelievably cute.

"No. I was just curious was all." Saki sat down next to him on the couch. Sigma blinked a few times, not really sure what to say now.

"You know, you look really tired, Saki." Sigma sighed, and cupped her cheek to lift her face to look at him. Saki stared wide eyed at him, certainly surprised.

Sigma gasped, and moved his hand away. "Oh, I just touched your face without asking! I'm so sorry!!" He cupped his own face, panicking slightly.

This only caused Saki to smile. "Sig, it's okay. You're fine. I promise." That was really sweet of him, actually.

"If you say so.." he looked away, embarrassed. Any time the two were close he'd always do something like that.

One time, he'd taken her hand. Another time, he'd played with her hair. Another time, he hadn't touched her at all but was staring at her lips. That wasn't so bad, but he'd gotten caught, and it embarrassed him. Meanwhile Saki was oblivious.

"You should- uhm, go to bed!" Sigma suddenly stood. Saki stood too.

"You're probably right." She sighed, and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Are you going to leave?" She asked quietly.

Sigma was surprised at the question. "Leave..?"

Saki's eyes were closed. Unfortunately this meant she was slipping into sleep whilst standing. "Mhm.. I.. want you to stay..." her voice was only getting quieter.

Suddenly Saki seemed limp, leaning against Sigma's shoulder. "S-Saki?" Ooooh, this panicked him.

Okay, calm down Sigma. A cute girl.. that you like.. and who likes you.. just- just carry her to her room and then go home. Just do that, and everything will be fine.

Sigma took a deep breath and picked her up, bridal style. He carried her to her room, and set her down on the bed. He pulled the blanket over her and knelt down, looking at her face.

He felt her forehead. "You're definitely going to be sick tomorrow.." he sighed and pushed some hair out of her face.

  I can't go home, not when she's like this, Sigma thought, sitting down on the edge of the bed. She won't take care of herself. Sigma clicked his tongue.

Well, he was going to stay. But he certainly wasn't going to stay up all night. How could he take care of Saki if he wasn't well rested? But he certainly wasn't planning to sleep on the bed next to her either.

  Sigma walked out of the room, though glancing back every once and a while. He laid down on the couch, yawning. A couch had never felt so comfy. He wondered if she'd be upset he stayed over without permission. But she told—asked him not to leave. But she was also half asleep when she said it. Perhaps she just murmured out gibberish?

  But while thinking about it, he had fallen asleep.

  Saki woke up at around 6 am. She groaned, sitting up. Not even 6 hours of sleep. Her entire body felt heavy and hot, and she recollected last nights events. Ah.. the sickness was setting in. She took a deep breath before brushing her hair, which took so much energy it was ridiculous. She didn't have the energy to try and braid it.

  She changed into a t-shirt and shorts, given that her pajamas were much too warm. She blinked at the temperature controls on her house. It was only 70 degrees? She huffed, as it felt like 90. She knew it was her sickness but she also knew that the cold could help. She turns on the AC then walked to her living room.

  She was surprised to see Sigma asleep on her couch. Don't leave. Guess he really took those words to heart, huh? She smiled softly and walked to the kitchen, getting herself ice water.

  Sigma wasn't sure what woke him up, as he usually didn't get up until eight hours after he went to sleep. He sat up, rubbing the back of his head. Oh right, he was at Saki's. He stood up and stretched. He felt well rested but the time was six am. He blinked in surprise.

  Sigma went to Saki's room only to find she wasn't there. He blinked and walked around the house until he found her in the kitchen. "Hey, you should be asleep." He frowned and walked over to her.

  Saki looked up at him, saying nothing. Sigma knelt down slightly to feel her forehead. "Oh, yeah.. you're definitely sick." He sighed.

  Saki rested her head against his chest, and Sigma nearly completely panicked, body freezing up. Though despite freezing up, his face certainly felt warm. "U-Uhm- Saki-? You— you okay?" He was definitely panicking.

  "I'm tired." Saki murmured.

  "W-well, you should go back to bed then." Despite how freaked out and panicky he felt at the moment, he'd kept his tone of voice soft the entire time. He didn't want to cause her any headache by speaking too loudly. He lifted her up.

  Saki gasped quietly at that, and just stared up at him. She sighed and leaned her head against him, letting herself relax in the others arms. Sigma swallowed thickly. He was getting much more up close and personal than he ever thought he'd be with Saki. Sigma thought that carrying someone was up close and personal.

  Sigma placed Saki down on the bed and she opened her eyes. "Right. I'll- I'll be in the living room." He quickly turned and attempted to walk away, but found himself not able to. Saki had grabbed onto his wrist.

  Sigma turned around, tilting his head. Saki said nothing, she wasn't even looking at him. She looked so drained. He sighed and knelt down, trying to lock eyes with her. "You want me to stay here in your room?"

  Hardly moving her eyes costed her energy. She didn't nod her head, merely said, "Mhm." She didn't let go of his wrist.

  "Alright then." Sigma simply sat at the edge of the bed again. But that didn't seem to be enough because Saki tugged at his wrist again.

  "Uhm- next to you?" He mumbled.

  "Yeah." Saki yawned.

  Sigma took a deep breath. This is fine. She's just asking so that - she can feel safe and not alone. "Y-You might be contagious!" He suddenly blurts out.

  "Mm?" Saki took a minute. "Oh... sorry." Saki pulled her blanket more over herself. "You can leave." She definitely didn't want the other fo catch a cold.

  Sigma frowned. "Well- no, I'll just.. I'll just sit here." He sits on the floor, against the bed, near where she is. "And that way if you need something I'll be right here." He gave her a nervous smile.

  "Okay..." Saki was wondering why this seemed so complicated. Oh well. She closed her eyes and let herself go back to sleep. She had hoped that by getting up when she woke up, she would've been able to ware off at least the symptoms of being sick. But it appeared not.

She let her arm drop and she began to play with the others hair. "Mm?" Sigma blinked a few times and glanced at her hand, before smiling softly. It was endearing, cute.

Sigma rested his head against the back of the mattress and closed his eyes. The both of them slept until around nine am. Sigma woke up first this time.

He tilted his head and stood up, yawning and stretching his arms. He felt much more well rested. He turned to look at Saki, who was huddled under a bunch of blankets. He crossed his arms and blinked. All of that heat isn't going to help her fever..

  Very carefully he removed two blankets so she just had a sheet. He knew she'd probably be cold but unfortunately the cold was necessary if the sickness was to go away quicker. He decided to go make her some soup.

  Once he did, he walked back to the bedroom. Still asleep...

  "Saki, wake up." His voice was soft, not wanting to startle her awake or anything. He lightly shook her shoulder.

  "..?" Saki slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him. Waking up and going back to sleep in the middle of the night had felt like a fever dream.

  "I made you soup." He smiled.

  "Oh.. thank you." Saki sat up.

  "You know how empty your fridge and pantry are though, right?" He blinked, putting the tray on her lap. She quietly ate the soup. She always hated being sick. She hated the feeling of being tried, more so.  "Were you planning on going grocery shopping soon."

  Saki locked eyes with Sigma and it felt as though this was some kind of test. "I didn't notice." She murmured, closing her eyes.

  "You didn't notice, or you didn't care?" Sigma put his hands on his hips.

  "Why does it matter?"


  "I'll go grocery shopping once I'm completely out of food, that was I won't have wasted any and there won't be left overs sitting at the back of my fridge." Saki huffed.

  "You weren't really ever good at lying, Saki. Or.. maybe you used to be. But after lying for so long, it's easy to catch on to." Sigma crossed his arms with a sigh. "If I had to guess I'd say you barely eat a few snacks a day, and that wouldn't be so bad if that was just. Since in a while thing when you didn't feel hungry. But it's normal. And you're hungry and yet you still don't eat more."

  Saki said nothing, finishing her soup. "Eating isn't important." She shrugged.

  "Saki..." he sighed and sat down beside her, moving the tray and bowl away. Despite having blurred out she could be contagious, that wasn't on his mind at all. He put an arm around her and gave her a sort of side hug, letting her lean on him.

"You need to take better care of yourself. How do you expect to take care of others if your own well being is withering away?" He huffed.

"I don't understand." Saki murmured.

"It's really not that hard to understand. If a sick person takes care of another sick person, but never take scare of themselves, they can-"

"I don't understand.. why you care about me." Saki murmured.

That certainly wasn't a sentence Sigma expected. "Because you're my friend. Friends care about each other like this."

"..friends wouldn't be able to tell when I was lying, Sig." She mumbled. "You care for me like nobody else ever has. It's weird. I don't understand it."

Sigma blinked a few times. "I'm not really sure what you want me to say. I guess I just read you better than anyone else." He shrugged.

Saki sighed, closing her eyes. "You know, the longer we sit like this the more comfy I'm gonna be, and then I'll fall asleep again."

"Ah—" She was probably right. Sigma nervously smiled. But he didn't want to get up. This was nice. Really, it was. He didn't want it to end.

"You could.. use some rest anyways." He said softly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Saki yawned. She'd slept quite a long time but more sleep than usual only made sense when you were sick. She moved though.

Saki shifted to where she sat in Sigma's lap, arms wrapped around him as she leaned her head on his chest. This was much more comfortable.

Sigma stared at her, his heart racing and eyes widened. "U-Uhm.."

"Why's your heart beating so fast..?" Saki murmured.

"W-well," Sigma was quick to get defensive. "How would you react if a cute girl just started cuddling you!?" I've said too much.

"..I'm- you think I'm cute?" Saki's eyes opened at that and she blinked a few times.

"Well- I mean—" Well, now Sigmas panicking.

"....I think you're cute too." She smiled softly and closed her eyes again.

Sigma swallowed thickly, his heart fluttering. "May I- hold you?" She was already cuddling him so the question was sort of silly.

"Of course, Sig." She smiled.

Sigma swallowed thickly as his arms wrapped around her waist loosely. This really was nice. "I— I like you a lot, you know." He decided to say.

"I know." She smiled. "I like you too. A lot."

She knows? Oh I've been so obvious this entire time, haven't it!? Sigma decided to save himself the freak out since she liked him back anyways. "Get some sleep, Saki." He played with her hair and closed his eyes.

Saki merely nodded and fell asleep with a soft smile on her face.

It wasn't long before the two eventually fell asleep.
