The Two Prince's

As Cussak and Chandler looked to the last two remains demons one over 6 foot and the other easily 5 foot nothing the tall one with white silver hair with dark blue tench coat and arm and leg armor while the short one had hair black as night and a red one peice shirt and pants wearing arm armor as they stood there. Unmoving the one with the white are with a smirk on his face while the one with the black hair had. A stoic unmoving face.

Cussak: As the second highest ranking demon here and everywhere. I would like to introduce. The third son of the demon king. The executioner. The Commandment of Pitey. The leader of the Ten commandments with a combat class of 61,000. I present to you Prince Zeldris!!!!!!

Said the pink haired demon with a wide smile as the short demon walked forth looking over the crowed as the air in the room felt as if it was thick with evil and rage. A rage that had one word. Darkness. His dark purple eyes looked at Cinder as she and the rest took a step back from his mere presence.

Zeldris: I wouldn't run if I was you. Let me tell you all why we are commandments. As you heard my teacher said. Piety. My Commandment every time someone turns there back on me or flees in my presents will serve my farther. And there for me. Each of our commandments act as a specific enchantment.

He then walks to the head of the long table as he sat it was if the room was filled with air as the humans and Salem took a deep breath.

Chandler: And I Chandler the highest ranking demon I give to you. The second born of the demon king. The sun eater. The Commandant of benevolence with a combat class of 60,000! Estarossa!!!!

He said as the tall man with white hair walked to the foot of the foot of the table for all to see he smiled as he showed his own darkness as the air compared to zeldris' which thickened the air. Estarossa's was suffocating even the commandments felt it as dropped a bead of cold sweat while Salem watched in what seemed to be fear. As Chandler smiled as his new pupil spoke in a calm tone still with that smirk.

Estarossa: Hello members of Salem's Court I am Estarossa the commandemt of benevolence or love. Why love you may ask? Besides the fact I was chosen for it. The law of my Commandment states "All those who holds hatred in there hearts will not be able to afflict harm upon another" which means all who holds anger or hatred will be so weak before me unable to make a fist.

He then sits in his chair as Salme sat in between  Cussak and Chandler. The rest sat at the table next to the commandments.

Cinder: How.... How can Salem be weaker then those two?

Emerald: I'm sure she is older than them both but did you all feel when the short guy Zeldris I think his name was? And his brother? What was that?

They flicked when Galand spoke.

Galand: that would he there darkness or aura that they showed one of the few things gs we all have. The pitch black around Greyroad, and the thi g going around Melacula and Derieri's arm and leg is called darkness. It heals demons and forms weapons or limbs.

Monspeet: you can not be quiet can you?

Galand: We old men love to talk to the young ones Monspeet heh being 996 years old will do that to you.

Fraudrin: you mean 6,996 Lord Galand if you count the seal.

Greyroad: which perfectly stopped all of our aging. Aging is illogical for all demons now heh heh ha!

Derir: bottom line is we can't age.

Drole: patience is ours now. For now we can only grow stronger.

Gloxina: true so now we can only train and hone our skills.

Melacula: can someone just pass the ale? 3,000 years of the same ale gets old

Galand: unlike us hahahaha!!

Estarossa then passed a full barrel of ale to Melacula as Zeldris ate until Estarossa spoke again.

Estrossa: hey Zel how about a game?

Zeldris looked at his older brother with a sneer.

Zeldris: I have no time for Estarossa. Why would you ask?

Estrossa: it's just a friendly arm wrestle is all. Or do you think you won't be able to do it?

Zeldris: tsk that may work on our idiot older brother but not me

He said taking a sip of his wine unless Estarossa said something that made Zeldris cough a little.

Estarossa: so you edment I am stronger

Zeldris stood up and walked away from the table and laid on the floor with his right elbow on the stone floor

Zeldris: Tsk one I edmented nothing. Two I would rather not damage our tables.

Estarossa stood up and walked over to his younger brother and laid in front of him with his right elbow also on the ground as Drole walked to them and sat on the left side of Estarossa so the others can see their "contest". Zeldris and Estarossa held each other's hand tight the later with the smirk as the former kept his stoic face. Drole then held both of there hands together as Estarossa looked at his younger brother.

Drole: 3

Zeldris then squeezed his hand

Drole: 2

Estarossa smirked

Drole:...... 1!!!

Drole then let go and jumped to the table in on leap as the following happened

Zeldris's hand was already on the ground as Estarossa's was on top of his yet in there wake was a crater with a 15 meter radius (49 feet) leaving a 30 meter (98 feet)  diameter

Estarossa smiled knowing that if they made a bet he just won it.

Zeldris on the other hand looked away mad at himself knowing he was close but Estarossa loved to tease his brother and that was one thing Zeldris didn't mind about his older brother's antics.

As the "teachers" watched the young princes (if you could call them young) with glee as Salem and the others knew what this would entail. And third holy war. A full war. No more skirmishes all over the world but war. And now the princes where released. The executioner and the torturer. The representative and the royal guard. The piety and the love. The two destinated to rule yet only one shall. Unless you count Him. And now as the  Ten Commandments once again walked the face of Remnant. And this time no giant, fairy nor human or even Goddess for that matter could stop them now. And nothing would get in her and her students way. Salem then thought "Opzin I am sorry for the hell I will unleash but our game will finally come to an end. Forgive me my lover"

Estarossa then looked at his new teacher and smirked if he should do it or not? After all. That white hair looks amazing for her almost demonic skin. The skin of his clan. Yes the outside world is beautiful

1203 words I'm honestly impressed a few things for this story I should have said in the beginning.

1. The demon king is still a a hole but cares for his younger two sons

2. I will speak of voting on poles in a different chapter.

This has been Lycan I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day.
